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Found 4062 records
Author Title Year Country Genre
1 Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de Histoire du Comte d'Oxfort, de Milady d'Herby, d... 1737 France novel
2 Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de Anecdotes ou Histoire secrète de la maison otto... 1722 France novel
3 Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de Histoire d'Osman, Ier du nom, dix-neuvième empe... 1734 France novel
4 Gooch, Elizabeth Sarah Thruth and fiction 1801 England novel
5 Gooch, Elizabeth Sarah Fancied Events: or the Sorrows of Helen 1799 England novel
6 Gooch, Elizabeth Sarah Sherwood Forest; or Northern Adventures 1804 England novel
7 Gore, Catherine Grace Frances Heckington: a novel 1858 England novel
8 Gore, Catherine Grace Frances The courtier England novel
9 Gore, Catherine Grace Frances The débutante or the London season England novel
10 Görner, Anna Nora Veränderte Verhältnisse 1895 Germany novel
11 Gottis, Augustine Le Jeune Loys, prince des Francs, ou Malheurs d'... 1817 France novel
12 Gouges, Olympe de Mémoire de Madame de Valmont 1788 France novel
13 Gournay, Marie le Jars de Proumenoir de Monsieur de Montaigne 1594 France novel
14 Graffigny, Françoise de Lettres d'une Péruvienne 1747 France novel
15 Graffigny, Françoise de Nouvelle espagnole: le mauvais exemple produit a... 1745 France novel
16 Grand, Sarah The Beth Book 1897 England novel
17 Grand, Sarah Ideala 1888 England novel
18 Grant, Anne Letters from the Mountains 1803 Scotland novel
19 Grant, Anne Memoirs of an American Lady 1808 Scotland novel
20 Grant, Anne The Touchstone 1842 Scotland novel
21 Grassi, Ángela El bálsamo de las penas 1863 Spain novel
22 Greta *Huwelijksideeën 1877 Netherlands novel
23 Grey, Elizabeth Caroline Belle of the family 1843 England novel
24 Grey, Elizabeth Caroline Gambler's wife 1845 England novel
25 Grey, Elizabeth Caroline Trials of life England novel
26 Grey, Elizabeth Caroline The bosom friend. A novel 1845 England novel
27 Grierson, Miss Pierre and his family, or a story of the Waldenses 1823 England novel
28 Griffin, Elisabeth The friends, or The contrast between virtue and ... 1799 England novel
29 Griffith, Elizabeth The History of Lady Barton. A Novel, in Letters 1771 Ireland novel
30 Griffith, Elizabeth The Triumph of Constancy 1779 Ireland novel
31 Griffith, Elizabeth A series of genuine letters between Henry and Fr... 1757 Ireland novel
32 Griffith, Elizabeth The Gordian Knot 1769 England novel
33 Griffith, Elizabeth The delicate distress 1769 Ireland novel
34 Griffith, Elizabeth The story of Lady Juliana Harley 1776 Ireland novel
35 Griffith, Elizabeth Collection of novels 1777 Ireland novel
36 Grossmannová Brodská, Ludmila Světélka v jitru života (Light in the morning... 1890 Bohemia novel
37 Grove, Harriet Anne Grey 1834 England novel
38 Guénard, Elisabeth Irma ou les malheurs d' une jeune orpheline 1799 France novel
39 Guénard, Elisabeth Les trois moines 1815 France novel
40 Guénard, Elisabeth Lise et Valcour, ou le Bénédictin 1798 France novel
41 Guermante, Claire Le Jeune marin, ou l'Éducation maternelle [The ... 1848 France novel
42 Guermante, Claire Robert, ou le Souvenir d'une mère [Robert, or a... 1850 France novel
43 Guespereau Tarbé des Sablons, Michelle Catherine Josephine Eudolie ou la jeune malade : notice historique p... 1825 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
44 Guespereau Tarbé des Sablons, Michelle Catherine Josephine *Zoë, of de ligtzinnige Vrouw 1828 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
45 Guichard, Eléonore Mémoires de Cécile 1751 France novel
46 Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria Orgoglio e amore 1887 Italy novel
47 Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria Marcella 1897 Italy novel
48 Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria La contessa Ilario 1882 Italy novel
49 Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria La mia casa; i miei figli: ricordi di una madre 1881 Italy novel
50 Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria Un nidiata di rondini 1885 Italy novel
51 Guilleragues, Gabriel Joseph de La Vergne de Lettres Portugaises 1670 France novel
52 Guischard, Wilhelmine Constanze Black Douglas 1860 Germany novel
53 Gunning, Elisabeth The Foresters. A novel. Altered from the French 1796 England novel
54 Gunning, Elisabeth The Heir Apparent (Susannah & Elizabeth Gunning) 1802 England novel
55 Gunning, Elisabeth The War-Office 1803 England novel
56 Gunning, Elisabeth Dangers through life 1810 England novel
57 Gunning, Susannah Fashionable involvements 1800 England novel
58 Gunning, Susannah The union 1803 England novel
59 Gunning, Susannah The Heir Apparent (Susannah & Elizabeth Gunning) 1802 England novel
60 Gunning, Susannah Barford Abbey 1768 England novel
61 Gyllembourg, Thomasine Christine En Brevvexling, meddeelt af Forfatteren til eu H... 1843 Denmark novel
62 Gyp Le druide, roman Parisien 1885 France novel
63 Gyp Le monde à coté 1884 France novel
64 Gyp Le petit Bob 1882 France novel
65 Gyp Autour du mariage 1883 France novel
66 Gyp Un raté 1891 France novel
67 Gyp Ces bons docteurs 1892 France novel
68 Gyp De haut en bas 1893 France novel
69 Gyp Plume et Poil 1882 France novel
70 Gyp Un homme délicat 1884 France novel
71 Gyp Le plus heureux de tous 1886 France novel
72 Hagerup, Charlotte Augusta Præriens hvite ganger: en indianerfortelling (T... 1921 Norway novel
73 Hagerup, Charlotte Augusta Grossererens Familie: en Fortælling (The Mercha... 1862 Norway novel
74 Hagerup, Emma Præriens hvite ganger: en indianerfortelling (T... 1921 Norway novel
75 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von *Der Verschwundene Germany novel
76 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Zwei Schwestern 1863 Germany novel
77 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von *De geschiedenis van een arm meisje (The history... 1860 Germany novel
78 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Sigismund Forster 1843 Germany novel
79 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Diogena 1847 Germany novel
80 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Clelia Conti 1846 Germany novel
81 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Der Rechte 1839 Germany novel
82 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Aus der Gesellschaft. Novelle [also under the ti... 1838 Germany novel
83 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Zwei Frauen 1845 Germany novel
84 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Ulrich 1841 Germany novel
85 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Maria Regina. Eine Erzählung aus der Gegenwart 1860 Germany novel
86 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Vergib uns unsere Schuld 1874 Germany novel
87 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Doralice: ein Familiengemälde aus der Gegenwart 1861 Germany novel
88 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Gräfin Faustine 1840 Germany novel
89 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Die Erbin von Cronenstein 1868 Germany novel
90 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Cecil 1844 Germany novel
91 Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Peregrin: ein Roman 1864 Germany novel
92 Haighton, Elise Adelaïde Louise's liefde 1879 Netherlands novel
93 Haighton, Elise Adelaïde Beelden van Elisa 1878 Netherlands novel
94 Hale, Sarah Josepha Northwood 1827 United States novel
95 Hall, Anna Maria Fielding Marian or a young maids fortunes 1840 Ireland novel
96 Hall, Anna Maria Fielding The buccaneer 1832 Ireland novel
97 Hall, Anna Maria Fielding Can wrong be right? 1861 Ireland novel
98 Hall, Anna Maria Fielding The Whiteboy : a story of Ireland in 1822 1845 Ireland novel
99 Hall, Anna Maria Fielding *Hugh Dalton, de vrijbuiter onder Cromwells rege... Ireland novel
100 Hamaker-Brooshooft, Maria De van Esperens: eene familiegeschiedenis 1894 Netherlands novel
101 Hamilton, Elizabeth Translations of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah 1796 England novel
102 Hamilton, Mary Munster village 1778 England novel
103 Hanck, Henriette En Skribentindes Datter (The daughter of a woman... 1842 Denmark novel
104 Hanck, Henriette Tante Anna. En Efteraarsskizze (Aunt Anna. An au... 1838 Denmark novel
105 Hanim, Leyla Haremin Icyuzu (The Real Face of Harem) 1874 Turkey novel
106 Hanim, Nigar Elhân-i Vatan (Voices of the Country) 1916 Turkey novel
107 Hanim, Nigar Safahât-i Kalb (Phases of the Heart, love lette... 1901 Turkey novel
108 Hansson, Laura Mohr Grillparzer 1875 Germany novel
109 Harley, Mrs St. Bernard's priory 1786 England novel
110 Harley, Mrs Isidora of Galicia 1797 England novel
111 Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins Iola Leroy, or Shadows uplifted 1893 United States novel
112 Harraden, Beatrice Ships That Pass in the Night 1893 England novel
113 Harraden, Beatrice The Fowler 1899 England novel
114 Harwood, Isabella *Raymond en zijne uitverkorene (Raymond and his ... England novel
115 Harwood, Isabella *Katheleyne St. Quintin England novel
116 Harwood, Isabella *De lang verwachte erfenis : een verhaal (The lo... England novel
117 Hasebroek, Elisabeth Johanna Elize 1839 Netherlands novel
118 Hasebroek, Elisabeth Johanna Te laat. Eene schets uit den tegenwoordigen tijd. 1838 Netherlands novel
119 Hasebroek, Elisabeth Johanna Twee vrouwen 1840 Netherlands novel
120 Hasebroek, Elisabeth Johanna De bedevaartgangers 1841 Netherlands novel
121 Hásková, Zdenka Mladí (Growing up) 1909 Austro-Hungarian Empire novel
122 Hauan, Petra Reddet: original fortælling av Lulla (Saved: or... 1879 Norway novel
123 Hauan, Petra Louise 1880 Norway novel
124 Hauan, Petra Hun halverer ikke (she does not deal in halves) 1880 Norway novel
125 Hautpoul, Anne-Marie de Beaufort d' Childéric, roi des Francs 1806 France novel
126 Hawke, Lady Cassandra Julia de Grammont 1788 England novel
127 Hay, Mary Cecil Nora's Love Test 1877 United States novel
128 Hays, Mary The victim of prejudice 1799 England novel
129 Hays, Mary Memoirs of Emma Courtney 1796 England novel
130 Hays, Matilda M. Helen Stanley. A Tale 1846 England novel
131 Hays, Matilda M. Adrienne Hope. The story of a life 1865 England novel
132 Haywood, Eliza The Distress'd Orphan, or, Love in a Mad-House 1726 England novel
133 Haywood, Eliza The British recluse: or the secret of Cleomira 1722 England novel
134 Haywood, Eliza Frederick, Duke Brunswick-Lunenburgh 1729 England novel
135 Haywood, Eliza The Adventures of Eovaai 1736 England novel
136 Haywood, Eliza The injur'd husband; or, the mistaken resentment 1723 England novel
137 Haywood, Eliza The Secret History of the Present Intrigues of t... 1727 England novel
138 Haywood, Eliza Anti-Pamela, or Feign'd Innocence Detected 1741 England novel
139 Haywood, Eliza The unfortunate princess; or, the life and surpr... 1741 England novel
140 Haywood, Eliza Lasselia; or, the self abandon'd 1723 England novel
141 Haywood, Eliza The History of Miss Leonora Meadowson 1778 England novel
142 Haywood, Eliza The City Jilt; Or, The Alderman turn'd beau 1726 England novel
143 Haywood, Eliza The Triumph of Fortitude and Patience over Barba... 1753 England novel
144 Haywood, Eliza The History of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy 1753 England novel
145 Haywood, Eliza Sabina, her character and story 1745 England novel
146 Haywood, Eliza The History of Miss Betsy Thoughtless 1751 England novel
147 Haywood, Eliza The husband. In answer to the wife 1756 England novel
148 Haywood, Eliza Love in excess; or, the fatal enquiry 1719 England novel
149 Haywood, Eliza Fatal Fondness:Or, Love its own Opposer 1725 England novel
150 Haywood, Eliza The Double Marriage: Or The Fatal Release 1726 England novel
151 Haywood, Eliza A present for servants from their ministers, mas... 1743 England novel
152 Haywood, Eliza The Rash Resolve; or, The Untimely Discovery 1724 England novel
153 Haywood, Eliza The Arragonian Queen: A Secret History 1724 England novel
154 Haywood, Eliza Masqueraders 1724 England novel
155 Haywood, Eliza Life's progress through the passions; or, the ad... 1748 England novel
156 Haywood, Eliza The unequal conflict; or, nature triumphant 1725 England novel
157 Haywood, Eliza Idalia: or the unfortunate mistress (Haywood) 1721 England novel
158 Haywood, Eliza Memoirs of a certain island adjacent to the king... 1725 England novel
159 Haywood, Eliza The mercenary lover; or, the unforunate heiress.. 1726 England novel
160 Haywood, Eliza The tea-table; or, a conversation between some p... 1725 England novel
161 Haywood, Eliza Cleomelia, or the generous mistress 1727 England novel
162 Haywood, Eliza *Female Dunciad 1729 England novel
163 Haywood, Eliza The fortunate foundlings; being the genuine stor... 1744 England novel
164 Haywood, Eliza The fruitless enquiry; a collection of several e... 1727 England novel
165 Haywood, Eliza Love letters on all occassions, lately passed be... 1730 England novel
166 Haywood, Eliza The Invisible Spy 1755 England novel
167 Haywood, Eliza Fantomina 1724 England novel
168 Hector, Annie French By woman's wit 1886 England novel
169 Hector, Annie French A second life 1885 Germany novel
170 Hector, Annie French *Onweerswolken (Storm clouds) 1900 England novel
171 Hector, Annie French A Life Interest 1888 England novel
172 Hector, Annie French Blind Fate 1890 England novel
173 Hector, Annie French Mona's Choice 1887 England novel
174 Hector, Annie French A fight with fate 1896 England novel
175 Hector, Annie French The wooing o't 1873 England novel
176 Hector, Annie French *The Victoria Cross 1890 England novel
177 Hector, Annie French What Gold Cannot Buy 1890 England novel
178 Hector, Annie French *The family's favourite 1900 England novel
179 Hector, Annie French A Crooked Path 1880 England novel
180 Hector, Annie French Through fire to fortune 1900 England novel
181 Hector, Annie French *The folly of the heir 1900 England novel
182 Hector, Annie French Barbara: A Lady's Maid and Peeress 1890 England novel
183 Heijse, Johanna Jacoba De pleegkinderen 1864 Netherlands novel
184 Heijse, Johanna Jacoba Suze Wellingrode, of de invloed van misdaad en l... 1859 Netherlands novel
185 Heijse, Johanna Jacoba Twee nichten 1850 Netherlands novel
186 Heijse, Johanna Jacoba Het huisgezin van den philosoof 1867 Netherlands novel
187 Heimburgová, Wilhelmine Vetřelkyně : román / přel. J. Turnovský ; ... 1928 Czech Republic novel
188 Heimburgová, Wilhelmine Tvrdé hlavy / Wilhelmine Heimburgová ; Přel. ... 1914 Bohemia novel
189 Hellichová, Hedvika Johana, pasačka epnellská / Román George Sand... 1875 Bohemia novel
190 Helm, Clementine Leni von Hohenschwangau 1885 Germany novel
191 Helme, Elizabeth St Clair of the Isles; or the Outlaws of the Bar... 1803 England novel
192 Helme, Elizabeth St. Margaret's Cave 1801 England novel
193 Helme, Elizabeth Louisa; or, The cottage on the moor 1787 England novel
194 Helme, Elizabeth Albert, or the wilds of Strathnavern 1799 England novel
195 Helme, Elizabeth The Pilgrim of the Cross 1805 England novel
196 Helme, Elizabeth Duncan and Peggy: a Scottish tale 1794 England novel
197 Helme, Elizabeth The Farmer of Inglewood Forest 1796 England novel
198 Helme, Elizabeth Clara and Emmeline; or the maternal benediction 1788 England novel
199 Henry, Alice *Uit de Russische wereld (From the Russian world) France novel
200 Henry, Alice Les Epreuves de Raïssa 1870 France novel