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Author: Belović-Bernadžikovska, Jelica

Pseudonyms:Ljuba T. Daničić
Spouse/other names:
Year of birth:1870
Year of death:1946
About her personal situation:standardizingsvdjan14 Origin • Place of birth : Osijek • Place(s) of residence: • Place of death: Novi Sad National identity • Nationality : • First language(s) : Serbian | German Marital status : - Widowed Number of children : 01 Gender of children : male Social class : - Middle class Education: - School education Religion : - Eastern orthodox

Languages:German - Serbian - French
Relations to other authors:

About her professional situation:Standardizing Authorial attribution: - Married name Profession(s) and other activities : - Compiler - Contributor to periodical press - Cultural and educational patron - Editor of periodical press - Embroiderer (and other “travaux de dames ») - Fiction writer/novelist - Historian - Journalist - Scholar - Teacher/governess - Translator from German - Writer for children Language(s) in which she wrote : - Serbian - German Collaboration/connections with male authors/publishers and similar : - Fridriech Salomo Krauss Financial aspects of her career: - Other income Memberships: - Not yet checked
Elements of bibliography:MENTIONED IN: - Celia Hawkesworth, Voices in the shadows: women and verbal art in Serbia and Bosnia, 2000. - Biljana Dojčinović, GendeRingS. "Gendered ReadingS in Serbian Women's Writing". Beograd, 2006 - Magdalena Koch "...kiedy dojrzejemy jako kulturam...", 2007. Cf. - article about her in Serbian woman: her life and work, her cultural development and her folklore art up to date, edited by Serbian woman writers 1913, Srpkinja: njezin život i rad, njezin kulturni razvitak i njezina narodna umetnost do danas, 1913. - Biljana Dojčinović - "O ženama i književnosti na početku veka" in Ženske studije, 11-12, 2000. str. 23-33; "On Women and Literature at the Beginnig of XX Century", in Women's Studies, no 11-12, 2000, pg. 23-33
Websites: O ženama i književnosti na početku veka
J. Belovic-Bernardzikovská Erotische Einschlage in den Stickornamenten der Serben
Ženski svet
On Women and Literature at the Beginnig of XX Century
Jelica Belović Bernadžikovska in "Knjiženstvo"
NEWW contribution Bucharest 2012 B. Dojčinović
NEWW contribution Chawton 2011 B. Dojčinović
NEWW contribution Belgrade 2011 B. Dojčinović

Editors: Jelena Milinkovic (create on 25 September 2010)
Jelena Milinkovic (update on 25 September 2010)
Jelena Milinkovic (update on 26 September 2010)
Jelena Milinkovic (update on 26 September 2010)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 08 October 2010)
Jelena Milinkovic (update on 09 October 2010)
Jelena Milinkovic (update on 13 October 2010)
Jelena Milinkovic (update on 13 October 2010)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 03 December 2010)
Jelena Milinkovic (update on 20 December 2010)
Jelena Milinkovic (update on 19 January 2011)
Jelena Milinkovic (update on 19 January 2011)
Jelena Milinkovic (update on 20 January 2011)
Jelena Milinkovic (update on 20 January 2011)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 03 February 2011)
Jelena Milinkovic (update on 03 February 2011)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 17 September 2011)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 17 March 2012)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 21 March 2012)
Sofija Nemet (update on 10 July 2012)
Sofija Nemet (update on 10 July 2012)
Sofija Nemet (update on 10 July 2012)
Sofija Nemet (update on 11 July 2012)
Sofija Nemet (update on 11 July 2012)
Sofija Nemet (update on 11 July 2012)
Sofija Nemet (update on 11 July 2012)
Sofija Nemet (update on 13 July 2012)
Janouk de Groot (update on 13 July 2012)
Biljana Dojcinovic2 (update on 06 September 2012)
Astrid Kulsdom (update on 12 September 2012)
Astrid Kulsdom (update on 12 September 2012)
Astrid Kulsdom (update on 12 September 2012)
Astrid Kulsdom (update on 19 September 2012)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 16 February 2013)
Biljana Dojcinovic2 (update on 26 January 2014)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 26 January 2014)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 26 January 2014)

Works written by this author

E 1 *Jelica Belović-Bernadžikovska, the author ()
E 2 Album srpskih vezova/ Album Serbian bindings (1907)
E 3 Autobiografske beleške : da li je g. Dušan Jelkić mistifikacija?/ Autobiographical notes: whether Mr. Dusan Jelkić mystification? (1933)
E 4 Bei Hodscha's Zauberverschreibungen (1913)
E 5 Bei der Zauberin Hamša Fatima, einer Zeieguenerin aus Gorica (1910)
E 6 Der Webstuhl im Zauberglauben der Sudslaven (1914)
E 7 Des Guslarenlied (1925)
E 8 Dečja psihologija današnjeg vremena/ Child psychology of our time (1899)
E 9 Die Brautnacht im Glauben, Sitte, Brauch und Recht der Volker (1935)
E 10 Die Frauenschurze bei den Sudslaven (1914)
E 11 Die Nachgeburt im Glaubender Volker (1935)
E 12 Die Sitten der Sudslaven (1926)
E 13 Erotik und Skatologie in der sudslavischen Kusche (1913)
E 14 Erotische Einschlage in Stickornamenten der Serben (1909)
E 15 Fruchtbarkeitzauber (1935)
E 16 Građa za tehnološki rječnik ženskog ručnog rada / Material for technological dictionary of handwork (1898)
E 17 Handtuch und Goldtuchlein in Glauben, Brauch und Gewohneitsrecht der Slaven (1935)
E 18 Hrvatska čitma/ Croatian lace (1906)
E 19 Hrvatski narodni vezovi/ Croatian national bindings (1906)
E 20 Iskrice iz svjetske književnosti / Sparkles from World Literature (1896)
E 21 Iz moga albuma: psihološke fotografije/ From my album: psychological photos (1900)
E 22 Jugoslovenski narodni vezovi/ Yugoslav folk bindings (1933)
E 23 Kako bi valjalo instalirati naše narodne umjetnine iz ženske ruke u izložbama/ How to install our popular art from a woman's hand in exhibitions ()
E 24 Mala vezilja / Small embroiderer (1911)
E 25 Meanderi/ Meanders (1900)
E 26 Mlada učiteljica / The young teacher (1909)
E 27 Mustik und Gesang bei den Sudslaven (1923)
E 28 Narodni vez / The national embroidery (1933)
E 29 Narodno tehničko nazivlje / National technical terminology (1907)
E 30 Naše kevice / Our moms (1904)
E 31 O razvitku naše narodne tekstilne industrije/ About development of our traditional textile industry (1906)
E 32 O renesansi naše veziljačke umjetnosti / About the renaissance of our art embroidery (1905)
E 33 Poljsko cvijeće - zbirka narodnih pripovedaka / Wild Flowers - collection of folk stories (1899)
E 34 Razgovor cvijeća/ Flower Talk (1901)
E 35 Slikanje na drvetu, glini, kamenu, koži i dr./ Painting on wood, clay, stone, skin and etc. (1901)
E 36 Srpkinja (1913)
E 37 Srpkinja: njezin život i rad, njezin kulturni razvitak i njezina narodna umetnost do danas (Serbian woman: her life and work, her cultural development and her folklore art up to date, edited by Serbian woman writers) (1913)
E 38 Srpska maramica / Serbian handkerchief (1913)
E 39 Srpski narodni vez i tekstilna ornamentika / Serbian folk embroidery and textile ornaments (1907)
E 40 Sto i deset narodnih igara/ One hundred and ten folk dances (1890)
E 41 Superstitions médicales des tziganes (1939)
E 42 Vezilačka umjetnost u Hrvata i Srba/ Embroidery art among the Croats and Serbs (1906)
E 43 Von den Muscheln und Schnecken (1935)
E 44 Von der Niederkunft in Brauch und Glauben der Volker (1935)

Authors read by this author

Xreception 1 Dimitrijević, Jelena   -   Nove / The New Women
Xreception 2 Dimitrijević, Jelena   -   *Jelena Dimitrijević, the author
Xreception 3 Duncan Isadora   -   *Isadora Duncan, the author
Xreception 4 Lagerlöf, Selma Ottiliana Lovisa   -   *Selma Lagerlöf, the author
Xreception 5 Magazinović, Maga   -   *Maga Magazinović, the author
Xreception 6 Michaelis, Karin   -   *Karin Michaelis, the author
Xreception 7 Negri, Ada   -   *Ada Negri, the author
Xreception 8 Orzeszkowa, Eliza   -   *Eliza Orzeszkowa, the author
Xreception 9 Petersen, Marie   -   *Marie Petersen, the author
Xreception 10 Sekulić, Isidora   -   Ima li pravo Konstantin Bruner? / Is Constantin Brunner right?
Xreception 11 Sekulić, Isidora   -   *Isidora Sekulić, the author
Xreception 12 Subotić, Savka   -   *Savka Subotić, the author