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Found 4062 records
Author Title Year Country Genre
1 Bastide, Jenny Dufourquet Pascaline 1835 France novel
2 Bastide, Jenny Dufourquet Alice de Lostange 1847 France novel
3 Bastide, Jenny Dufourquet Francine de Plainville 1850 France novel
4 Baudissin, Eva Im Doktorhause 1894 Germany novel
5 Bauer, Klara *Melania Pawlowna 1870 Germany novel
6 Bauer, Klara Unlösliche Bande 1869 Germany novel
7 Bauer, Klara Ein Dokument 1876 Germany novel
8 Bauer, Klara Nora 1870 Germany novel
9 Bauer, Klara *Melanie : povídka z ruského života / od Karl... 1877 Russia novel
10 Bauer, Klara Schuld und Sühne 1871 Germany novel
11 Bauer, Klara Zwischen Vater und Sohn 1873 Germany novel
12 Baum, Vicki Stud. chem. Helene Willfüer 1928 Germany novel
13 Baum, Vicki Shanghai 1937 1939 Germany novel
14 Baum, Vicki Der Weg [The Way] 1925 Germany novel
15 Baum, Vicki Leben ohne Geheimnis [Life without mystery] 1932 Germany novel
16 Baum, Vicki Menschen im Hotel [Grand Hotel] 1929 Germany novel
17 Bawr, Alexandrine-Sophie Goury de Champgrand Robertine 1842 France novel
18 Bayle-Mouillard, Élisabeth-Félicie Émile et Rosalie, ou les Époux amants 1820 France novel
19 Bayly, Ada Ellen Donovan 1882 England novel
20 Bayly, Ada Ellen We two. A novel 1884 England novel
21 Bayly, Ada Ellen In the golden days 1885 England novel
22 Bayly, Ada Ellen A Knight-Errant: a novel 1887 England novel
23 Bayly, Ada Ellen Doreen. The story of a singer 1894 England novel
24 Bayly, Ada Ellen A Hardy Norseman 1889 England novel
25 Bayly, Ada Ellen Derrick Vaughan, novelist 1889 England novel
26 Bayly, Ada Ellen Wayfaring Men 1897 England novel
27 Bayly, Ada Ellen To Right the Wrong 1894 England novel
28 Bayly, Ada Ellen Won by Waiting 1879 England novel
29 Bayly, Ada Ellen *De vondeling: een roman [The foundling: a novel] 1900 England novel
30 Bayly, Ada Ellen In spite of all 1901 England novel
31 Bazzocchi, Erminia Il molino della morte 1907 Italy novel
32 Beauharnais, Fanny Mouchard Comtesse de L'aveugle par amour 1781 France novel
33 Beauharnais, Fanny Mouchard Comtesse de Zabbet 1776 France novel
34 Beauharnais, Fanny Mouchard Comtesse de Volsidor et Zulménie 1776 France novel
35 Beauharnais, Fanny Mouchard Comtesse de Les sacrifices de l'amour 1771 France novel
36 Beauharnais, Fanny Mouchard Comtesse de Les noeuds enchantés, ou la bizarrerie des dest... 1789 France novel
37 Beauharnais, Fanny Mouchard Comtesse de Lettres de Stéphanie, roman historique en trois... 1778 France novel
38 Beauharnais, Fanny Mouchard Comtesse de L'Abailard supposé, ou le sentiment à l'épreuve 1780 France novel
39 Beaumer, Madame de Les Caprices de la Fortune 1760 France novel
40 Beaumer, Madame de Dialogue entre Charles XII roi de Suède et Mand... 1760 France novel
41 Beccari, Madame Lettres de Milady de Bedford 1769 France novel
42 Beccari, Madame Milord d'Ambi, histoire anglaise 1778 France novel
43 Beccari, Madame Mémoires de Lucie d'Olbery, traduits de l'angla... 1770 France novel
44 Beccari, Madame Mémoires de Fanny Spingler, histoire anglaise 1780 France novel
45 Bécour, Julia Le roman d'une fille du peuple 1897 France novel
46 Bécour, Julia Elfa. Roman d'une libre-penseuse 1880 France novel
47 Beets, Dorothea Petronella Onze buurt 1860 Netherlands novel
48 Behn, Aphra The Adventure of the Black Lady 1684 England novel
49 Behn, Aphra Agnes de Castro, or The Force of Generous Love 1688 England novel
50 Behn, Aphra Oroonoko, or the royal slave 1688 England novel
51 Behn, Aphra Love letters between a nobleman and his sister 1683 England novel
52 Behn, Aphra The Fair Jilt 1688 England novel
53 Behrens, Berta Lumpenmüllers Lieschen 1879 Germany novel
54 Behrens, Berta Die Andere 1886 Germany novel
55 Behrens, Berta Der Stärkere Germany novel
56 Behrens, Berta Um fremde Schuld 1895 Germany novel
57 Behrens, Berta Aus dem Leben meiner alten Freudin 1879 Germany novel
58 Behrens, Berta *Vetřelkyně : román / přel. J. Turnovský ; ... 1928 Germany novel
59 Behrens, Berta *Tvrdé hlavy / Wilhelmine Heimburgová ; Přel.... 1914 Germany novel
60 Behrens, Berta Dazumal 1887 Germany novel
61 Behrens, Berta Ein armes Mädchen 1884 Germany novel
62 Behrens, Berta Lotte Lore 1890 Germany novel
63 Belgioioso, Cristina Trivulzio di &&& Un prince kurde 1858 Italy novel
64 Belović-Bernadžikovska, Jelica Mlada učiteljica / The young teacher 1909 Serbia novel
65 Belpaire, Maria Elisabeth Hyacinthe Uit het leven 1885 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
66 Benaglio, Ines Marchesa d'Arcello Italy novel
67 Benedictsson, Victoria Maria Modern. En berättelse 1888 Sweden novel
68 Benedictsson, Victoria Maria Pengar: Novell 1885 Sweden novel
69 Benedictsson, Victoria Maria Fru Marianne 1887 Sweden novel
70 Bennett, Agnes Maria De Valcourt 1800 England novel
71 Bennett, Agnes Maria Agnes de Courci 1789 England novel
72 Bennett, Agnes Maria Ellen, or the Countess of Castle Howel 1794 England novel
73 Bennett, Agnes Maria Juvenile Indiscretions 1786 England novel
74 Bennett, Agnes Maria Anna, or Memoirs of a Welch Heiress 1785 England novel
75 Bennett, Agnes Maria The Beggar Girl and her benefactors 1797 England novel
76 Benoist, Françoise-Albine Les aveux d'une jolie femme 1782 France novel
77 Benoist, Françoise-Albine Célianne ou les amants séduits par leurs vertus 1766 France novel
78 Benoist, Françoise-Albine Agathe et Isidore 1768 France novel
79 Benoist, Françoise-Albine Erreurs d'une jolie femme ou l'Aspasie française 1781 France novel
80 Benoist, Françoise-Albine Sophronie, ou leçon prétendue d'une mère à s... 1769 France novel
81 Benoist, Françoise-Albine Lettres du colonel Talbert 1766 France novel
82 Benoist, Françoise-Albine Elisabeth, roman 1766 France novel
83 Benoist, Françoise-Albine L'erreur des désirs 1769 France novel
84 Benoist, Françoise-Albine Lettres sur le désir de plaire 1786 France novel
85 Bénouville, Bonne-Charlotte de Les Pensées errantes, avec quelques lettres d'u... 1758 France novel
86 Bentzon, Thérèse La vocation de Louise 1873 France novel
87 Bentzon, Thérèse Un divorce 1878 France novel
88 Bentzon, Thérèse Jacqueline 1893 France novel
89 Bentzon, Thérèse Au-dessus de l'Abîme 1905 France novel
90 Berchmans, Johanna Desideria Den Gemeenteonderwijzer 1862 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
91 Berchmans, Johanna Desideria De hut van tante Klara 1864 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
92 Berchmans, Johanna Desideria Het plan van Heintje Barbier 1866 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
93 Berchmans, Johanna Desideria Nicolette : lotgevallen eener vondeling 1868 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
94 Berchmans, Johanna Desideria Den zaakwaarnemer 1867 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
95 Berchmans, Johanna Desideria Moeder Daneel : eene geschiedenis onzer dagen 1868 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
96 Berchmans, Johanna Desideria Christine van Oosterwey 1870 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
97 Berchmans, Johanna Desideria Karel Klepperman 1878 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
98 Berchmans, Johanna Desideria De hoogmoedige 1882 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
99 Berchmans, Johanna Desideria Het rad der fortuin : eene geschiedenis onzer da... 1883 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
100 Berchmans, Johanna Desideria Roza van den boschkant 1885 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
101 Berchmans, Johanna Desideria Verhalen en novellen 1883 Belgium/Southern Netherlands novel
102 Berger, Ilse Die Wege der Vergeltung 1897 Germany novel
103 Bernard, Cathérine Le Comte d'Amboise, nouvelle galante 1688 France novel
104 Bernard, Cathérine Inès de Cordoue, nouvelle espagnole 1696 France novel
105 Bernard, Cathérine Histoire de la rupture d'Abenamar et de Fatime 1696 France novel
106 Bernard, Cathérine Frédéric de Sicile 1680 France novel
107 Bernard, Cathérine Les Malheurs de l'Amour, première nouvelle, El... 1687 France novel
108 Bernard-Derosne, Judith L'abime [The abyss] by Charles Dickens and Wilki... 1890 France novel
109 Bernhard, Marie Das Teufelchen 1893 Germany novel
110 Bernhard, Marie Unweiblich 1894 Germany novel
111 Bernhard, Marie Die Schule des Lebens 1897 Germany novel
112 Bernhard, Marie Der Zeuge 1892 Germany novel
113 Bernhard, Marie In Treue fest 1893 Germany novel
114 Bernhard, Marie Verkauft und verloren 1894 Germany novel
115 Bernhard, Marie Eva Leoni 1891 Germany novel
116 Bersier, Marie Micheline 1874 Switzerland novel
117 Betham-Edwards, Matilda The parting of the ways 1890 England novel
118 Betham-Edwards, Matilda Half-way 1886 England novel
119 Betham-Edwards, Matilda The Sylvesters 1871 England novel
120 Bethusy-Huc, Valeska Maud 1900 Germany novel
121 Bethusy-Huc, Valeska Glückskinder 1897 Germany novel
122 Bethusy-Huc, Valeska Der älteste Sohn 1890 Germany novel
123 Bibescu, Marthe Le perroquet vert 1925 France novel
124 Bibescu, Marthe Catherine-Paris 1927 France novel
125 Biedma y la Moneda de Rodríguez, Patrocinio de El secreto de un crimen 1877 Spain novel
126 Bignan, Anne L'Echafaud 1832 France novel
127 Bigot, Mary *In the school of life [after the title of Norwe... 1880 France novel
128 Binkes, Justine Annette Onder voogdij 1889 Netherlands novel
129 Binkes, Justine Annette Een zwak karakter 1890 Netherlands novel
130 Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte *Wie is zij? (Who is she?) 1872 Germany novel
131 Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte Der Leiermann und sein Plegekind 1840 Germany novel
132 Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte Hinko 1845 Germany novel
133 Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte *Søsterkjærlighed 1860 Germany novel
134 Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte Burton Castle 1834 Germany novel
135 Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte *Světničky arkýřové : román ze švédskéh... novel
136 Birch, Wilhelmine Doppelleben 1865 Germany novel
137 Birch, Wilhelmine Am Kreuz 1890 Germany novel
138 Birch, Wilhelmine Und sie kommt doch! Germany novel
139 Birch, Wilhelmine Die Geyer-Wally. Eine Geschichte aus den Tyroler... 1875 Germany novel
140 Black, Clementina Maria The Princess Desiree 1896 England novel
141 Black, Clementina Maria An Agitator 1894 England novel
142 Blagden, Isabella (Isa) Rupert Spencer? 1863 England novel
143 Blagoeva, Viktoria Zhivkova Bez lubov/Without Love 1904 Bulgaria novel
144 Blagoeva, Viktoria Zhivkova Procesat/The Process 1898 Bulgaria novel
145 Blagoeva, Viktoria Zhivkova Tzaritza Theodora. Skici iz bulgarskia zhivot na... 1894 Bulgaria novel
146 Blagoeva, Viktoria Zhivkova Sled burjata/After the Storm 1904 Bulgaria novel
147 Blaze de Bury, Rose All for greed 1868 England novel
148 Blessington, Marguerite Marmaduke Herbert, or the Fatal Error 1847 England novel
149 Blessington, Marguerite The lottery of life and other tales England novel
150 Blessington, Marguerite Meredith 1843 England novel
151 Blessington, Marguerite The victims of society 1837 England novel
152 Blessington, Marguerite The governess 1839 England novel
153 Blessington, Marguerite The confessions of an elderly lady 1838 England novel
154 Blessington, Marguerite The confessions of an elderly gentleman 1836 England novel
155 Blessington, Marguerite The two friends 1835 England novel
156 Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Inga Heine, en nutidsfortælling 1898 Denmark novel
157 Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Farbror Frans 1902 Denmark novel
158 Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Sonja: En nutidsfortælling 1905 Denmark novel
159 Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Kjeld: En Gademalers Historie 1903 Denmark novel
160 Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Frater Giovanno: En historie fra Fièsole 1905 Denmark novel
161 Blower, Anne Features from life or a summer visit 1788 England novel
162 Blower, Anne Memoirs of Mrs. Herbert 1790 England novel
163 Blower, Anne Adelaide, or Filial Affection 1789 England novel
164 Blower, Anne The Maid of Switserland 1789 England novel
165 Blower, Elizabeth *Lettres d'un jeune lord à une religieuse itali... 1780 England novel
166 Blum, Lodoiska von Die Hexe von Wrostowa 1880 Germany novel
167 B. M. Eleonora, czyli stałość uwieńczona (Eleonor,... 1819 Poland novel
168 Bobertag, Bianca Mit allen Waffen 1894 Germany novel
169 Bock, Annie Simson und Delila 1894 Germany novel
170 Boddaert, Marie Agathe Buiten de wet 1890 Netherlands novel
171 Boddaert, Marie Agathe Roswitha: verhaal uit de dertiende eeuw 1909 Netherlands novel
172 Boddaert, Marie Agathe Sturmfels 1889 Netherlands novel
173 Bodin de Boismortier, Suzanne Histoire de Jacques Feru, et de valeureuse demoi... 1766 France novel
174 Bodin de Boismortier, Suzanne Mémoires historiques de la comtesse de Mariemberg 1751 France novel
175 Boëseken, Jacoba Johanna De familie De Marisy, of, Wie op den hoogen God ... 1844 Netherlands novel
176 Boëseken, Mijnolda Adriana Antoinette Geeske van den Elzenpas. Een verhaal op waarheid... 1862 Netherlands novel
177 Boëseken, Suzanna Maria Uit Gelderland, familieschetsen 1857 Netherlands novel
178 Boëseken, Suzanna Maria Hillegonde : oorspronkelijk Nederlandsch verhaal 1852 Netherlands novel
179 Boetticher, Clarissa Zwischen Vater und Sohn 1898 Germany novel
180 Boetticher, Clarissa Herbstblüte 1897 Germany novel
181 Boetticher, Clarissa Schwester Ilse 1896 Germany novel
182 Boetticher, Clarissa Auf Befehl des Königs 1894 Germany novel
183 Bogler, Agnes Auf ungleicher Bahn 1892 Germany novel
184 Böhlau, Helene Das Recht der Mutter 1921 Germany novel
185 Böhlau, Helene In frischem Wasser 1891 Germany novel
186 Böhlau, Helene Die Kristallkugel 1904 Germany novel
187 Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La hija del sol 1851 Spain novel
188 Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Un servilón y un liberalito o Tres almas de Dios 1857 Spain novel
189 Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La gaviota [The seagull] 1849 Spain novel
190 Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Lagrimas 1860 Spain novel
191 Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Clemencia: novela de costumbres 1852 Spain novel
192 Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Una en otra: novela de costumbres 1856 Spain novel
193 Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La familia de Alvareda 1856 Spain novel
194 Boisgiroux, Madame de Lettres de Mademoiselle de Boismiran, recueillie... 1777 France novel
195 Boisgiroux, Madame de Les suites d'un moment d'erreur, ou Lettres de M... 1775 France novel
196 Boissier, Catherine Valérie Vesper 1861 Switzerland novel
197 Boissier, Catherine Valérie Au bord de la mer, rêveries d'un voyageur 1866 Switzerland novel
198 Bolander, Sophie Bröderne 1855 Sweden novel
199 Bolander, Sophie Grefve Filip Königsmark, eller Svartsjuka och h... 1868 Sweden novel
200 Bolander, Sophie Johan Gyllenstjerna, eller kärlek och politik 1862 Sweden novel