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Author: García Balmaseda, Joaquina

Pseudonyms:Adela - Aurora - Baronesa de Olivares - J. G. B. - Ketty - Lady - Pérez Mirón - Samb - Zahara
Spouse/other names:
Year of birth:1837
Year of death:1911
About her personal situation:Standardizinghpfeb14 Origin • Place of birth : Madrid, Spain • Place(s) of residence: Not yet checked • Place of death: Madrid, Spain National identity • Nationality : Spanish • First language(s) : Spanish Marital status : - Married - Widowed Number of children : - Not yet checked Social class : - Lower class - Middle class Education: - Not yet checked Religion - Catholic

Relations to other authors: Collaborator of Sáez de Melgar, Faustina

About her professional situation:Standardizinghpfeb14 Authorial attribution: - Maiden name - Married name - Pseudonym female Profession(s) and other activities : - Actress - Contributor to periodical press - Editor of periodical press - Journalist - Playwright - Poet - Translator from French - Writer for children Language(s) in which she wrote : - Spanish Collaboration/connections with male authors : - Not yet checked Financial aspects of her career: - Not yet checked Memberships: - Not yet checked
Elements of bibliography:MENTIONED IN: - Ruiz Guerrero 1996 - Pérez/Ihrie 2002. (Info H. Partzsch, aug09) - Thion Sorriano-Molla 2011
Websites: Entry in Spanish Wikipedia

Editors: Henriette Partzsch (update on 12 December 2009)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 10 May 2010)
Henriette Partzsch (update on 02 September 2011)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 14 March 2012)
Henriette Partzsch (update on 16 February 2014)

Works written by this author

E 1 Blancaflor (Blanchefleur) / Paul Féval (1866)
E 2 Cecilia / Alexandre Dumas (1870)
E 3 Clemencia Oge/ by Ernest Serret (1861)
E 4 El Corredor de playa [Runner on the beach] (1863)
E 5 El baile de las víctimas (The victims' ball) / Pierre-Alexis Ponson du Terrail (1869)
E 6 El caballero de Pamplonne (The Knight from Pamplonne) / A. de Gondrecourt (1864)
E 7 El canal de San Martín (The Channel of St Martin) / Charles Deslys (1867)
E 8 El castillo de Montbrun (The Castle of Montbrun) / Elias Berthet (1868)
E 9 El drama de la calle de la paz (The drama of Peace Street) / Adolphe Belot (1867)
E 10 El hombre de la oreja rota [The man with a broken ear] (1862)
E 11 El jardín del canónigo / Louis Ulbach (1868)
E 12 El jorobado (The hunchback), por Paul Feval (1861)
E 13 El legajo num. 113 / Emilio Gaboriau (1880)
E 14 El niño abandonado: novela original [The abandoned child] (1869)
E 15 El pretil de aventureros [Adventurers' profile] (1870)
E 16 El primer amor de una niña [A girl's first love] (1862)
E 17 El reves y el derecho [Out Inside] (1863)
E 18 El rey de Ibetot (The king of Ibetot) / Carlos Deslys (1866)
E 19 El señor de Camors [Mr Camors] by Octave Feuillet (1867)
E 20 History de una mujer y de sus hijos (The story of a mother and her children) / por Luis Ulbach (1862)
E 21 La Favorita de Luis XIII [Louis XIII's favourite] (1863)
E 22 La Herencia de un cata-salsas [A busybody's inheritance] (1860)
E 23 La Mano cortada [The chopped hand] (1862)
E 24 La Prima Donna, por Mery (1866)
E 25 La contessina [The little contess] by Victor Perceval (1867)
E 26 La cucaña de la fortuna, por Ernesto de Capendu (1866)
E 27 La dicha de ser rico [The joys of being rich] (1862)
E 28 La guardia negra [The black guard] (1862)
E 29 La marquesa de Escoman [The marquise of Escoman] (1863)
E 30 La pastora de Ivry (The shepherdess of Ivry) / Octavio Feré (1866)
E 31 La ramilletera del Tívoli : segunda parte de El baile de las víctimas [The flower girl from Tivoli] (1869)
E 32 La rosa blanca [The white rose] (1864)
E 33 La vida en sociedad (1908)
E 34 La viuda de Sologne / Pierre-Alexis de Ponson du Terrail (1866)
E 35 Las delicias de la aldea (The joys of the village) / Andres Leo (1867)
E 36 Los Delatores [The informers] by Émile Gaboriau (1890)
E 37 Los dramas de Montfaucon / Léon Beauvallet (1867)
E 38 Los envidiosos, por A. de Gondrecourt (1865)
E 39 Los esclavos de Paris [Slaves from Paris] (1869)
E 40 Los estudiantes de París (Students in Paris) / Pierre-Alexis de Ponson du Terrail (1868)
E 41 Los habitos negros [The black habits] (1864)
E 42 Los herederos del comendador [The heirs of the comendador] by Ponson du Terrail (1868)
E 43 Los hijos de Judás (Judas's children) / Pierre-Alexis de Ponson du Terrail (1868)
E 44 Los huéspedes en el campo (1906)
E 45 Los vagabundos nocturnos, por Paul Feval (1865)
E 46 Miserias del corazón (Sufferings of the heart), por el marqués de Foudras (1865)
E 47 Radiante [Radiant] by Adrian Robert (1867)
E 48 Un amor de czar, por Victor Perceval (1866)
E 49 Un noble arruinado [The bankrupt aristocrat] (1863)
E 50 Un ruiseñor cogido en el garlito [A mockingbird grabbed by the neck] (1861)
E 51 ¡La más fea de las siete! (The ugliest girl/woman of seven! / Victor Perceval (1866)

Authors read by this author

Xreception 1 Ancelot, Marguerite Louise Virginie   -   Gabrielle
Xreception 2 Dash, Comtesse   -   Un procès criminel
Xreception 3 Dash, Comtesse   -   La Duchesse de Lauzun [The Duchess of Lauzun]
Xreception 4 Dash, Comtesse   -   La duchesse d'Eponnes
Xreception 5 Reybaud, Fanny-Henriette   -   Deux à deux [Two for two]
Xreception 6 Sand, George   -   Césarine Dietrich
Xreception 7 Sand, George   -   Les Dames vertes