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Found 125 records
Author of work Work Publish year Receiver Gender Reception type Year Country
1 Xreception ~~anonymous Italian *Licht en duisternis (Light and darkness) 1898 Freystadt, Elisabeth F Translation published in periodical press 1899 Netherlands
2 Xreception ~~anonymous Italian *Den dochter van den vioolspeler (The daughter of the fiddler) 1880 Leeuw, Amy Geertruida de F Translation published in periodical press 1882 Netherlands
3 Xreception ~~anonymous Italian *Een huwelijk ten platten lande (A marriage in the countryside) 1882 Leeuw, Amy Geertruida de F Translation published in periodical press 1883 Netherlands
4 Xreception ~~anonymous Italian *De twee beloften (The two promises) 1890 *Marie F Translation published in periodical press 1891 Netherlands
5 Xreception Baccini, Ida *De oude huisklok (The old house clock) 1891 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation published in periodical press 1891 Netherlands
6 Xreception Baccini, Ida *Om hem te vergeten?! Uit het dagboek eener jonge vrouw (To forget him? From the diary of a young woman) 1888 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation published in periodical press 1888 Netherlands
7 Xreception Bazzocchi, Erminia *Twee vijandinnen (Two female enemies) 1896 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1896 Netherlands
8 Xreception Brink, Marie ten Jongensleven. Een boek voor ouders en kinderen 1887 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
9 Xreception Brink, Marie ten Jongensleven. Een boek voor ouders en kinderen 1887 Kol, Nellie van F Article in the press 1899 Netherlands
10 Xreception Brink, Marie ten Jongensleven. Een boek voor ouders en kinderen 1887 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1887 Netherlands
11 Xreception Cattermole, Evelina E ancora versi 1886 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1886 Netherlands
12 Xreception Cattermole, Evelina *Blonde zwaluw (Blond swallow) ~~translator male (name below) M Translation published in periodical press 1887 Netherlands
13 Xreception Cattermole, Evelina Versi 1882 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1883 Netherlands
14 Xreception Cattermole, Evelina Edizione postuma 1897 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1897 Netherlands
15 Xreception Cattermole, Evelina *Evelina Cattermolle, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Obituary 1897 Netherlands
16 Xreception Châtelain, Marie Louise de La mort de Hughes de Basseville 1850 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1851 Netherlands
17 Xreception Fava, Onorato Vita nostra, raccolta di novelle 1885 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
18 Xreception Fava, Onorato Vita nostra, raccolta di novelle 1885 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
19 Xreception Fava, Onorato Vita nostra, raccolta di novelle 1885 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
20 Xreception Fava, Onorato Vita nostra, raccolta di novelle 1885 ~~translator (name unknown) U Adaptation 1890 Netherlands
21 Xreception Finzi, Ida *De reizende vrouw (The traveling woman) 1895 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1896 Netherlands
22 Xreception Goeje, Maria Anna de Een Romeinsch ridder 1879 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1880 Netherlands
23 Xreception Goeje, Maria Anna de Een Romeinsch ridder 1879 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1879 Netherlands
24 Xreception Graaff-Holtrop, Jeanne Catharina de Novellen 1876 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1877 Netherlands
25 Xreception Graaff-Holtrop, Jeanne Catharina de Konstantinopel 1878 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1877 Netherlands
26 Xreception Graaff-Holtrop, Jeanne Catharina de Konstantinopel 1878 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1878 Netherlands
27 Xreception Graaff-Holtrop, Jeanne Catharina de Konstantinopel 1878 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1879 Netherlands
28 Xreception Graaff-Holtrop, Jeanne Catharina de Schetsen uit het krijgsmansleven 1875 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1876 Netherlands
29 Xreception Graaff-Holtrop, Jeanne Catharina de Schetsen uit het krijgsmansleven 1875 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1876 Netherlands
30 Xreception Graaff-Holtrop, Jeanne Catharina de Van Genua naar Batavia : herinneringen 1877 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1878 Netherlands
31 Xreception Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria La contessa Ilario 1882 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1889 Netherlands
32 Xreception Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria La mia casa; i miei figli: ricordi di una madre 1881 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1892 Netherlands
33 Xreception Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria La mia casa; i miei figli: ricordi di una madre 1881 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1892 Netherlands
34 Xreception Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria La mia casa; i miei figli: ricordi di una madre 1881 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1892 Netherlands
35 Xreception Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria Orgoglio e amore 1887 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1891 Netherlands
36 Xreception Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria Orgoglio e amore 1887 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1891 Netherlands
37 Xreception Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria La contessa Ilario 1882 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
38 Xreception Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria La contessa Ilario 1882 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
39 Xreception Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria La contessa Ilario 1882 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
40 Xreception Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria La contessa Ilario 1882 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
41 Xreception Guidicini, Cristina Tommasa Maria La contessa Ilario 1882 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
42 Xreception Meyer, Ymke Uit het leven van een onderwijzer 1890 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1891 Netherlands
43 Xreception Meyer, Ymke Uit het leven van een onderwijzer 1890 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1891 Netherlands
44 Xreception Meyer, Ymke Uit het leven van een onderwijzer 1890 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1892 Netherlands
45 Xreception Meyer, Ymke Uit het leven van een onderwijzer 1890 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1891 Netherlands
46 Xreception Milli, Giovanna (Giannina) *Romance 1866 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation published in periodical press 1866 Netherlands
47 Xreception Milli, Giovanna (Giannina) La farfalla ~~translator male (name below) M Translation published in periodical press 1869 Netherlands
48 Xreception Moleschott, Elsa Il mare ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1891 Netherlands
49 Xreception Natalina *Een nest ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1898 Netherlands
50 Xreception Negri, Ada *Ada Negri, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1895 Netherlands
51 Xreception Negri, Ada Fatalità 1892 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1896 Netherlands
52 Xreception Negri, Ada Fatalità 1892 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1896 Netherlands
53 Xreception Negri, Ada Fatalità 1892 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1895 Netherlands
54 Xreception Negri, Ada Fatalità 1892 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1896 Netherlands
55 Xreception Negri, Ada Fatalità 1892 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1896 Netherlands
56 Xreception Negri, Ada Fatalità 1892 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1896 Netherlands
57 Xreception Negri, Ada Fatalità 1892 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1896 Netherlands
58 Xreception Negri, Ada Fatalità 1892 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1896 Netherlands
59 Xreception Negri, Ada Fatalità 1892 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1896 Netherlands
60 Xreception Negri, Ada Tempeste 1895 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1897 Netherlands
61 Xreception Negri, Ada Tempeste 1895 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1898 Netherlands
62 Xreception Negri, Ada Tempeste 1895 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1898 Netherlands
63 Xreception Negri, Ada Tempeste 1895 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1898 Netherlands
64 Xreception Negri, Ada Tempeste 1895 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1898 Netherlands
65 Xreception Negri, Ada Fatalità 1892 Juta, Betsy F Translation published in periodical press 1895 Netherlands
66 Xreception Negri, Ada *Ada Negri, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1892 Netherlands
67 Xreception Negri, Ada *Ada Negri, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1894 Netherlands
68 Xreception Negri, Ada *Ada Negri, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1895 Netherlands
69 Xreception Negri, Ada *Ada Negri, the author Moulin-van Harlingen, Elisabeth Jacoba de F Article in the press 1897 Netherlands
70 Xreception Polak, Anna Sophia De rotsmaagden 1899 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1899 Netherlands
71 Xreception Ricci-Paternò Castelli, Maria *Maria Ricci-Paternò Castelli, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1886 Netherlands
72 Xreception Rocca, Principessa Della Ricordi della vita intima di Enrico Heine 1880 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1881 Netherlands
73 Xreception Rocca, Principessa Della Ricordi della vita intima di Enrico Heine 1880 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1881 Netherlands
74 Xreception Rocca, Principessa Della Ricordi della vita intima di Enrico Heine 1880 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1881 Netherlands
75 Xreception Salomonson-Asser, Jeanne *Translation of d'Annunzio: La Gioconda 1899 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1900 Netherlands
76 Xreception Salomonson-Asser, Jeanne *Translation of d'Annunzio: La Gioconda 1899 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1900 Netherlands
77 Xreception Salomonson-Asser, Jeanne *Translation of d'Annunzio: La Gioconda 1899 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1899 Netherlands
78 Xreception Salomonson-Asser, Jeanne *Translation of d'Annunzio: La Gioconda 1899 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1901 Netherlands
79 Xreception Serao, Matilde Fior di passione 1888 Westendorp, Theodora F Translation 1899 Netherlands
80 Xreception Serao, Matilde Addio, amore! 1890 ~~editor male (name below) M Mention 1890 Netherlands
81 Xreception Serao, Matilde *Wachtend ['Waiting'] ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1895 Netherlands
82 Xreception Serao, Matilde *Vast besloten ['Determined'] ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1889 Netherlands
83 Xreception Serao, Matilde *Op Nicida ['On Nicida'] ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1890 Netherlands
84 Xreception Serao, Matilde *Eene dorpsgeschiedenis ['A Village History'] 1890 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1892 Netherlands
85 Xreception Serao, Matilde *De schoentjes ['The little shoes'] 1894 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1895 Netherlands
86 Xreception Serao, Matilde Fior di passione 1888 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1899 Netherlands
87 Xreception Serao, Matilde Fior di passione 1888 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1899 Netherlands
88 Xreception Serao, Matilde Castigo 1893 Boele van Hensbroek, Mej. F Translation 1894 Netherlands
89 Xreception Serao, Matilde *Moeder en zoon (Serao) ['Mother and son'] 1897 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1898 Netherlands
90 Xreception Serao, Matilde Il paese di Cuccagna 1890 Boele van Hensbroek, Mej. F Translation 1893 Netherlands
91 Xreception Speckel, Fanny Testa Noemi 1889 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1892 Netherlands
92 Xreception Speraz, Beatrice Sulle due rive 1896 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1896 Netherlands
93 Xreception Speraz, Beatrice Sulle due rive 1896 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1897 Netherlands
94 Xreception Speraz, Beatrice Sulle due rive 1896 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1896 Netherlands
95 Xreception Speraz, Beatrice *Aan de piano 1889 *Marie F Translation published in periodical press 1889 Netherlands
96 Xreception Speraz, Beatrice Sulle due rive 1896 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1897 Netherlands
97 Xreception Torriani, Maria Antonietta *Zelfstandig (Independant) 1889 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1889 Netherlands
98 Xreception Treves, Viriginia Casa altrui 1883 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1894 Netherlands
99 Xreception Treves, Viriginia Casa altrui 1883 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1894 Netherlands
100 Xreception Treves, Viriginia Il mio delitto 1890 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1895 Netherlands
101 Xreception Treves, Viriginia Il mio delitto 1890 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1895 Netherlands
102 Xreception Treves, Viriginia Il mio delitto 1890 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1895 Netherlands
103 Xreception Treves, Viriginia È meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani 1895 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1899 Netherlands
104 Xreception Treves, Viriginia *Twee levensvragen (Two life questions) 1893 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1893 Netherlands
105 Xreception Treves, Viriginia *Het dochtertje van den baanwacht (The little daughter of the railway train guard) 1895 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1895 Netherlands
106 Xreception Treves, Viriginia Piccoli eroi ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1895 Netherlands
107 Xreception Turrinelli Cornelli, Giulia *Teresa's geheim. (Teresa's secret) ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1892 Netherlands
108 Xreception Vivanti, Annie Marion, artista di caffé-concerto 1891 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1893 Netherlands
109 Xreception Vivanti, Annie Marion, artista di caffé-concerto 1891 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1893 Netherlands
110 Xreception Vivanti, Annie Marion, artista di caffé-concerto 1891 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1893 Netherlands
111 Xreception Vivanti, Annie Marion, artista di caffé-concerto 1891 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1893 Netherlands
112 Xreception Vivanti, Annie Marion, artista di caffé-concerto 1891 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1893 Netherlands
113 Xreception Westendorp, Theodora Tweeërlei overtuiging 1894 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1894 Netherlands
114 Xreception Westendorp, Theodora Tweeërlei overtuiging 1894 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1895 Netherlands
115 Xreception Westendorp, Theodora Tweeërlei overtuiging 1894 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1894 Netherlands
116 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Addio 1877 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
117 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Un nido 1880 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1898 Netherlands
118 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Un nido 1880 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1898 Netherlands
119 Xreception Zuccari, Anna *Nora 1887 *Marie F Translation published in periodical press 1888 Netherlands
120 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Iride, nuove novelle 1881 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1888 Netherlands
121 Xreception Zuccari, Anna *Anna Zuccari (Neera), the author ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1888 Netherlands
122 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Lydia 1887 Boele van Hensbroek, Mej. F Translation published in periodical press 1889 Netherlands
123 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Teresa 1886 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
124 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Addio 1877 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
125 Xreception Zuccari, Anna *Levensmoede (Tired of life)) 1892 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1893 Netherlands