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Found 254 records
Author Title Year Country Genre
1 Roland, Marie Jeanne Philippon *Lettres 1800 France autobiography
2 Roland, Marie Jeanne Philippon *Mémoires de Madame Roland 1800 France autobiography
3 Rüdiger, Minna Unvergessenes. Erinnerungsblätter von M. Rüdiger 1903 Germany autobiography
4 Runeberg, Fredrika Anteckningar om Runeberg. Min pennas saga.(Notes... 1946 Finland autobiography
5 San Bartolomé, Ana de Autobiografía [Autobiography] 1632 Spain autobiography
6 Sand, George Lettres d'un Voyageur 1837 France autobiography
7 Sand, George Souvenirs de 1848 1880 France autobiography
8 Sand, George Un Hiver à Majorque 1841 France autobiography
9 Sand, George Histoire de ma vie 1854 France autobiography
10 Sand, George Promenades autour d' un village 1859 France autobiography
11 Sand, George Journal d'un voyageur pendant la guerre 1871 France autobiography
12 Sansom, Martha Fowke The Epistles of Clio and Strephon 1720 England autobiography
13 Schebest, Agnese Aus dem Leben einer Künstlerin 1857 Germany autobiography
14 Schebest, Agnese Familienbild. Aus dem Leben einer Künstlerin 1842 Germany autobiography
15 Schlegel-Schelling, Caroline *Briefe 1850 Germany autobiography
16 Schorn, Adelheid von Zwei Menschenalter. Erinnerungen und Briefe. 1901 Germany autobiography
17 Schorn, Adelheid von Das nachklassische Weimar. Zweiter Teil: unter d... 1912 Germany autobiography
18 Schorn, Adelheid von Das nachklassische Weimar. Erster Teil: unter de... 1911 Germany autobiography
19 Schulze-Smidt, Bernhardine Selbstbekenntnisse 1895 Germany autobiography
20 Schumann, Eugenie Erinnerungen 1925 Germany autobiography
21 Schurman, Anna Maria van *Lettres 1700 Netherlands autobiography
22 Smith, Amanda An autobiography : the story of the Lord's deali... 1893 United States autobiography
23 Sophie, Queen of the Netherlands Histoire de ma vie 1866 Netherlands autobiography
24 Staal-Delaunay, Marguerite-Jeanne de Mémoires de Mme de Staal écrits par elle-même 1755 France autobiography
25 Struve, Amalie Erinnerungen aus den badischen Freiheitskämpfen... 1850 Germany autobiography
26 Světlá, Karolina Z literárního soukromí 1874 Czech Republic autobiography
27 Sylva, Carmen Les pensées d'une reine 1882 France autobiography
28 Sylva, Carmen Din cugetările unei Regine [Thoughts of a Queen] 1889 Romania autobiography
29 Sylva, Carmen Mein Penatenwinkel 1908 Germany autobiography
30 Teresa de Jesús, Santa (Teresa de Ávila) La vida 1565 Spain autobiography
31 Thürheim, Ludovika Franziska Maria Mein Leben : Erinnerungen aus Österreichs gross... 1914 Austria autobiography
32 Tosheva, Anasstasia "Avtobiografia"/Autobiography 1911 Bulgaria autobiography
33 Treskow, Ada von Hildebrand und Schirmer. Erinnerungsblätter 1871 Germany autobiography
34 Truth, Sojourner Narrative of Sojourner Truth; a bondswoman of o... 1878 United States autobiography
35 Tyzenhaus de Choiseul-Gouffier, Sophie de Mémoires historiques sur l'empereur Alexandre e... 1829 France autobiography
36 Ulfeldt, Leonora Christina Jammers minde (Memoirs) 1869 Denmark autobiography
37 Ulfeldt, Leonora Christina *Autobiography in French 1673 Denmark autobiography
38 Varnhagen, Rahel Rahel : ein Buch des Andenkens für ihre Freunde 1834 Germany autobiography
39 Vega, condesa de Espoz y Mina, Juana de Memorias 1944 Spain autobiography
40 Vega, condesa de Espoz y Mina, Juana de Apuntes para la historia del tiempo enque ocupó... 1910 Spain autobiography
41 Veney, Bethany The Narrative of Bethany Veney, slave woman 1889 United States autobiography
42 Victoria, Queen Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highl... 1868 England autobiography
43 Victoria, Queen More leaves from the journal of a life in the Hi... 1884 England autobiography
44 Volkonskaya, Maria Nikolaevna Mémoires 1904 Russia autobiography
45 Warens de Latour, Baronne de Mémoires de Madame de Warens 1786 France autobiography
46 Will, Amalie Meine Freuden und Leiden als Jungfrau und Gattin 1797 Germany autobiography
47 Will, Amalie Meine Freuden und Leiden als Gattin und Mutter 1798 Germany autobiography
48 Witmond-Berkhout, Anna Christina Mijn roman 1899 Netherlands autobiography
49 Wolff, Betje Brieven van Elizabeth Bekker, wed. Wolff, en Aga... 1777 Netherlands autobiography
50 Wollstonecraft, Mary &&& Mary, a Fiction 1788 England autobiography
51 Wynne, Giustiniana Pieces morales & sentimentales 1785 England autobiography
52 Wynne, Giustiniana Moral and Sentimental Essays, 2 vols. 1785 England autobiography
53 Zuccari, Anna Autobiografia : il castigo 1891 Italy autobiography
54 Zuccari, Anna Una giovinezza del secolo XIX 1919 Italy autobiography