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Author: Pilsztynowa, Regina Salomea Rusiecka

Spouse/other names:Pichelstein, Regina von | Makowska
Year of birth:1718
Year of death:1760
About her personal situation:At the age of fourteen, her townsfolk parents married her off to Jacob Halpir, a Lutheran ophthalmologist, with whom she soon went to live in Istanbul where he treated his patients and she picked up some of his methods which she used for the rest of her life. That she thus acquired a profession which would successfully see her through her various tribulations is indeed extraordinary. When Dr Halpir left her and their infant daughter after three years of marriage, she was capable of successfully providing for herself and her child. Later she married a military man, Joseph Fortunatus de Pilsztyn (Pichelstein) who treated her badly and by whom she had two sons; finally she had a long-lasting affair with an unknown man, seven years younger than herself – an "amoratus" whom she never named but with the initials I.M.C.Z. It has been suggested that the initial “M” may stand for the surname of Makowski (Pollak 313), whose feminine variant in Polish would end in –ska. StandardizingsvdFeb13: Origin • Place of birth : near Navahrudak (Polish: Nowogródek) • Lived in: Istanbul • Place of death : unknown National identity • Nationality : Polish • First language (s) : Polish Marital status: - married (1732), divorced (1735), remarried, re-divorced, lived together with partner male Number of children : - 3 Social class : - middle Education: - elementary Religion/ideology : - Christian, most probably Roman Catholic

Countries:Poland - Turkey
Relations to other authors:

About her professional situation:In 1760, in Istanbul (where a large Polish colony was centred around the court of the Polish ambassador) where she settled down as a recognised eye doctor, working also for the court harem, Mrs. Pichelstein composed her memoirs (now kept at the National Museum in Cracow, Poland), which were not published until 1957 (in Polish). The title is: My Life's Travels and Adventures (Polish: Proceder podróży i życia mego awantur). StandardizingsvdFeb13: Publishing under: - married name, - (possibly) under pseudonym Profession(s) and activities: - doctor (ophtalmologist) - memorialist Languages in which she published : - Polish Collaboration/connections with male authors : - Not yet checked Financial aspects of her career: - other income (money earned by medical services) Memberships - Not yet checked
Elements of bibliography:Cf. - Hawrysz, Magdalena. "Portret kobiety nowoczesnej w świetle pamiętnika ‘Proceder podróży i życia mego awantur’ Reginy Pilsztynowej” [A Portrait of a Modern Woman in the Light of Regina Pilsztynowa’s ‘My Life's Travels and Adventures’”]. In Tradycja a nowoczesność [Tradition and Modernity], edited by E. Woźniak, 583-594. Łódź: Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2008. - Konczacki, Janina M., and Kurt Aterman. “Regina Salomea Pilsztynowa, Ophthalmologist in 18th-Century Poland”. Survey of Ophthalmology. 47 (2002): 189-95. - Maciejewska, Iwona. "Kobiecym piórem o miłości, małżeństwie i erotyce (Regina Salomea z Rusieckich Pilsztynowa, Elżbieta Drużbacka, Franciszka Urszula Radziwiłłowa)” [“Female Writings on Love, Marriage and Eroticism (Regina Salomea née Rusiecka Pilsztynowa, Elżbieta Drużbacka, Franciszka Urszula Radziwiłłowa)”]. In Kobieta epok dawnych w literaturze, kulturze i społeczeństwie, edited by Iwona Maciejewska, and Krystyna Stasiewicz, 213-23. Olsztyn: Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski, Wydawnictwo Littera: 2008. - Partyka, Joanna. "Kobieta oswaja męską przestrzeń. Polska lekarka w osiemnastowiecznym Stambule” [“A Woman Enters the Male Space: A Polish Doctor in Eighteenth-Century Istanbul”]. In Pisarki polskie epok dawnych, edited by Krystyna Stasiewicz, 153-62. Olsztyn: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna, 1998.
Websites: Contrib. Joanna Partyka COST-WWIH Madrid 2010

Editors: Magdalena Ożarska (create on 11 November 2012)
Magdalena Ożarska (update on 11 November 2012)
Magdalena Ożarska (update on 11 November 2012)
Magdalena Ożarska (update on 11 November 2012)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 14 November 2012)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 14 November 2012)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 14 November 2012)
Magdalena Ożarska (update on 25 November 2012)
Magdalena Ożarska (update on 25 November 2012)
Magdalena Ożarska (update on 25 November 2012)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 15 February 2013)
Magdalena Ożarska (update on 18 February 2013)
Magdalena Ożarska (update on 18 February 2013)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 19 February 2013)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 02 December 2013)

Works written by this author

E 1 Proceder podróży i życia mego awantur (My Life's Travels and Adventures) (1750)

Authors read by this author

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