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Author of reception document
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This list contains only countries, not the areas in which a language was spoken.
Sometimes you are uncertain about a country, for instance if you don't know if a writer who wrote in German lived in Germany, Austria, Switzerland or even the double-monarchy. Similary if a writer wrote in various languages or in the language that was not the official one of the country in which she lived.
In such cases, it's best to try all possible countries (or no country at all)
Elements of bibliography
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The list of authors also ..\includes:
* some names of persons who are not known for certain to be female (to find them choose "both")
* various categories for male authors (e.g. translator) - their names, if known, are specified in the relevant records
The list allows you to choose amongst a number of genres.
We have chosen to use fairly broadly defined genres, instead of splitting them into more precise subgenres (like historical novel, novel in letters).
Living in year
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Searching on a period of time is not possible
Search in the names of "authors". The term "authors" here ..\includes translators and reporters, and any other women who have addressed themselves to a wider audience in writing or in print. Not included are women who just kept a diary or only wrote private letters.
When searching, a part of the name often suffices.
Receiving country
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Please note: if you're looking for translations into a particular language, try all the countries in which this language was used.
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This list contains the various sources in which data can be found. These include 18th and 19th century journals, library catalogues and lists of translations. By selecting one, you get the data which were found in this source.
Title of reception document
Search on the title of a translation, article etc. You can also use this field to search male reception-authors by name.
Search on narrative elements that can have a part in women's texts. Such elements, called "narrative topoi", are indicated with a code which was developed by SATOR (Société pour l'Analyse de la Topique Romanesque; see At the moment, these codes are only available in French.
We are working on selecting topoi that can be considered relevant for the field of female authorship.
Type of reception document
This is a list of the various types of receptions: translation, journal article, comments in an egodocument etc.
By selecting one, you get data on receptions of that particular type.
Words of title
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Author: Tańska-Hoffmanowa, Klementyna
Pseudonyms: | |
Spouse/other names: | z Tańskich Hoffmanowa, Klementyna |
Gender: | female |
Year of birth: | 1798 |
Year of death: | 1845 |
About her personal situation: | StandardizingJuly2012LucMa: Origin • Location where born: Warszawa (Warsaw) • Location where died: Passy near Paris National identity • Nationality: Polish • Mother tongue: Polish Marital status: married Number of children: 0 Social class: - poor nobility Education: - not yet checked Religion/ideology: - Catholic She originated from the poor Polish nobility. Sie starb 15. Sept. 1845 in Passy. MD Geb. 23. Nov. 1798 zu Warschau, genoß eine sorgfältige Erziehung |
Countries: | France - Poland |
Languages: | Polish |
Relations to other authors: |
Acquaintance of Żmichowska, Narcyza |
About her professional situation: | StandardizingJuly2012LucMa: Publishing under: - not yet checked Profession(s) and activities: - writer for children, - writer of conduct literature, - fiction writer, - biographer, - editor, - salonnière, - translator from French - translator from German Languages in which she published: - Polish Collaboration/connections with male authors: - not yet checked Financial aspects: - not yet checked Memberships: - not yet checked Her literature was an example for the authorship created by women. Principal customer of the literature were women. Very actively she supported the education of women, however attended that the woman should not fulfil public parts , but exclusively to see about with the family and the house. She had an academical education, was a lecturer in the Institute instructive of the governess.[M.D.; E.W.]. Ward schon durch ihre erste Schrift: "Pamiatka po dobrej matce" (1819 "Andenken der guten Mutter"), eine der beliebtesten Schriftstellerinnen für Kinder und Mütter. Sie gründete und redigierte seit 1824 eine Kinderzeitschrift: "Rozrywki dla dzieci" ("Zerstreuungen für Kinder"), und verfaßte mehrere Kindererzählungen, z. B. "Amelia" und "Wiazanie Helenki". 1827 wurde sie zur ersten Lehrerin an dem Erzieherinneninstitut ernannt und erhielt gleichzeitig die Oberaufsicht über die Mädchenschulen in Warschau. Seit 1829 verheiratet, folgte sie ihrem Gatten 1831 ins Ausland, wo sie sich litterarischen Arbeiten und der Erziehung der Kinder der Emigranten widmete. Aus dieser Zeit rühren ihre größern Schriften her, Romane, Erzählungen, Unterrichtsbücher für Mädchen religiös-sittlichen und historischen Inhalts etc., z. B. "Caroline", "Christine", das biographische Kulturbild "Jan Kochanowski"; dann "Nowa biblioteczka dla dzieci" (Bresl. 1838), "O moralnosci dla kobiet" (Krakau 1841), "Dziennik Krasinskiej" u. a. Ihr litterarischer Nachlaß mit ihren Memoiren erschien in 9 Bänden (Berl. 1848). (cf. hyperlink - does not work for the moment oct09) |
Elements of bibliography: | MENTIONED IN: - Pisarki polskie od średniowiecza do współczesności. Przewodnik, red. Grażyna Borkowska, Małgorzata Czermińska, Urszula Philips, Gdańsk 2000 (Polish Women Authors from the Middle Ages to the Modern Timens. A reference book), the ed. Grażyna Borkowska, Małgorzata Czerminska, Ursula Philips, Gdańsk 2000. Cf. - Bogna Lorence-Kot, “Klementyna Tanska Hoffmanowa, cultural nationalism and a new formula for Polish womanhood”, in Karen Offen (ed.), Women in European Culture and Society, special issue of History of European Ideas 8 (1987), p.435-450 - Nikliborg - Ursula Phillips and Grażyna Borkowska, Polish Women Writers in the Nineteenth Century, A History of Central European Women's Writing, ed. Celia Hawkesworth, Palgrave 2001, p. 66-67. |
Websites: |
Short online biography Wikipedia on her |
Editors: |
Suzan van Dijk
(update on 12 December 2009)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 22 January 2012) Suzan van Dijk (update on 22 January 2012) Suzan van Dijk (update on 22 January 2012) Suzan van Dijk (update on 22 January 2012) Suzan van Dijk (update on 22 January 2012) Suzan van Dijk (update on 17 March 2012) Suzan van Dijk (update on 21 March 2012) Lucyna Marzec (update on 12 July 2012) Suzan van Dijk (update on 25 November 2012) Corinne Fournier Kiss (update on 17 September 2013) |
Works written by this author
Authors read by this author
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1 | Krüdener, Varvara Juliana von - Valérie | |
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2 | Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie - Magasin des adolescentes | |
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3 | Staël, Germaine de - Delphine |