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Author: Srbová, Anna

Pseudonyms:Věnceslava, Lužická
Spouse/other names:Kubátová, Anna
Year of birth:1832
Year of death:1920
About her personal situation:Born Kubátová, in her young life, she lived in Hořice, Nový Bydžov and Broumov (East Bohemia). In 1849, she learned in a private institute for girls in Prague. She visited some foreign countries (Germany, Italy, and Switzerland) to study the women’s question. After her marriage, she lived in Prague where she became a member of the Czech patriotic society. She collaborated with Karolina Světlá, Sofie Podlipská etc. Co-editor of the journal "Ženské listy" (The Women´s Leaves). E. Krásnohorská wrote an obituary on her. (Heczková)

Countries:Bohemia - Austro-Hungarian Empire - Czech Republic
Relations to other authors:

About her professional situation:She was known by her literary over-production Authors of novels with the women’s topics, of books for young people and children. With A. Kirscherová-Melišová, E. Krásnohorská and L. Šimáčková, they laid the foundations for the women’s journalism (Lada, Ženské listy); She wrote several formative books for girls and young women. editor, feminist, worked in the philanthropy Author of the interesting memoirs which are an important source for the Czech women’s history.
Elements of bibliography:MENTIONED IN: - Libuše Heczková, "První léta časopisu Ženské Listy", in Dějiny žen, ed. by Kateřina Čadková. - Lexikon české literatury, díl 2. sv. 2. K-L. (Praha, 1993). - Václav Petrbok: Österreichisches biographisches Lexikon 1815–1950, Lieferung 59, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2008, p. 60 – 61.

Editors: Ursula Stohler (create on 14 October 2010)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 05 December 2010)
Ursula Stohler (update on 18 February 2011)
Ursula Stohler (update on 18 February 2011)
Ursula Stohler (update on 21 February 2011)
Ursula Stohler (update on 21 February 2011)
Milena Lenderova (update on 09 October 2011)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 10 July 2013)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 17 April 2014)

Works written by this author

E 1 *Anna Srbova, the author ()
E 2 A v potu tváře budeš pracovati (By the sweat of your brows you will be working) (1897)
E 3 Babiččino tajemství (The grandmother´s secrets) (1873)
E 4 Babiččiny loutky : dívkám českým (The Grandmother´s dolls: for the Czech girls) (1895)
E 5 Chlumy : Pohorské obrazy, črty a pověsti (Hursts: Mountain pictures, drafts and stories) (1890)
E 6 Deset roků činnosti spolku "Domácnost" : Česká škola kuchařská (Ten years of activity of the association "Household") (1896)
E 7 Doktor Matějíček (Doctor Matejicek) (1891)
E 8 Fialky (Violets) (1879)
E 9 Johana z Rožmitála, manželka Jiřího z Poděbrad : nástin života české ženy (Johanna from Rožmitál, the wife of Jiří from Poděbrad: the life of a Czech woman) (1872)
E 10 Královna plesu / malým dívenkám vypravuje V. Lužická (The Queen´s ball: for small girls) (1874)
E 11 Květiny a ženy : povídky, novely a črty (Flowers and women: tales, novelles and drafts) (1895)
E 12 Na zříceninách (1878)
E 13 Nauka o ženských pracích ručních v otázkách (1885)
E 14 Pavlínka a Karolínka : obrázek ze života dívčího / nakreslila V. Lužická (1875)
E 15 Pomněnky : povídky (Forget-me-nots: tales) (1890)
E 16 Povídky z malého města (Tales from a small town) (1878)
E 17 Růžičky : drobné povídky (Little roses: small tales) (1895)
E 18 Tetina zkouška : hra o třech jednáních (The aunt's test: a play in three acts) (1890)
E 19 Učte se! : povídka ze života osiřelé dívky (Study! a tale from the life of an orphaned girl) (1879)
E 20 Zimní pohádky (Winter tales) (1890)
E 21 Činnosť ženy v domácnosti / sepsala a přednesla dne 11. března 1886 V. Lužická (A woman´s activity in the household: a speech by V. Lužická) (1886)
E 22 Žena ve svém povolání (The woman in her vocation) (1872)

Authors read by this author

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