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Found 4094 records
Author Title Year Country Genre
1 Nelken, Margarita La condición social de la mujer. Su estado actu... 1919 Spain scholarship, to be considered as
2 Nelken, Margarita Las escritoras españolas 1930 Spain bio-bibliographical compilation
3 Nennstiehl, Pauline Sophia Louise Wettenboekje. Rechtsspreuken ten dienste der vro... 1912 Netherlands to be specified
4 Nennstiehl, Pauline Sophia Louise De Vrouw in De XXste Eeuw. Algemeen halfmaandeli... 1914 Netherlands periodical press (editor)
5 Nennstiehl, Pauline Sophia Louise De Vrouw in De XXste Eeuw. Weekblad voor de Vrou... 1911 Netherlands periodical press (editor)
6 Neovius, Dagmar, Louisa Charlotta 20 ohjelmaa iltamia ja kokouksia varten. 1 1913 Finland educational
7 Neovius, Dagmar, Louisa Charlotta Striden om Finlands samhällsskick. 1, Åren 189... 1912 Finland history writing
8 Neovius, Dagmar, Louisa Charlotta Om åskådningsundervisning 1894 Finland educational
9 Nesbitt y Calleja, María Micaela Zulíma : novela histórica [Zulima: a historica... 1817 Spain historical novel
translation of work by male or unknown author
10 Neufville, Christina Leonora *Translation of Morand, P.: Childéric 1738 Netherlands translation of work by male or unknown author
11 Neufville, Christina Leonora *Translation of Voltaire 1741 Netherlands translation of work by male or unknown author
12 Neufville, Christina Leonora Bespiegelingen voorgesteld in Dichtmaatige Brieven 1741 Netherlands translation of work by male or unknown author
13 Neufville, Christina Leonora *Christina Leonora Neufville, the author Netherlands irrelevant
14 Neufville, Margaretha Jacoba de De schildknaap (iets uit den ouden tijd.) Een oo... 1827 Netherlands historical novel
15 Neufville, Margaretha Jacoba de De kleine pligten 1824 Netherlands novel
16 Neufville, Margaretha Jacoba de *Dagboek (written in French, Neufville) 1850 Netherlands autobiography
17 Neufville, Margaretha Jacoba de Galerij van beroemde mannen en vrouwen in Nederl... 1821 Netherlands bio-bibliographical compilation
18 Neufville, Margaretha Jacoba de Elisabeth Basmooth of eene Engelsche plant op Ho... 1836 Netherlands historical novel
19 Neufville, Margaretha Jacoba de *Margaretha Jacoba de Neufville, the author Netherlands irrelevant
20 Neufville, Margaretha Jacoba de Acht oorspronkelijk Nederduitsche verhalen voor ... 1840 Netherlands short story/ies
21 Neufville, Margaretha Jacoba de *Translation of Hendrik d'Effiat, Marquis van Ci... 1833 Netherlands translation of work by male or unknown author
22 Neufville, Maria de Het verhaal van mijn droevig leven 1750 Netherlands autobiography
23 Nève, Louise de Vervreemd 1890 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
24 Nève, Louise de *Louise de Nève, the author Netherlands irrelevant
25 Nève, Louise de De vorstinnen van het Huis van Oranje-Nassau (Na... 1898 Netherlands biography
26 Nève, Louise de Aleide Ploegers 1892 Netherlands novel
27 Nève, Louise de Kindervreugd en kinderleed 1884 Netherlands short story/ies
28 Nève, Louise de *Contribution to Hollandsche Lelie 1899 Netherlands contribution to women's press
29 Nève, Louise de Een oud devies 1900 Netherlands novel
30 Nevius, Sara Een aendachtig leerling 1706 Netherlands to be specified
31 Nevius, Sara *Sara Nevius, the author Netherlands irrelevant
32 Neyenborch, Regina *Regina Neyenborch, the author Netherlands irrelevant
33 Nielsen, Ragna Vilhelmine Ullmann Fra de smaa FølelsersTid (from the time of smal... 1907 Norway short story/ies
34 Nielsen, Ragna Vilhelmine Ullmann Bare en liten hjertefeil, og andre historier (Ju... 1915 Norway short story/ies
35 Nielsen, Ragna Vilhelmine Ullmann Norsk kvindesagsforening andragende til justisde... 1895 Norway "feminist" writing
36 Nielsen, Ragna Vilhelmine Ullmann Norske Kvinder i det 19nde Aarhundrede (Norwegia... 1904 Norway bio-bibliographical compilation
37 Nielsen, Ragna Vilhelmine Ullmann Camilla Collett (in Ord & Bild, 22, pp 97-107) 1913 Sweden contribution to periodical press
38 Nieuwland, Constantia van den *Constantia van den Nieuwland, the author Netherlands irrelevant
39 Nievelt, Adriana Johanna van *Adriana Johanna van Nievelt, the author Netherlands irrelevant
40 Nijhoff, Hendrina Hermina Afgodsdienst. Om eene naam 1889 Netherlands translation of work by male or unknown author
41 Nijhuis, Jeanette *Contribution to Hollandsche Lelie 1899 Netherlands contribution to women's press
42 Nijhuis, Jeanette Verzen 1875 Netherlands poetry
43 Nijland, J. Aleida *Art in De Gids 1908 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
44 Nijland, J. Aleida *Aleida Nijland, the author Netherlands irrelevant
45 Nilsen, Karen Til beslægtede sjæle : digte [To related souls... 1892 Norway poetry
46 Nilsen, Karen En Sjæls Historie : Digt [A Soul's Story : Poem] 1898 Norway poetry
47 Nilsen, Karen Mens dagene glider : nye digte til beslægtede s... 1909 Norway poetry
48 Nilsen, Karen Kvinder : Margrete [Women : Margrete] 1897 Norway poetry
49 Nilsen, Karen Kvinders sange [Women's Songs] 1895 Norway poetry
50 Nilsen, Karen Sigrid Bergne : fortælling [Sigrid Bergne : sto... 1902 Norway novel
51 Nilsen, Karen Gransus : nye Digte til beslægtede Sjæle [Gran... 1894 Norway poetry
52 Nispen, Maria van *Maria van Nispen, the author Netherlands irrelevant
53 Noorda, Pieter Jasper van der Eerstelingen. Verspreide dichtstukjes 1855 Netherlands poetry
54 Noorda, Pieter Jasper van der Hoe men dieper valt 1859 Netherlands to be specified
55 Noorda, Pieter Jasper van der Kijkjes in het binnenland 1870 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
56 Noorda, Pieter Jasper van der Wendela 1872 Netherlands novel
57 Noorda, Pieter Jasper van der *Ada Nore, the author Netherlands irrelevant
58 Noorda, Pieter Jasper van der Een enig kind 1867 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
59 Noorda, Pieter Jasper van der Eene dwaling 1868 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
60 Noordwal, Cornélie Alexandrine Freule Edith 1896 Netherlands novel
61 Noordwal, Cornélie Alexandrine *Cornelie Alexandrine Noordwal, the author Netherlands irrelevant
62 Noordwal, Cornélie Alexandrine De referendaris-titulair : Haagsch blijspel in v... 1905 Netherlands drama
63 Noordwal, Cornélie Alexandrine De winkeljuffrouw uit l’Oiseau d’Or – Chap... 1903 Netherlands novel
64 Noordwal, Cornélie Alexandrine Ursule Hagen 1900 Netherlands novel
65 Noordwal, Cornélie Alexandrine Kleine Trees 1895 Netherlands novel
66 Norby, Ovidia Christine Fredrikke Vor Ven Unkas : en Fortælling fra Virkeligheden... 1882 Norway novel
67 Norby, Ovidia Christine Fredrikke Det lokkende Avertissement (The tempting adverti... 1869 Norway novel
68 Norby, Ovidia Christine Fredrikke Hvad Lønnetræet fortalte [What the Maple told] 1871 Norway novel
69 Norby, Ovidia Christine Fredrikke Onkel Otto (Uncle Otto] 1900 Norway novel
70 Norby, Ovidia Christine Fredrikke Bedstemor [Grandmother] 1899 Norway novel
71 Norby, Ovidia Christine Fredrikke Lyse billeder: fortællinger [Bright pictures: s... 1897 Norway novel
72 Norby, Ovidia Christine Fredrikke I en Aftentime : to Smaastykker [In an Evening H... 1878 Norway novel
73 Normann, Regine Bortsat (deported) 1906 Norway novel
74 Normann, Regine Stængt (closed) 1908 Norway novel
75 Normann, Regine Krabvaag: Skildringer fra et lidet fiskevær (Kr... 1905 Norway novel
76 Normann, Regine Faafængt (in vain) 1911 Norway novel
77 Nort, Betsy Beroepsarbeid der gehuwde vrouw 1921 Netherlands "feminist" writing
78 Nort, Betsy In het zwaluwhuis, naar het Noorsch 1906 Netherlands children's literature
79 Nort, Betsy Schets van de rechtspositie der getrouwde vrouw ... 1914 Netherlands to be specified
80 Nort, Betsy Schets van de rechtspositie der getrouwde vrouw 1915 Netherlands to be specified
81 Novy, Lili Oboki (Archade) 1959 Slovenia poetry
82 Novy, Lili Temna vrata (Dark door) 1941 Slovenia poetry
83 Novy, Lili Lilly's Gedichte 1929 Slovenia poetry
84 Öhrlund, Saimi Sisarukset 1914 Finland novel
85 Öhrlund, Saimi Mustat varjot 1913 Finland novel
86 Ollefen-Da Silva, C.E. van Na de uitmuntende voorstelling der rol van Frede... 1845 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
87 Ollefen-Da Silva, C.E. van *C.E. van Ollefen - Da Silva, the author Netherlands irrelevant
88 Olsoni-Qvist, Anna Keittokirja yksinkertaista ruuanlaittoa varten k... 1893 Finland cookery book
89 Oly, Catharina Jans *Catharina Jans Oly, the author Netherlands irrelevant
90 Onerva, L. Särjetyt jumalat 1910 Finland poetry
91 Onerva, L. Mirdja 1908 Finland novel
92 Onerva, L. Sekasointuja 1904 Finland poetry
93 Onerva, L. Runoja 1908 Finland poetry
94 Onerva, L. Murtoviivoja 1909 Finland short story/ies
95 Onerva, L. Mies ja nainen 1912 Finland short story/ies
96 Onerva, L. Iltakellot 1912 Finland poetry
97 Onerva, L. Inari 1913 Finland novel
98 Onerva, L. Nousukkaita 1911 Finland short story/ies
99 Onerva, L. Vangittuja sieluja 1915 Finland short story/ies
100 Onerva, L. Kaukainen kevät 1914 Finland poetry
101 Ooremans, Rebekka *Rebekka Dresselaar-Ooremans, the author Netherlands irrelevant
102 Ooremans, Rebekka Stichtelyke Gedichten (Moens & Ooremans) 1789 Netherlands poetry
103 Oort, G.A.E. *Art. on Jonas Lie 1895 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
104 Oortman, Suzanna Maria *Suzanna Maria Oortman, the author Netherlands irrelevant
105 Oosten, Geertruyd van *Geertruyd van Oosten, the author Netherlands irrelevant
106 Oosten, Geertruyd van Het daghet in den oosten 1499 Netherlands poetry
107 Oosterwijk, Marie van Mathilde of Nina 1870 Netherlands translation of work by male or unknown author
108 Oosterzee, Cornelie van *Cornelie van Oosterzee, the author Netherlands irrelevant
109 Oostrum, Anna van *Anna van Oostrum, the author Netherlands irrelevant
110 Oostveen, Marga *Contribution to Hollandsche Lelie 1895 Netherlands contribution to women's press
111 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia Zielestrijd 1908 Netherlands novel
112 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia Een Hongaarsche samenzwering : treurspel in vijf... 1905 Netherlands drama
113 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia Over den twijfel in het drama 1878 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
114 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia *Translation of E. Madách: Az ember tragédiája 1887 Netherlands translation of work by male or unknown author
115 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia De koning van een vreugderijk 1913 Netherlands novel
116 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia Een liefdedroom in 1795 1906 Netherlands novel
117 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia In dagen van strijd 1877 Netherlands historical novel
118 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia Vorstengunst 1883 Netherlands historical novel
119 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia De laatste Gothen 1880 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
120 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia Schetsen uit de Hongaarsche poëzie (Alex. Petö... 1889 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
121 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia Noordse schetsen 1876 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
122 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia *Adèle Sophia Cornelia Opzoomer, the author Netherlands irrelevant
123 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia *Gerda. Vrij bewerkte Noordsche sage 1884 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
124 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia Der Sturz des Hauses Alba 1875 Netherlands drama
125 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia Johann de Witt 1876 Netherlands drama
126 Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia Willem III en de moord der gebroeders de Witt 1876 Netherlands essay
127 Orberá y Carrión, María Los peligros de la infancia [The dangers of chil... 1900 Spain translation of work by male or unknown author
128 Ortiz Ortiz, María Manual para los aficionados a la pintura al óle... 1912 Spain educational
translation of work by male or unknown author
129 Osch, Lea Bartha van *Lea Bartha van Osch, the author Netherlands irrelevant
130 Os, Christina van Hasselts maagden-rijm 1677 Netherlands poetry
131 Os, Christina van *Christina van Os, the author Netherlands irrelevant
132 Osselen - van Delden, Bertha Elisabeth van t Jodinnetje van Elspeet 1895 Netherlands novel
133 Otero de Nobella, Matilde Los Medicos y las familias [Doctors and families] 1894 Colonies of European countries translation of work by male or unknown author
134 Othonia, Johanna *Johanna Othonia, the author Netherlands irrelevant
135 Othonia, Johanna Carminum diversorum 1616 Netherlands to be specified
136 Otten, Else *Translation of Björnson Björnstjerne: Labore... 1901 Germany translation of work by male or unknown author
137 Otten, Else *vertaling heijermans 1900 Germany translation of work by male or unknown author
138 Ouborg, Riek De wereldsche vrouw: toneelspel in drie bedrijven 1875 Netherlands translation of work by male or unknown author
139 Oudkerk, Anna Maria *Anna Maria Oudkerk, the author Netherlands irrelevant
140 Outrein - Sluiter van Wezel, Geertruid d' *Geertruid d'Outrein - Sluiter van Wezel, the au... Netherlands irrelevant
141 Overduyn - Heyligers, Elisabeth *Elisabeth Overduyn - Heyligers, the author Netherlands irrelevant
142 Overstraten, Adriana van Jacoba van Beieren in vyf boeken 1790 Netherlands biography
143 Overstraten, Adriana van Dichterlijke mengelingen (Moens & Van Overstraat... 1791 Netherlands poetry
144 Overstraten, Adriana van Dolsey en Amelia 1793 Netherlands drama
145 Overstraten, Adriana van Vaderlandsche dichtproeven (Moens & Van Overstra... 1786 Netherlands poetry
146 Overstraten, Adriana van Esther, in vier boeken (Moens & Van Overstraten) 1786 Netherlands to be specified
147 Overstraten, Adriana van *Adriana van Overstraten, the author Netherlands irrelevant
148 Overstraten, Adriana van Ruth (Moens & Van Overstraaten) 1790 Netherlands poetry
149 Overstraten, Adriana van Eerkrans voor Bergen op den Zoom 1788 Netherlands to be specified
150 Ovink-Soer, Marie C.E. Puck 1917 Netherlands educational
151 Ovink-Soer, Marie C.E. Frieda en Kitty Sanders : twee verhalen voor jon... 1887 Netherlands novel
152 Ovink-Soer, Marie C.E. De familie Wickfoort. Oorspr. novelle 1886 Netherlands contribution to periodical press
153 Ovink-Soer, Marie C.E. *Contribution to Hollandsche Lelie 1895 Netherlands contribution to women's press
154 Ovink-Soer, Marie C.E. *Marie Ovink - Soer, the author Netherlands irrelevant
155 Ovink-Soer, Marie C.E. Bert Sanders 1889 Netherlands novel
156 Oyarzún, Teresa Romance en Tokio [Tokyo Romance] by Earnest Hobe... 1940 Spain translation of work by male or unknown author
157 Oyarzún, Teresa Año de ceguera [The year of blindness] by Warwi... 1957 Spain translation of work by male or unknown author
158 Paananen, Henni Kasviskeittokirja kansalle 1910 Finland cookery book
159 Paauw, Anna Maria *Anna Maria Paauw, the author Netherlands irrelevant
160 Pabst, Johanna *Adaptation of Sara Burgerhart 1909 Netherlands drama
161 Padilla Manrique y Acuña, Luisa de Idea de nobles y sus desempeños, en aforismos. ... 1644 Spain to be specified
162 Padilla Manrique y Acuña, Luisa de Noble perfecto y segunda parte de la nobleza vir... 1639 Spain to be specified
163 Padilla Manrique y Acuña, Luisa de Lágrimas de nobleza 1639 Spain to be specified
164 Padilla Manrique y Acuña, Luisa de Elogio de la verdad e invectiva contra la mentira 1640 Spain conduct book
165 Padilla Manrique y Acuña, Luisa de Excelencias de la castidad 1642 Spain to be specified
166 Padilla Manrique y Acuña, Luisa de Cartilla para instruir niños nobles Spain educational
167 Padilla Manrique y Acuña, Luisa de Nobleza virtuosa 1637 Spain to be specified
168 Päivänsalo, Laina Äidin helmoista pulpetin ääreen 1910 Finland children's literature
169 Päiviö, Hilma Naëmi (Naimi) Lausunto-opas 1909 Finland educational
170 Päiviö, Hilma Naëmi (Naimi) Lausuntorunoja 1909 Finland poetry
171 Pajk, Pavlina *Some words about the woman question 1884 Slovenia "feminist" writing
contribution to periodical press
172 Pajk, Pavlina Roka in srce (The hand and the heart) 1881 Slovenia novella
173 Pajk, Pavlina Pripovestnik v sili (Storyteller in case of nece... 1883 Slovenia novella
174 Pajk, Pavlina Judita 1896 Slovenia novel
175 Pajk, Pavlina Dušne borbe (Struggles of the soul) 1896 Slovenia novel
176 Pajk, Pavlina Blagodejna zvezdica (Benevolent little star) 1881 Slovenia novella
177 Pajk, Pavlina Arabela 1885 Slovenia novel
178 Pajk, Pavlina Najdenec (The foundling) 1894 Slovenia short story/ies
179 Pajk, Pavlina Dora 1885 Slovenia short story/ies
180 Pajk, Pavlina Planinska idila (The Mountain Idyll) 1895 Slovenia novel
181 Pajk, Pavlina Slučaji usode (The Accidents of Fate) 1897 Slovenia novel
182 Pajk, Pavlina *Pavlina Pajk, the author Slovenia irrelevant
183 Pajk, Pavlina *Poems (by Pajk) 1878 Slovenia poetry
184 Palafox y Portocarrero, María Tomasa Memoria instructiva de los negocios de la Real J... 1819 Spain to be specified
185 Palafox y Portocarrero, María Tomasa Memoria expositiva de la situación de la Inclus... 1821 Spain
186 Palm, Etta Appel aux Francoises sur la régénération des ... 1791 France "feminist" writing
187 Palm, Etta Sur l´injustice des Loix en faveur des Hommes... 1790 France "feminist" writing
188 Pamans, Geesje Egt verhaal van geestelyke bevindingen, uit een ... 1775 Netherlands religious
189 Pamans, Geesje *Geesje Pamans, the author Netherlands irrelevant
190 Pardo Bazán, Emilia La revolución y la novela en Rusia [Revolution ... 1887 Spain literary criticism
191 Pardo Bazán, Emilia El vestido de boda: monologo 1898 Spain to be specified
192 Pardo Bazán, Emilia La esclavitud femenina [The subjection of women]... 1901 Spain translation of work by male or unknown author
"feminist" writing
193 Pardo Bazán, Emilia Los Hermanos Zemganno [The Zemganno Brothers] by... 1891 Spain translation of work by male or unknown author
194 Pardo Bazán, Emilia París by Augusto Vitu 1890 Spain translation of work by male or unknown author
195 Pardo Bazán, Emilia Misterio 1902 Spain historical novel
196 Pardo Bazán, Emilia *Pardo Bazán, the author unknown / not relevant
197 Pardo Bazán, Emilia La piedra angular [The corner stone] 1891 Spain novel
198 Pardo Bazán, Emilia San Francisco de Asís (siglo XIII) 1882 Spain biography
199 Pardo Bazán, Emilia El P. Luis Coloma: Biografía y estudio crítico... Spain biography
200 Pardo Bazán, Emilia Discurso en la velada que la ciudad de Salamanca... 1905 Spain lecture