You can search by clicking on one of the following links on the upper side of the screen.
"Authors" to search for an author
"Works" to search for a work
"Receptions" to search for a reception
Some hints for the various fields on which you can search:
Author of reception document
Use this field to find receptions by this person.
To find receptions by a woman: search on her name
To find receptions by a category (i.e. by men): search on the category
To find receptions by a specific man: search on his name in the "title of reception document" field
Author of work
Use this field to find receptions of the works of this writer.
This list contains only countries, not the areas in which a language was spoken.
Sometimes you are uncertain about a country, for instance if you don't know if a writer who wrote in German lived in Germany, Austria, Switzerland or even the double-monarchy. Similary if a writer wrote in various languages or in the language that was not the official one of the country in which she lived.
In such cases, it's best to try all possible countries (or no country at all)
Elements of bibliography
In this field you can search for various bibliographical works
The list of authors also ..\includes:
* some names of persons who are not known for certain to be female (to find them choose "both")
* various categories for male authors (e.g. translator) - their names, if known, are specified in the relevant records
The list allows you to choose amongst a number of genres.
We have chosen to use fairly broadly defined genres, instead of splitting them into more precise subgenres (like historical novel, novel in letters).
Living in year
You can only search on a single year.
Searching on a period of time is not possible
Search in the names of "authors". The term "authors" here ..\includes translators and reporters, and any other women who have addressed themselves to a wider audience in writing or in print. Not included are women who just kept a diary or only wrote private letters.
When searching, a part of the name often suffices.
Receiving country
Choose the country for which you'd like to see data on receptions.
Please note: if you're looking for translations into a particular language, try all the countries in which this language was used.
Records per page
You can change this value if you'd like to see more records per page
Search on references to the source of a reception (such as journal, volume and page number of an article)
This list contains the various sources in which data can be found. These include 18th and 19th century journals, library catalogues and lists of translations. By selecting one, you get the data which were found in this source.
Title of reception document
Search on the title of a translation, article etc. You can also use this field to search male reception-authors by name.
Search on narrative elements that can have a part in women's texts. Such elements, called "narrative topoi", are indicated with a code which was developed by SATOR (Société pour l'Analyse de la Topique Romanesque; see At the moment, these codes are only available in French.
We are working on selecting topoi that can be considered relevant for the field of female authorship.
Type of reception document
This is a list of the various types of receptions: translation, journal article, comments in an egodocument etc.
By selecting one, you get data on receptions of that particular type.
Words of title
You can search on the whole or part of a title. If you search on common words, the number of results may be too high. Try searching on words that are unique to the title you're looking for.
Written/published in year
Search on the year in which a reception was written or published.
The "Reports" link takes you to a page with reports. Reports contain all the data in this database, grouped in various ways.
Editors can use "login" link to get to the login page.
An author's position between predecessors and followers
For a selected author this report shows influences received (left) and audiences found (right), as far as evidence is contained in the database.
Clicking the name of an author in the rows at the right or left makes her the centre between influences received and audiences found.
Has read | | Is read by |
| | |
Abrantès, Laure d' |
Ackermann, Louise |
Adlersfeld-Ballestrem, Eufemia von |
Agnesi, Maria Gaetana |
Ahlborn, Luise |
Alberti, Sophie |
Albert, Marie-Madeleine Bonafons d' |
Alcott, Louisa May |
Alt, Helene |
Ancelot, Marguerite Louise Virginie |
~~anonymous English |
~~anonymous German |
Arnim, Eva von |
Assing, Ludmilla |
Astl-Leonhard, Anna |
Aston, Louise |
Aubin, Penelope |
Aubourg de La Bove, Anne d' |
Augustin, Maria von |
Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' |
Auneuil, Louise de Bossigny, Comt... |
Austen, Jane |
~~author male (name below) |
Ayzac, Félicie Marie Émilie d' |
Baisch, Amalia |
Bajza, Lenke |
Barber, Ida |
Barbier, Marie-Anne |
Barker, Jane |
Barthélemy Hadot, Marie Adélaide |
Bastide, Jenny Dufourquet |
Baudissin, Eva |
Baudissin, Sophie von |
Bawr, Alexandrine-Sophie Goury de... |
Beauharnais, Fanny Mouchard Comte... |
Beaulieu, Gertraut Châles de |
Beauvoir, Madame Roger de |
Beccari, Madame |
Behn, Aphra |
Behrens, Berta |
Benaglio, Ines |
Bennett, Agnes Maria |
Berend, Alice |
Berger, Ilse |
Berks, Marie Edle von |
Bernard, Cathérine |
Bernhard, Marie |
Bernstorff, Gräfin Elise von |
Bertin, Louise Angélique |
Bethusy-Huc, Valeska |
Bigot, Mary |
Bindewald, Luise |
Binzer, Ina von |
Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte |
Birch, Wilhelmine |
Blessington, Marguerite |
Blum, Lodoiska von |
Bobertag, Bianca |
Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& |
Bock, Annie |
Boetticher, Clarissa |
Bogler, Agnes |
Böhlau, Helene |
Böhl de Faber, Caecilia |
Boissier, Catherine Valérie |
Bölte, Amely |
Bonacci Brunamonti, Maria Alinda |
Bonhote, Elizabeth |
Böttger, Clementine |
Bouée, Marie-Elisabeth |
Bouiller, Judith Elisabeth |
Bourdon, Mathilde |
Bourette, Charlotte Rouyer |
Bourignon, Antoinette |
Boursier, Louise |
Bouverie, Sophia |
Boy-Ed, Ida |
Brachvogel, Carry |
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth |
Brandrup, Marie |
Brassey, Anna Allnutt |
Braun, Isabella |
Bray, Anna Eliza |
Breitzmann, Agnes |
Bremer, Fredrika |
Brontë, Charlotte |
Brooke, Frances |
Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Caroline... |
Buerstenbinder/Bürstenbinder, El... |
Bülow, Babette von |
Bülow, Frieda von |
Bülow Wendhausen, Paula |
Burnett, Frances Hodgson |
Burney, Fanny |
Burney, Sarah Harriet |
Burow, Julie |
Caldwell, Anne |
Callot, Magdalene von |
Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette G... |
Candeille, Amélie-Julie |
Centlivre, Susanna |
Charrière, Isabelle de |
Chézy, Helmina von |
Choiseul-Meuse, Félicité de |
Christine de Pizan |
Ciotta, Natalie von |
Čjumina, Olga Nikolajevna |
Clifford, Lucy |
Cochelet, Louise |
Cochois, Mademoiselle de |
*Córdula |
Cosmar, Antonie von |
Costerman, Mina |
Cottin, Sophie |
Courts-Mahler, Hedwig |
Cozzi, Orsola |
Craon, Princesse Valentine du Cay... |
Craven, Elizabeth Berkely, Lady ... |
Cruz, Juana Inés de la |
Dacier, Anne |
Dalibar, Françoise-Thérèse Aum... |
Dash, Comtesse |
Daubenton, Marguerite |
Decken, Auguste von der |
De la Motte - Fouqué, Caroline |
Deledda, Grazia |
Delle Grazie, Marie Eugenie |
Desbordes-Valmore, Marceline |
Deschamps, Madame |
Deshoulières, Antoinette |
Dmitrieva,Valentina Iovovna |
Dohm, Hedwig |
Dovsky, Beatrice |
Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von |
Dugalić-Nedeljković, Desanka |
Dumbrava, Bucura |
Duncker, Dora |
Dunne, Mary Chavelita |
Dunoyer, Anne-Marguerite |
Durand de Bédacier, Catherine |
Düringsfeld, Ida von |
Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von |
Eckhel, Anna Hilaria von |
Edgeworth, Maria |
Egidy, Emmy von |
Egidy Nostitz, Lenka von |
Ehrmann, Marianne |
Elie de Beaumont, Anne Louise |
Eliot, George |
Endler, Viktorine |
Eon de Beaumont, Charles-Geneviè... |
Épinay, Louise de |
Ernst, Johanna |
Evans Wilson, Augusta Jane |
Faccio, Rina |
Fauque, Marianne-Agnès Pillement... |
Felsing, Helene |
Fielding, Sarah |
Fleury, Madame |
Flygare-Carlén, Emilie |
Foa, Eugénie |
Fontettes de Sommery, Mademoiselle |
Fouqueau de Pussy, Jeanne Justine |
François, Louise von |
Franul von Weissenthurn, Johanna |
Frapan, Ilse |
Freese, Henriette |
Friedrich-Friedrich, Emmy Frieder... |
Frohberg, Regina |
Fullerton, Lady Georgiana |
Fumelh, Madame de |
Gaskell, Elizabeth |
Gautier, Judith |
Gay, Sophie |
Gayworowski, Sabine von |
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité de |
Gerard, Emily |
Gerbrandt, Marie |
Gerhard, Adele |
Gerner, Marie |
Gersdorff, Wilhelmine von |
Giese, Marie |
Gillot de Beaucour, Louise Genevi... |
Glaser, Marie |
Glümer, Charlotte von |
Glümer, Claire von |
Goës, Herma |
Gomard de Vaubernier, Marie Jeanne |
Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de |
Gonzal, Jeanne Françoise |
Gore, Catherine Grace Frances |
Görner, Anna Nora |
Gottis, Augustine |
Goudar, Sara |
Gouges, Olympe de |
Graffigny, Françoise de |
Griffith, Elizabeth |
Groner, Auguste |
Grossmann, Julie von |
Grünwald-Zerkowitz,Sidonie |
Guibert, Louise-Alexandrine, Comt... |
Guischard, Wilhelmine Constanze |
Guizot, Pauline |
Gumpert, Thekla von |
Gunning, Susannah |
Gyllembourg, Thomasine Christine |
Gyp |
Hahn-Hahn, Ida von |
Hamilton, Mary |
Hansson, Laura Mohr |
Harraden, Beatrice |
Hartenstein, Anna |
Haywood, Eliza |
Hector, Annie French |
Heems, Femina |
Helm, Clementine |
Helme, Elizabeth |
Helwig, Amalie von |
Henschel, Anna Doris Sophie |
Herbert, Johanna |
Hervey, Elizabeth |
Herz, Wilhelmine |
Hesekiel, Ludovika |
Hessig, Hertha |
Hillern, Hermine von |
Hirsch, Jenny |
Hirsch, Marie |
Hohlfeld, Dora |
Hölder, Luise |
Horn, Flora |
Hory, Etelka |
Huber, Therese |
Hughes, Ann(e) |
Hülsen, Helene von |
Humbracht, Luise Ernestine Malwin... |
Inchbald, Elizabeth |
Ittenbach, Cunigunde |
Janitschek, Maria |
Jewsbury, Geraldine Endsor |
Jussy, Mlle de |
Kallusky, Martha |
Kalnein, Elsa |
Kapff-Essenther, Franziska |
Kapri, Mathilde von |
Karsch, Anna Luise |
Kautsky, Minna |
Kavanagh, Julia |
Keiter, Therese |
Kéralio, Louise-Félix Guynement... |
Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia |
Keyser, Stephanie |
Kirschner, Lula |
Kisielnicka, Józefa |
Klinck-Lütetsburg, Fanny |
Klock, Amanda |
Klopstock, Margaretha |
Knauff, Marie |
Knobelsdorff-von Brenkenhoff, Nat... |
Knobloch, Luise |
Knorring, Sophie von |
Kobell, Luise von |
Konopnicka, Maria |
Köppel, Emmy |
Kovalevsky, Sonja |
Krestovskaya, Mariya Vsevolodovna |
Kristina Wasa |
Krug, Maria |
La Chapelle-Roobol, Suze |
Lacroma, Paul Maria |
Laddey, Emma |
Lafayette, Marie-Madeleine de |
La Force, Charlotte de |
Lagerlöf, Selma Ottiliana Lovisa |
La Grange de Richebourg, Madame |
La Guesnerie, Charlotte Charbonni... |
Laisse, Madame de |
Lambert, Anne-Thérèse de |
Lambert, Juliette |
Lamb, Lady Caroline |
Lambrecht, Nanny |
La Motte, Mademoiselle de |
La Ramée, Maria Louise de |
La Roche Guilhem, Anne de |
La Roche, Sophie von |
Lazarus, Nahida Ruth |
Lee, Margaret |
Leesen, Postuma Wilh. von |
Leffler, Anne Charlotte |
Le Marchand, Françoise Duché, D... |
L'Enclos, Ninon de |
Lennox, Charlotte (Barbara) |
Lenzen, Maria |
Leonhardt-Lyser, Karoline |
Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie |
Le Rebours, Madame Anel |
Lescailje, Katharina |
Levesque, Louise Cavelier |
Lewald, Fanny |
Lieres und Wilkau, Gabriele von |
Lohmann, Emilie Friederike Sophie |
Löhn-Siegel, Maria Anna |
Louran, Hermine |
Luhs, Maria de |
Lussan, Marguerite de |
Mahn Wothe, Anny |
Maintenon, Françoise de |
Malarme, Charlotte de Bournon Dame |
Malecka, Marie |
Malling, Mathilda |
Maltzahn, Ada von |
Manley, Delarivier |
Manson, Marie Françoise Clarisse |
Manteuffel, Ursula Zöge von |
Marby, Amalie |
Marguerite de France |
Marlitt, Eugenie |
Marni, Jeanne |
Marryat, Florence |
Martin, Anaïs |
Martini, Selma |
Mataja, Emilie |
Mathers, Helen Buckingham |
Maul, Anna |
Mayerffy, Marie von |
Mayreder, Rosa |
Maytner, Alberta von |
Mazarelli, Claire |
Meades, Anna |
Meerheimb, Henriette von |
Melegari, Dora |
Mérard de Saint-Just, Anne-Jeann... |
Merian, Maria Sibylla |
Merlin, Comtesse |
Meysenburg, Malwida von DELETE: s... |
Michaelis, Karin |
Migerka, Katharina |
Moens, Petronella |
Mohrenheim, Juliane |
Mohr, Marie L. F. |
Monbart, Marie-Joséphine de Lescun |
Mongellaz, Fanny |
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley |
Montmort, Mademoiselle de |
Montolieu, Isabelle de |
Montpensier, Anne-Marie-Louise d'... |
Morgenstern, Lina |
Morton, Anne Douglas Countess of |
Morville, Mademoiselle Fatné de |
Morzkowska, Waleria |
Motteville, Madame de |
Mrazović, Milena |
Mundt, Klara &&& |
Murat, Henriette Julie de |
Murray, Fanny |
Nădejde, Sofia |
Najmajer, Marie von |
Nałkowska, Zofia |
Nathusius, Marie |
Naubert, Christiane Benedikte Eug... |
Navarre, Marguerite de |
Negri, Ada |
Němcová, Božena |
Nemours, Marie d'Orléans, Duches... |
Neumann Hofer, Annie |
Niebelschütz, Sophie von |
Nier, Anna Frieda |
Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah ... |
Nowotny, Isabella |
Oertzen, Marie Margarete von |
Opie, Amelia |
Ormoy, Charlotte Chaumet d' |
Orzeszkowa, Eliza |
Ottenheimer, Henriette |
Otto-Peters, Louise |
Owenson, Sydney &&& |
Paalzow, Henriette von |
Paar, Elisabeth |
Palmé-Paysen, Hilda Ottilie |
Pannier, Sophie |
Paoli, Betty |
Pape, Claire |
Pardo Bazán, Emilia |
Parsons, Eliza |
Peard, Frances Mary |
Petrasch, Eugenie |
Pfeiffer, Ida Laura &&& |
Philips, Katherine |
Pichler, Karoline |
Pichler, Louise |
Pirka, Rosa |
Plehn, Auguste |
Podjavorinská, L'udmila |
Polier, Marie-Elisabeth |
Polko, Elise |
Pompadour, Marquise de, Jeanne-An... |
Poradowska, Marguerite |
Porcellet, Felipa |
Porter, Anna Maria |
Pötting, Hedwig |
Preissová, Gabriela |
Prigge-Brook, Marie |
Proschko, Hermine Camilla |
Puisieux, Madeleine de |
Puttkamer, Marie Madeleine von |
Puzynina, Gabriela |
Radcliffe, Ann |
Raven, Mathilde |
Reeve, Clara |
Řeháková, Anna |
Reichardt-Stromberg, Mathilde |
Reichel, Emma |
Reinhardt, Friederike |
Renier Michiel, Giustina |
Rettigová, Magdalena Dobromila |
Reuter, Gabriele |
Reventlow, Franziska Fanny zu |
Reybaud, Fanny-Henriette |
Reyer Prokesch, Irene |
Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne |
Riedberg, Erika |
Riedel-Ahrens, Bertha |
Rijssen, Johanna van |
Robinson, Emma |
Robinson, Mary |
Roche, Regina Maria Dalton |
Rose, Felicitas |
Roskowska, Marie von |
Roumier, Marie-Anne |
Rowe, Elizabeth Singer |
Rudolphi, Caroline |
Rümelin-Oesterlen, Natalie |
Sacher-Masoch, Wanda von |
Saint-Léger, Mademoiselle de |
Saint-Rémy de Valois de la Motte... |
Saint-Surin, Marie Caroline Rosal... |
Salburg Falkenstein, Edith |
Sale, Florentia |
Sand, George |
Sapho |
Savi Lopez, Maria |
Schmidt, Wilhelmine |
Schönberg, Marie von |
Schopenhauer, Adele |
Schopenhauer, Johanna |
Schoppe, Amalia Emma Sophie Katha... |
Schreiber, Clara |
Schubert, Hermine |
Schuhmann, Sophie |
Schultz, Jeanne |
Schwartzkoppen, Clotilde von |
Schwartz, Marie Sophie |
Schwerin, Josephine |
Scott, Sarah |
Scudéry, Madeleine de |
Selden, Catharine |
Serao, Matilde |
Sévigné, Marie de |
Sheridan, Frances |
Sherwood, Mary Martha |
Sick, Ingeborg Maria |
Simon, Emma |
Skram, Amalie |
Smith, Charlotte |
Sor, Charlotte de |
Spättgen, Doris |
Speyer, Amely |
Spyri, Johanna |
Staal-Delaunay, Marguerite-Jeanne... |
Staël, Germaine de |
Stahl, Caroline |
Stålberg, Wilhelmina Karolina |
Stanhope, Hester |
Stein, Mizi |
Stengel, Franziska von |
Stöckert, Fanny |
Stratenus, Louise Antoinette |
Strempel, Dora |
Strumfels, Käthe |
Strussenfelt, Ulrika von |
Struve, Amalie |
Sudermann, Clara |
Suttner, Bertha von |
Světlá, Karolina |
Sylva, Carmen |
Tarbé des Sablons, Michelle Cath... |
Tarnow, Fanny |
Tastu, Amable |
Tautphoeus, Jemima |
Tencin, Claudine A.G. de |
Tenger, Mariam |
Teresa de Jesús, Santa (Teresa d... |
Theiss, Anna |
Thiroux d'Arconville, Marie Genev... |
Timme, Maria |
Troll Borostyáni, Irma von |
Trollope, Frances &&& |
Tschudi, Clara |
Uncy, Mademoiselle |
Valois, Marguerite de |
Viebig, Clara |
Viková-Kunětická, Božena |
Vilinska, Mariya |
Villedieu, Madame de |
Villeneuve, Gabrielle Suzanne Bar... |
Villinger, Hermine Anna Theresia ... |
Violaine, Madame de |
Voïart, Elise |
Warburg, Emilie von |
Warden, Florence Alice Price |
Warner, Susan Bogert |
Wauer, Minna |
Weise, Lisa |
Weismüller, Auguste |
Weissenthurn, Maximiliane von |
Werken, Margareta Geertruid van der |
Westkirch, Luise |
Wettstein-Adelt, Minna |
Whitehead, Emma |
Wildermuth, Ottilie |
Wilke, Henriette |
Willigerod, Lilly |
Willms-Wildermuth, Agnes |
Wilson, Harriette |
Winter, Amalie |
Wirth, Bettina |
Wobeser, Karoline von |
Wohlbrück Bern, Olga |
Wohl, Stefánia |
Wolfersdorf, Elise Charlotte Frei... |
Wolff, Betje |
Wollstonecraft, Mary &&& |
Woltmann, Karoline von |
Wouters, Cornélie |
Wright, Frances |
Wuttke Biller, Emma |
Zauli Sajani, Ifigenia |
Zayas y Sotomayor, Maria de |
Zay, Maria von |
Zitelmann, Katharine |
Zöller (Zoeller) Lionheart, Cha... |
Zuccari, Anna |
~~reader(s) (gender unknown) |