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Found 1815 records
Author of work Work Publish year Receiver Gender Reception type Year Country
1 Xreception Gravesande - Van der Aar de Sterke, Anna 's *Anna 's Gravesande - Van der Aar Sterke, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
2 Xreception Griethuizen-Carelius, Maria Louiza *Maria Louiza Griethuizen-Carelius, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1880 Netherlands
3 Xreception Griethuizen-Carelius, Maria Louiza *Maria Louiza Griethuizen-Carelius, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1869 Netherlands
4 Xreception Griethuizen-Carelius, Maria Louiza *Maria Louiza Griethuizen-Carelius, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
5 Xreception Griethuizen-Carelius, Maria Louiza *Maria Louiza Griethuizen-Carelius, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1854 Netherlands
6 Xreception Griethuizen-Carelius, Maria Louiza *Maria Louiza Griethuizen-Carelius, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1845 Netherlands
7 Xreception Griethuizen-Carelius, Maria Louiza *Maria Louiza Griethuizen-Carelius, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
8 Xreception Griethuysen, Sibylle van *Sibylle van Griethuysen, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1826 Netherlands
9 Xreception Griethuysen, Sibylle van *Sibylle van Griethuysen, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1909 Netherlands
10 Xreception Griethuysen, Sibylle van *Sibylle van Griethuysen, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
11 Xreception Griethuysen, Sibylle van *Sibylle van Griethuysen, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1835 Netherlands
12 Xreception Griethuysen, Sibylle van *Sibylle van Griethuysen, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1821 Netherlands
13 Xreception Grillo Borromeo Arese, Clelia *Clelia Grillo Borromeo, the author ~~author male (name below) M (Literary) history 1799 France
14 Xreception Grootenraai, Mevr. van *Mevr. van Grootenraai, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
15 Xreception Guibert, Elisabeth *Elisabeth Guibert, the author Thicknesse, Ann F (Literary) history 1780 England
16 Xreception Guibert, Elisabeth Les filles à marier 1768 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1769 France
17 Xreception Guibert, Elisabeth Les filles à marier 1768 Briquet, Marguerite Ursule Fortunée, née Bernier F (Literary) history 1804 France
18 Xreception Guichard, Eléonore *Eléonore Guichard, the author Thicknesse, Ann F (Literary) history 1780 England
19 Xreception Guichard, Eléonore Mémoires de Cécile 1751 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1769 France
20 Xreception Guillaume, Jacquette Les Dames illustres, où par bonnes et fortes raisons il se prouve que le sexe féminin surpasse en to 1665 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1769 France
21 Xreception Guillaume, Jacquette Les Dames illustres, où par bonnes et fortes raisons il se prouve que le sexe féminin surpasse en to 1665 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1921 France
22 Xreception Guillet, Pernette du Les Rimes et Poésies de gentile et vertueuse Dame Pernette du Guillet 1545 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1769 France
23 Xreception Guillet, Pernette du Les Rimes et Poésies de gentile et vertueuse Dame Pernette du Guillet 1545 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1921 France
24 Xreception Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvière de la Mothe Opuscules spirituels 1704 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1921 France
25 Xreception Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvière de la Mothe Opuscules spirituels 1704 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1769 France
26 Xreception Haastrecht, Maria van *Maria van Haastrecht, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1845 Netherlands
27 Xreception Haastrecht, Maria van *Maria van Haastrecht, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
28 Xreception Hadewijch Epistelen 1230 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1920 Belgium/Southern Netherlands
29 Xreception Hadewijch *Hadewijch, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1906 Netherlands
30 Xreception Hadewijch *Hadewijch, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
31 Xreception Hadewijch *Hadewijch, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1920 Belgium/Southern Netherlands
32 Xreception Hadewijch Liederen en Mengeldichten (Hadewijch) 1230 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1920 Belgium/Southern Netherlands
33 Xreception Hadewijch Visioenen (Hadewych) 1230 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1920 Belgium/Southern Netherlands
34 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Gräfin Faustine 1840 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1866 France
35 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von *Ida von Hahn-Hahn, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1844 Germany
36 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von *Ida von Hahn-Hahn, the author ~~author male (name below) M (Literary) history 1866 England
37 Xreception Haighton, Elise Adelaïde *Elise Haighton, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
38 Xreception Halmale, Geertruide van *Geertruide van Halmale, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
39 Xreception Halmale, Geertruide van *Geertruide van Halmale, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1845 Netherlands
40 Xreception Haren-Beaumont, Johanna Jacoba van *J.J. van Haren - Beaumont, the author ~~journalist (name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
41 Xreception Harlay, Louise Françoise de *Louise Françoise de Harlay, the author Thicknesse, Ann F (Literary) history 1780 England
42 Xreception Harlay, Louise Françoise de *Louise Françoise de Harlay, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1769 France
43 Xreception Hartloop, Elizabet *Elizabeth Hartloop, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1822 Netherlands
44 Xreception Hartloop, Elizabet *Elizabeth Hartloop, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
45 Xreception Harwaarden, Elisabeth van *Elisabeth Harwarden, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
46 Xreception Hasebroek, Elisabeth Johanna *Betsy Hasebroek, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
47 Xreception Hautpoul, Anne-Marie de Beaufort d' *Madame de Hautpoul, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1921 France
48 Xreception Haverkotte-Nagel, Louise Victorine Miniaturen 1876 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1902 Netherlands
49 Xreception Haverkotte-Nagel, Louise Victorine *Louise Victorine Haverkolk-Nagel, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
50 Xreception Hecquet, Marie-Catherine Homassel Histoire de Mlle Le Blanc jeune fille sauvage retrouvée dans les bois de Champagne 1755 Briquet, Marguerite Ursule Fortunée, née Bernier F (Literary) history 1804 France
51 Xreception Heems, Femina *Femina Heems, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1854 Netherlands
52 Xreception Heems, Femina *Femina Heems, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1869 Netherlands
53 Xreception Heems, Femina *Femina Heems, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
54 Xreception Heijse, Johanna Jacoba *Johanna Jacoba Heijse, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
55 Xreception Heijse, Johanna Jacoba *Johanna Jacoba Heijse, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
56 Xreception Helmcke, Johanna Elisabeth *Johanna Elisabeth Helmcke, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1854 Netherlands
57 Xreception Helmcke, Johanna Elisabeth *Johanna Elisabeth Helmcke, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
58 Xreception Helmcke, Johanna Elisabeth *Johanna Elisabeth Helmcke, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1846 Netherlands
59 Xreception Helmcke, Johanna Elisabeth *Johanna Elisabeth Helmcke, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
60 Xreception Helme, Elizabeth St Clair of the Isles; or the Outlaws of the Barra. A Scotish Tradition 1803 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1839 France
61 Xreception Helme, Elizabeth The Farmer of Inglewood Forest 1796 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1839 France
62 Xreception Hemrica, Anna *Anna Hemrica, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
63 Xreception Hengel, Maria van *Maria van Hengel, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
64 Xreception Hengel, Maria van *Maria van Hengel, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1851 Netherlands
65 Xreception Hengel, Maria van *Maria van Hengel, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
66 Xreception Hengel, Maria van *Maria van Hengel, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1854 Netherlands
67 Xreception Hengel, Maria van *Maria van Hengel, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1821 Netherlands
68 Xreception Herbig, Froukje *Froukje Herbig, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
69 Xreception Herbig, Froukje *Froukje Herbig, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
70 Xreception Hertzveld, Estella Dorothea Salomea *Estella Dorothea Salomea Hertzveld, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
71 Xreception Heuvel, Elisabeth van den *Elisabeth van den Heuvel, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
72 Xreception Heuvel, Elisabeth van den *Elisabeth van den Heuvel, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1845 Netherlands
73 Xreception Heuvel, M. van den *M.. van den Heuvel, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
74 Xreception Heuvel, M. van den *M.. van den Heuvel, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1845 Netherlands
75 Xreception Heyns, Maria Bloemhof der doorluchtige voorbeelden 1647 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1824 Netherlands
76 Xreception Heyns, Maria *Maria Heyns, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1826 Netherlands
77 Xreception Heyns, Maria Bloemhof der doorluchtige voorbeelden 1647 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1826 Netherlands
78 Xreception Heyns, Maria *Maria Heyns, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
79 Xreception Heyns, Maria *Maria Heyns, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1845 Netherlands
80 Xreception Heyns, Maria *Maria Heyns, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1854 Netherlands
81 Xreception Heyst, Maria van *Maria van Heyst, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1845 Netherlands
82 Xreception Heyst, Maria van *Maria van Heyst, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
83 Xreception Heyst, Maria van *Maria van Heyst, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1854 Netherlands
84 Xreception Hiers, Clementia *Clementia Hiers, the author ~~author male (name below) M (Literary) history 1885 Belgium/Southern Netherlands
85 Xreception Hobius, Johanna *Johanna Hoobius, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1734 Netherlands
86 Xreception Hobius, Johanna *Johanna Hoobius, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1821 Netherlands
87 Xreception Hobius, Johanna *Johanna Hoobius, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1851 Netherlands
88 Xreception Hobius, Johanna *Johanna Hoobius, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1869 Netherlands
89 Xreception Hobius, Johanna *Johanna Hoobius, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
90 Xreception Hobius, Johanna *Johanna Hoobius, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1763 Low Countries (French speaking)
91 Xreception Hofman, Clara Anna *Clara Anna Hofman, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
92 Xreception Hoofman, Elisabeth Naagelaatene Gedichten 1774 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1835 Netherlands
93 Xreception Hoofman, Elisabeth *Elisabeth Koolaart-Hoofman, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1821 Netherlands
94 Xreception Hoofman, Elisabeth *Elisabeth Koolaart-Hoofman, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1824 Netherlands
95 Xreception Hoofman, Elisabeth *Elisabeth Koolaart-Hoofman, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
96 Xreception Hoofman, Elisabeth *Elisabeth Koolaart-Hoofman, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1851 Netherlands
97 Xreception Hoofman, Elisabeth *Elisabeth Koolaart-Hoofman, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1821 Netherlands
98 Xreception Hoofman, Elisabeth *Elisabeth Koolaart-Hoofman, the author Goeje, Reynoudina de F (Literary) history 1893 Netherlands
99 Xreception Hoofman, Elisabeth Naagelaatene Gedichten 1774 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1827 Netherlands
100 Xreception Hoofman, Elisabeth *Elisabeth Koolaart-Hoofman, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1835 Netherlands