Searching You can search by clicking on one of the following links on the upper side of the screen. "Authors" to search for an author "Works" to search for a work "Receptions" to search for a reception Some hints for the various fields on which you can search: Author of reception document Use this field to find receptions by this person. To find receptions by a woman: search on her name To find receptions by a category (i.e. by men): search on the category To find receptions by a specific man: search on his name in the "title of reception document" field Author of work Use this field to find receptions of the works of this writer. Country This list contains only countries, not the areas in which a language was spoken. Sometimes you are uncertain about a country, for instance if you don't know if a writer who wrote in German lived in Germany, Austria, Switzerland or even the double-monarchy. Similary if a writer wrote in various languages or in the language that was not the official one of the country in which she lived. In such cases, it's best to try all possible countries (or no country at all) Elements of bibliography In this field you can search for various bibliographical works Gender The list of authors also ..\includes: * some names of persons who are not known for certain to be female (to find them choose "both") * various categories for male authors (e.g. translator) - their names, if known, are specified in the relevant records Genre The list allows you to choose amongst a number of genres. We have chosen to use fairly broadly defined genres, instead of splitting them into more precise subgenres (like historical novel, novel in letters). Living in year You can only search on a single year. Searching on a period of time is not possible Name Search in the names of "authors". The term "authors" here ..\includes translators and reporters, and any other women who have addressed themselves to a wider audience in writing or in print. Not included are women who just kept a diary or only wrote private letters. When searching, a part of the name often suffices. Receiving country Choose the country for which you'd like to see data on receptions. Please note: if you're looking for translations into a particular language, try all the countries in which this language was used. Records per page You can change this value if you'd like to see more records per page Reference Search on references to the source of a reception (such as journal, volume and page number of an article) Source This list contains the various sources in which data can be found. These include 18th and 19th century journals, library catalogues and lists of translations. By selecting one, you get the data which were found in this source. Title of reception document Search on the title of a translation, article etc. You can also use this field to search male reception-authors by name. Topos Search on narrative elements that can have a part in women's texts. Such elements, called "narrative topoi", are indicated with a code which was developed by SATOR (Société pour l'Analyse de la Topique Romanesque; see At the moment, these codes are only available in French. We are working on selecting topoi that can be considered relevant for the field of female authorship. Type of reception document This is a list of the various types of receptions: translation, journal article, comments in an egodocument etc. By selecting one, you get data on receptions of that particular type. Words of title You can search on the whole or part of a title. If you search on common words, the number of results may be too high. Try searching on words that are unique to the title you're looking for. Written/published in year Search on the year in which a reception was written or published. The "Reports" link takes you to a page with reports. Reports contain all the data in this database, grouped in various ways. Editors can use "login" link to get to the login page.

Author: Kartini, Raden Adjeng

Spouse/other names:
Year of birth:1879
Year of death:1904
About her personal situation:Ned. Indië. hoort eigenlijk niet in deze database (geboren na 1875) svd Raden Adjeng Kartini, juister Raden Ajoe Kartini, (Jepara, 21 april 1879 - Rembang, september 1904), was een Javaanse aristocrate en voorvechtster van de rechten van de vrouw. Haar vader, Raden Mas Sosroningrat was de burgemeester van Jepara. Haar moeder was zijn eerste vrouw, maar niet de belangrijkste: in deze tijd was polygamie een normaal gebruik onder de aristocratie. Dit heeft invloed gehad op Kartini's denken erover. In Indonesie is tegenwoordig 21 april Hari Kartini een nationale feestdag

Countries:Colonies of European countries
Relations to other authors: Friend of Kol, Nellie van

Friend of Abendanon-Mandri, Rosa Manuela

About her professional situation:Tweetalig, fungeerde als bemiddelaarster. Correspondentie van Kartini met Rosa Abendanon en enkele andere Nederlandse vrienden werd gepubliceerd in een boek "Door Duisternis naar Licht" (Habis gelap terbitlah terang). Inspiratiebron voor de Indonesische vrouwenbeweging. Kartini verkondigde het standpunt dat geestelijke ontwikkeling een fundamenteel recht is, ook voor vrouwen. Zij had waardering voor de positieve kanten van de Europese cultuur, ook al had zij kritiek op het eigenzuchtige materialisme waardoor een groot deel van de koloniale heersersklasse werd gekenmerkt. Las De Gids, en De Hollandsche Lelie.
Elements of bibliography:- Soeroto, Sitisoemandari, Kartini Pionierster van de Indonesische Onafhankelijkheid en Vrouwenemancipatie, 1986, Jakarta (vertaald uit het Indonesisch en bewerkt door Cora Vreede-de Stuers). Franeker, Wever, 1986. (info Daisy Thé; student VRSTudies, nov. 2006). - Marie van Zeggelen, Kartini. Amsterdam, 1949. - Elisabeth Keesing, Hoe ruim een kooi ook is. Leven en lot van Kartini en haar werk. Amsterdam, 1996.
Websites: Encyclopedia Brittanica
Short online info

Editors: Susanne Parren (update on 12 December 2009)
Suzan van Dijk (update on 10 February 2010)

Works written by this author

E 1 *Kartini, the author ()
E 2 Door duisternis tot licht. Gedachten over en voor het Javaansche volk (1911)
E 3 Letters of a Javanese princess (1920)

Authors read by this author

Xreception 1 Huygens, Cornélie Lydie   -   Barthold Méryan
Xreception 2 Jacobs, Aletta   -   Het doel der vrouwenbeweging
Xreception 3 Jong van Beek en Donk, Cecile de   -   Hilda van Suylenburg
Xreception 4 Ramabai Sarasvati, Pundita   -   *Pundita Ramabai, the author
Xreception 5 Suttner, Bertha von   -   Die Waffen nieder! Eine Lebensgeschichte [Lay down your arms!]
Xreception 6 Wit, Augusta de &&&   -   *Augusta de Wit, the author