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Author: Burney, Fanny
Pseudonyms: | |
Spouse/other names: | D'Arblay, Frances |
Gender: | female |
Year of birth: | 1752 |
Year of death: | 1840 |
About her personal situation: | standardizingjdgjune14 Standardizing Origin • Place of birth : Norfolk, England • Place(s) of residence: Not yet checked • Place of death: London, England National identity • Nationality : English • First languages : English Marital status : - Married Number of children : 1 Gender of children: male Social class : - Middle class Education: - Not yet checked Religion [/ideology]: - Protestant Health: - Mastectomy |
Countries: | England |
Languages: | English |
Relations to other authors: |
Sister of Burney, Sarah Harriet Acquaintance of Staël, Germaine de Pupil of Lynch Salusbury Thrale Piozzi, Hester Acquaintance of Chapone, Hester |
About her professional situation: | standardizingjdgjune14 Standardizing Authorial attribution: - Anonymous Profession(s) and other activities : - Biographer - Fiction writer/novelist - Lady-in-waiting - Playwright - Writer Languages in which she wrote : - English Collaboration/connections with male authors : - Burney, Charles - Burney (Junior) Charles Financial aspects of this woman’s career: - Living by her pen - Stipend/allowance/pension Memberships - Not yet checked |
Elements of bibliography: | MENTIONED IN: - Lettres européennes (Dutch version 1994) II, 671-3, 703. - Pléiade, p.440, 459 (sterfdatum: 1840); Bloom, Edward A. 1970. Introd. to Evelina. By Frances Burney. Oxford: Oxford University Press. vii-xxxi. Chisholm, Kate. 1998. Fanny Burney: Her Life 1752-1840. London: Chatto and Windus. Civale, Susan. 2011. The Literary Afterlife of Frances Burney and the Victorian Periodical Press. Victorian Periodicals Review 43 (3): 236-66. Clark, Lorna. 2007. The Afterlife and Further Reading. The Cambridge Companion to Frances Burney. Ed. Peter Sabor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 163-79. Clark, Lorna J., ed. 2007. A Celebration of Frances Burney. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Cutting-Gray, Joanne. 1992. Woman as Nobody and the Novels of Fanny Burney. Gainesville, Tallahassee, Tampa: University Press of Florida. Devlin, D. D. 1987. The Novels and Journals of Fanny Burney. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan. Dobson, Austin. 1903. Fanny Burney. London: Macmillan. Doody, Margaret Anne. 1988. Frances Burney: The Life in the Works. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. Epstein, Julia. 1989. The Iron Pen: Frances Burney and the Politics of Women’s Writing. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press. Epstein, Julia. 1996. Marginality in Frances Burney’s Novels. The Cambridge Companion to the Eighteenth-Century Novel. Ed. John Richetti. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 198-211. Gibbs, Lewis. 1941. Introduction. The Diary of Fanny Burney. London: Dent and Sons, New York: Dutton and Co. vii-xi. Harman, Claire. 2001. Fanny Burney: A Biography. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Haslett, Moyra. 2003. Pope to Burney, 1714-1779: Scriblerians to Bluestockings. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Hemlow, Joyce. 1950. Fanny Burney and the Courtesy Books. PMLA 65 (5): 732-61. Hemlow, Joyce. 1958. The History of Fanny Burney. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Hemlow, Joyce, et al. 1972-84. Introductions and Notes to The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney. 12 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press. LaBeck Stepankowsky, Paula. 2007. Foreword to A Celebration of Frances Burney. Ed. Lorna J. Clark. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. xi-xiii. Ożarska, Magdalena. 2007. The Appeal of Beauty in Distress as Seen in Fanny Burney’s Evelina and Samuel Richardson’s Pamela: Some Typological and Intertextual Issues. Casopis Philologia: The Philologia Journal 5: 71-78. Ożarska, Magdalena. 2009. Fanny Burney’s Courtship Strategies as Evidence of her Transition from a “Nobody” to an Independent Self. From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria: Readings in 18th- and 19th-Century British Literature and Culture. Warsaw: Uniwersytet Warszawski. 353-60. Ożarska, Magdalena. 2009a. “I am married, my dearest Susan, – I look upon it in that light”: Fanny Burney’s Court Experience Followed by Reintegration with Society. Theatrum Historiae. No. 4 Amitié, Convivialité, Hospitalité / Friendship, Conviviality, Hospitality ISECS International Seminar for Junior Eighteenth-Century Scholars. Pardubice: Pardubice University Press. 187-204. Ożarska, Magdalena. 2012. Nobody Comes through the Door: Mapping Frances Burney’s Nuneham Experience as a Rite of Passage. From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th Century British Literature and Culture. Warsaw: Uniwersytet Warszawski. 387-96. Rizzo, Betty. 2007. Burney and Society. The Cambridge Companion to Frances Burney. Ed. Peter Sabor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 131-46. Rogers, Katharine M. 1990. Frances Burney: The World of Female Difficulties. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore: Harvester Wheatesheaf. Sabor, Peter, ed. 2007. The Cambridge Companion to Frances Burney. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sabor, Peter, and Lars. E. Troide. 2001. Introd. to Journals and Letters. By Frances Burney. Eds. Peter Sabor and Lars. E. Troide. London: Penguin Books. xiii-xxii. Schellenberg, Betty A. 2002. From Propensity to Profession: Female Authorship and the Early Career of Frances Burney. Eighteenth-Century Fiction 14 (3-4): 345-70. Schrank, Barbara G. and David J. Supino, eds. 1976. The Famous Miss Burney: the Diaries and Letters of Fanny Burney. New York: Minerva Press. Simons, Judy. 1990. Diaries and Journals of Literary Women from Fanny Burney to Virginia Woolf. London: Macmillan. Spacks, Patricia Meyer. 1988. Dynamics of Fear: Fanny Burney. Modern Essays on Eighteenth-Century Literature. Ed. Leopold Damrosch Jr. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. 455-88. Straub, Kristina. 1987. Divided Fictions. Fanny Burney and Feminine Strategy. Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky. Thaddeus, Janice Farrar. 2000. Frances Burney: A Literary Life. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. White, Eugene. 1960. Fanny Burney, Novelist. Hamden, Connecticut: The Shoe String Press. Wiltshire, John. 2007. Journals and Letters. The Cambridge Companion to Frances Burney. Ed. Peter Sabor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 75-92. Woolf, Virginia. 1967. Collected Essays. Vol. 3. London: The Hogarth Press. |
Websites: |
Bibliography C18 Bio in Literary Encyclopedia Bio via Celebration of WW Author Biography Chawton Library Biography Frances Burney d'Arblay |
Editors: |
Johanneke Straasheijm
(update on 12 December 2009)
Emma van den Eijnde (update on 22 May 2010) Francesca Scott (update on 10 July 2012) Francesca Scott (update on 10 July 2012) Francesca Scott (update on 12 July 2012) Francesca Scott (update on 12 July 2012) Suzan van Dijk (update on 14 January 2013) Magdalena Ożarska (update on 19 February 2013) Magdalena Ożarska (update on 19 February 2013) Magdalena Ożarska (update on 19 February 2013) Magdalena Ożarska (update on 20 February 2013) Magdalena Ożarska (update on 20 February 2013) Suzan van Dijk (update on 14 March 2014) Janouk de Groot (update on 25 June 2014) |
Works written by this author
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1 | *Anna (1790) |
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2 | *Fanny Burney, the author () |
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3 | *Georgina, (eene waare Geschiedenis) (Georgina, (A true History) (1789) |
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4 | Camilla; or, A picture of youth (1796) |
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5 | Cecilia; or, Memoirs of an heiress (1782) |
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6 | Diary and letters of Mme D'Arblay (1842) |
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7 | Evelina; or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world (1778) |
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8 | Monthly Review () |
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9 | The Memoirs of Doctor Burney (1832) |
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10 | The Wanderer, or Female difficulties (1814) |