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Work by: Marlitt, Eugenie

TitleDas Heideprinzesschen (The princess from the moors)
Year of first publication:1872
Editions: (published in periodical Die Gartenlaube), 1871
Language used:German
Narrative topoi:
Presence in public libraries:
Relevant weblinks:

Receptions of this work

AuthorTitleGenderReception typeCountryYear
1 Beniczky, Irma A pusztai herczegnő F Translation Austro-Hungarian Empire 1872
2 Fastrová, Olga Princezka ze stepi : román F Translation Bohemia 1905
3 Raymond, Emmeline La Petite princesse des bruyères F Translation France 1874
4 Raymond, Emmeline La Petite princesse des bruyères F Translation France 1889
5 ~~Nutsbibliotheken Nederland *Presence in Nutsbibliotheken in Nederland U Library catalogue (public) Netherlands 1910
6 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1897
7 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy (Cheap books) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1897
8 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy (Cheap books) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1897
9 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy (Cheap books) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1899
10 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1897
11 ~~author (name unknown) Nové výtisky nejoblibenějších románů: Marlittová (New printings of the most popular novels: Marlitt) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1895
12 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1897
13 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1897
14 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1897
15 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Prinzeska ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1901
16 ~~author (name unknown) Laciné, zábavné knihy české: Marlittové romány: Princezka ze stepi (Inexpensive, entertaining Czech books: Novels by Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1897
17 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy (Cheap books) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1897
18 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1901
19 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1897
20 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1897
21 ~~author (name unknown) Nové výtisky: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (New prints: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1896
22 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1899
23 ~~author (name unknown) Laciné, zábavné knihy, antikvariat: Princezna ze stepi (Inexpensive, entertaining books, second hand: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1891
24 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1899
25 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1899
26 ~~author (name unknown) Laciné, zábavné knihy, antikvariat: Princezna ze stepi (Inexpensive, entertaining books, second hand: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1891
27 ~~author (name unknown) Laciné, zábavné knihy, antikvariat: Princezska ze stepi (Inexpensive, entertaining books, secondhand: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1891
28 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy (Cheap books) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1898
29 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt: The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1899
30 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy (Cheap books) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1899
31 ~~author (name unknown) Levné knihy: Marlittová: Princezna ze stepi (Cheap books: Marlitt, The princess from the steppe) U Information about bookselling; library administration Bohemia 1901
32 ~~journalist (name below) J.J. van Oosterzee, *Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen M Article in the press Netherlands 1872
33 ~~journalist (name unknown) *Art. in Ons Streven M Women's press: article Netherlands 1872
34 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) Princezska ze stepi U Translation Bohemia 1905
35 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) Imenik knjig javne ljudske knjižnice Gospodarskega naprednega društva za šentjakobski okraj v Ljubljani U Library catalogue (public) Slovenia 1916
36 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) Pastouší princezna : Rom. společ. / Od Eugenie Marlitta (The Princess of the Steppe: A Society Novel by E. Marlitt) U Translation Bohemia 1913
37 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) Imenik knjig javne dvorske knjižnice v Ljubljani U Library catalogue (public) Slovenia 1929
38 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) *Presence in the Library catalogue of Javna ljudska knjižnica gospodarskega in izobraževalnega društva za dvorski okraj v Ljubljani U Library catalogue (public) Slovenia 1916
39 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) *Presence in Hedwig von Radics' catalogue (Katalog der Leih-Bibliothek der Frau Hedwig von Radics ) U Library catalogue (public) Slovenia 1898
40 ~~translator (name unknown) The princess of the moor U Translation United States 1879
41 ~~translator (name unknown) The little moorland princess. U Translation United States 1900
42 ~~translator (name unknown) Het heideprinsesje U Translation Netherlands 1872
43 ~~translator (name unknown) A pusztai királyleány U Translation Austro-Hungarian Empire 1899
44 ~~translator (name unknown) Hedeprindsessen U Translation published in periodical press Denmark 1872
45 ~~translator (name unknown) A pusztai herczegleány U Translation Austro-Hungarian Empire 1872
46 ~~translator (name unknown) The Little Moorland Princess. U Translation England 1881
47 ~~translator (name unknown) Hedeprinsessen (the princess from the moors) U Translation published in periodical press Norway 1872
48 ~~translator (name unknown) Lyngprinsessen (the heather princess) U Translation published in periodical press Norway 1906
49 ~~translator male (name below) A pusztai királyleány M Translation Austro-Hungarian Empire 1890
50 ~~translator male (name below) Het heideprinsesje M Translation Netherlands 1892
51 ~~translator male (name below) A pusztai királylány M Translation Austro-Hungarian Empire 1912
52 ~~translator male (name below) A pusztai királyleány M Translation Austro-Hungarian Empire 1905
53 ~~translator male (name below) Princezka ze stepi (The Princess from the Steppes: A Novel): román. [Díl druhý] / od E. Marlittovy ; přeložil Frant. Lad. Čížek M Translation Bohemia 1885
54 ~~translator male (name below) Pastouší princezna : Román společenský / Eugenie Marlitta ; přel. J.L.Turnovský (The Princess of the Steppe: A Society Novel by Eugenie Marlitt, translated by J. L. Turnovský) M Translation Bohemia 1923