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Found 3160 records
Author of work Work Publish year Receiver Gender Reception type Year Country
1 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Het leven van Juff. Antoinette Bourignon (The life of miss. Antoinette Bourignon) 1683 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1757 Netherlands
2 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Het graf der vaalsche Theologie (The tomb of pale Theology/ The tomb of 'vaalse' Theology) 1681 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1758 Netherlands
3 Xreception Favart, Marie Justine Benoîte La Chercheuse d'esprit 1741 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1758 Netherlands
4 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Het Getuigenis der Waarheid (The Testimony of Truth) 1680 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1758 Netherlands
5 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Leven en verdediging van de Theologie (Life and defence of the Theology) 1680 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1758 Netherlands
6 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Works by Bourignon (to be specified) 1730 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1758 Netherlands
7 Xreception Sévigné, Marie de Lettres [de Madame de Sévigné] 1734 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1759 Netherlands
8 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des enfants 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1759 Netherlands
9 Xreception Valois, Marguerite de Contes et nouvelles de Marguerite de Valois 1700 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1759 Netherlands
10 Xreception Sévigné, Marie de Lettres [de Madame de Sévigné] 1734 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1759 Netherlands
11 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Education complète, ou abrégé de l'histoire universelle, mêlé de géographie et de chronologie 1753 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1759 Netherlands
12 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie *Jeanne Marie Leprince de Beaumont, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1759 Netherlands
13 Xreception Benoist, Françoise-Albine Mes principes, ou la vertu raisonnée 1759 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1759 Netherlands
14 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des enfants 1756 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1759 Netherlands
15 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des adolescentes 1760 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1759 Netherlands
16 Xreception Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Lettres de Milady Juliette Catesby à Milady Henriette Campley, son amie 1759 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1759 Netherlands
17 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& Recueil des oeuvres 1762 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1759 Netherlands
18 Xreception Motteville, Madame de Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire d'Anne d'Autriche, épouse de Louis XIII 1723 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1759 Netherlands
19 Xreception La Roche Guilhem, Anne de L' amitié singulière 1708 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1759 Netherlands
20 Xreception Staal-Delaunay, Marguerite-Jeanne de Mémoires de Mme de Staal écrits par elle-même 1755 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1759 Netherlands
21 Xreception Lussan, Marguerite de Les veillées de Thessalie 1731 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1759 Netherlands
22 Xreception Fontaines, Marie-Louise Charlotte Histoire d'Aménophis, prince de Lybie 1725 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1759 Netherlands
23 Xreception Auneuil, Louise de Bossigny, Comtesse La tirannie des fées détruite 1702 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1759 Netherlands
24 Xreception Graffigny, Françoise de Cénie 1750 Corver-van Hattum, Anna F Translation 1760 Netherlands
25 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette La lumière du monde 1679 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
26 Xreception Deshoulières, Antoinette Poésies [de Mme Deshoulières] 1688 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
27 Xreception Bernard, Cathérine Inès de Cordoue, nouvelle espagnole 1696 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
28 Xreception La Force, Charlotte de Histoire secrète de Bourgogne 1694 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
29 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' Histoire de Jean de Bourbon, Prince de Charency 1692 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
30 Xreception Lafayette, Marie-Madeleine de La Princesse de Clèves 1678 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
31 Xreception Cochois, Mademoiselle de Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de l'Esprit et du Coeur 1744 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
32 Xreception Lussan, Marguerite de Anecdotes de la cour de Philippe Auguste 1733 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
33 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' Le Comte de Warwick 1703 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
34 Xreception La Roche Guilhem, Anne de *Comte d' Essex histoire anglaise 1677 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
35 Xreception La Roche Guilhem, Anne de *Innocente justifiée 1694 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
36 Xreception Lussan, Marguerite de Anecdotes galantes de la cour de Henri second 1749 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
37 Xreception Lussan, Marguerite de Anecdotes de la cour de François I 1748 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
38 Xreception Brohon, Jacqueline Aimée Les amants philosophes ou le triomphe de la raison 1753 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
39 Xreception La Roche Guilhem, Anne de Le grand Scanderberg, nouvelle 1688 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
40 Xreception Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de Les cent nouvelles nouvelles 1732 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
41 Xreception Lussan, Marguerite de Histoire de la Comtesse de Gondez 1725 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
42 Xreception Lussan, Marguerite de Marie d'Angleterre, reine-duchesse 1749 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
43 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' Histoire d'Hypolite, Comte de Douglas 1690 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
44 Xreception La Roche Guilhem, Anne de Oeuvres diverses de Mlle de La Roche Guilhem 1711 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
45 Xreception Lussan, Marguerite de Les veillées de Thessalie 1731 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
46 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' La Relation du Voyage en Espagne 1691 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
47 Xreception Durand de Bédacier, Catherine La Comtesse de Mortane 1699 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
48 Xreception Villeneuve, Gabrielle Suzanne Barbot de Le Juge prévenu 1754 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
49 Xreception Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Lettres de Milady Juliette Catesby à Milady Henriette Campley, son amie 1759 Tuyll van Serooskerken, Anna Elisabeth (Annebetje) F Private collection 1760 Netherlands
50 Xreception Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Lettres de Mistress Fanni Butlerd à Milord Charles Alfred de Caitombridge 1757 Tuyll van Serooskerken, Anna Elisabeth (Annebetje) F Private collection 1760 Netherlands
51 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des enfants 1756 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1760 Netherlands
52 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des adolescentes 1760 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1760 Netherlands
53 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des adolescentes 1760 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1760 Netherlands
54 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des adolescentes 1760 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1760 Netherlands
55 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' Le Comte de Warwick 1703 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
56 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Academie der geleerde Theologanten (Academy of learned Theologians) 1683 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
57 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Avertissement tegen de Quakers (Advertisement against the Quakers) 1672 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
58 Xreception Fauque, Marianne-Agnès Pillement de Le triomphe de l'amitié, ouvrage traduit du grec par mademoiselle de **. 1751 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
59 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' Le Comte de Warwick 1703 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
60 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Het graf der vaalsche Theologie (The tomb of pale Theology/ The tomb of 'vaalse' Theology) 1681 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
61 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette La lumière née en tenèbres 1665 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
62 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette La pierre de touche 1679 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
63 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' La Relation du Voyage en Espagne 1691 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
64 Xreception La Roche Guilhem, Anne de Histoire des Favorites 1697 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
65 Xreception Barbier, Marie-Anne Oeuvres de Barbier 1719 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
66 Xreception Murat, Henriette Julie de Mémoires de Madame la Comtesse de M*** 1697 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
67 Xreception L'Enclos, Ninon de Lettres de Ninon de L'Enclos au Marquis de Sévigné (par Louis Damours) 1750 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1760 Netherlands
68 Xreception Lafayette, Marie-Madeleine de La Princesse de Clèves 1678 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
69 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' La Relation du Voyage en Espagne 1691 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
70 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
71 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' Mémoires de la Cour d'Angleterre 1695 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
72 Xreception Durand de Bédacier, Catherine Mémoires secrets de la cour de Charles VII, roi de France 1699 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
73 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Gods roepinge (God's calling) 1682 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
74 Xreception Bernard, Cathérine Les Malheurs de l'Amour, première nouvelle, Eléonor d'Yvrée 1687 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
75 Xreception Brohon, Jacqueline Aimée Les amants philosophes ou le triomphe de la raison 1753 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
76 Xreception La Roche Guilhem, Anne de Oeuvres diverses de Mlle de La Roche Guilhem 1711 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
77 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *De morgensterre (The morning star) 1684 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
78 Xreception Fauque, Marianne-Agnès Pillement de Le triomphe de l'amitié, ouvrage traduit du grec par mademoiselle de **. 1751 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
79 Xreception Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Lettres de Mistress Fanni Butlerd à Milord Charles Alfred de Caitombridge 1757 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
80 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette Traité admirable de la solide vertu, .. 1679 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
81 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Verblijdheid der Menschen van deezen Tijt (Joyful nature of the people of this Time) 1679 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
82 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des adolescentes 1760 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1760 Netherlands
83 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *De Nieuwe Wereld en de Nieuwe Aarde (The New World and the New Earth) 1679 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
84 Xreception La Vallière, Louise-Françoise Duchesse de Réflexions sur la miséricorde de Dieu , par une dame pénitente 1680 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
85 Xreception Villedieu, Madame de Annales galantes de Grèce 1702 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
86 Xreception Guichard, Eléonore Mémoires de Cécile 1751 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
87 Xreception La Roche Guilhem, Anne de Oeuvres diverses de Mlle de La Roche Guilhem 1711 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
88 Xreception Châtelet, Gabrielle Emilie du Institutions physiques 1740 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
89 Xreception Fontaines, Marie-Louise Charlotte Histoire d'Aménophis, prince de Lybie 1725 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
90 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Heylzame Raatgevingen (Beneficial Advice) 1685 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
91 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Vernieuwing van der Evangelische Geest (Renewal of the Evangelical Mind) 1679 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
92 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Antichrist ontdekt (Antichrist discovered) 1680 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
93 Xreception Scudéry, Madeleine de Clélie, histoire romaine 1660 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
94 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
95 Xreception Villeneuve, Gabrielle Suzanne Barbot de Le Beau-frère supposé 1752 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
96 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Education complète, ou abrégé de l'histoire universelle, mêlé de géographie et de chronologie 1753 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
97 Xreception Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de Les journées amusantes 1722 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
98 Xreception La Roche Guilhem, Anne de Histoire des Favorites 1697 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
99 Xreception Dacier, Anne Causes de la corruption du goût 1714 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
100 Xreception Dacier, Anne Poésies dAnacreon et de Sapho 1681 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
101 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des enfants 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
102 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Civan, Roi de Bungo, histoire japonaise, ou tableau de l'éducation d'un prince 1754 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
103 Xreception L'Enclos, Ninon de Lettres de Ninon de L'Enclos au Marquis de Sévigné (par Louis Damours) 1750 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
104 Xreception L'Enclos, Ninon de Lettres de Ninon de L'Enclos au Marquis de Sévigné (par Louis Damours) 1750 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
105 Xreception Sévigné, Marie de Lettres [de Madame de Sévigné] 1734 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
106 Xreception Staal-Delaunay, Marguerite-Jeanne de Mémoires de Mme de Staal écrits par elle-même 1755 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
107 Xreception Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de Histoire d'Osman, Ier du nom, dix-neuvième empereur des Turcs 1734 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
108 Xreception Scudéry, Madeleine de Artamène, ou le Grand Cyrus 1649 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
109 Xreception Puisieux, Madeleine de Zamor et Almanzine, ou l' inutilité de l'esprit et du bon sens 1755 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
110 Xreception Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de Les cent nouvelles nouvelles 1732 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
111 Xreception Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Histoire du Marquis de Cressy 1758 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
112 Xreception Murat, Henriette Julie de Les lutins du château de Kermosy 1710 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
113 Xreception Murat, Henriette Julie de *Les quatre Facardins ~~reader(s) female (name below) F Private collection 1760 Netherlands
114 Xreception Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de Les anecdotes persanes 1727 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
115 Xreception Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de Les journées amusantes 1722 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
116 Xreception Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Lettres de Mistress Fanni Butlerd à Milord Charles Alfred de Caitombridge 1757 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1760 Netherlands
117 Xreception Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Lettres de Milady Juliette Catesby à Milady Henriette Campley, son amie 1759 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1760 Netherlands
118 Xreception Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Lettres de Milady Juliette Catesby à Milady Henriette Campley, son amie 1759 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1760 Netherlands
119 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des adolescentes 1760 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1761 Netherlands
120 Xreception Bermann, Mademoiselle de *Mademoiselle de Bermann, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1761 Netherlands
121 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des adolescentes 1760 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1761 Netherlands
122 Xreception Villedieu, Madame de Annales galantes de Grèce 1702 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
123 Xreception Villedieu, Madame de Les exilés de la Cour d' Auguste 1672 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
124 Xreception Villedieu, Madame de Les amours des grands hommes 1671 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
125 Xreception Villedieu, Madame de Alcidamie 1661 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
126 Xreception Barbier, Marie-Anne Oeuvres de Barbier 1719 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
127 Xreception Scudéry, Madeleine de Clélie, histoire romaine 1660 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
128 Xreception Scudéry, Madeleine de Clélie, histoire romaine 1660 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
129 Xreception Scudéry, Madeleine de Ibrahim, ou l'illustre Bassa 1641 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
130 Xreception Scudéry, Madeleine de Ibrahim, ou l'illustre Bassa 1641 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
131 Xreception Desroches, Catherine Tobie 1579 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
132 Xreception La Roche Guilhem, Anne de Oeuvres diverses de Mlle de La Roche Guilhem 1711 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
133 Xreception Lussan, Marguerite de Anecdotes de la cour de Philippe Auguste 1733 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
134 Xreception La Force, Charlotte de Histoire secrète de Bourgogne 1694 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
135 Xreception Villeneuve, Gabrielle Suzanne Barbot de Anecdotes de la cour d' Alphonse XI 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
136 Xreception Murat, Henriette Julie de Voyage de campagne 1699 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1761 Netherlands
137 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des enfants 1756 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1761 Netherlands
138 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des adolescentes 1760 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1761 Netherlands
139 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des enfants 1756 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1761 Netherlands
140 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des adolescentes 1760 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1761 Netherlands
141 Xreception Coligny, Louise de *Louise de Coligny, the author Merken, Lucretia Wilhelmina van F Mention 1762 Netherlands
142 Xreception Murat, Henriette Julie de Les lutins du château de Kermosy 1710 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
143 Xreception Sévigné, Marie de Lettres [de Madame de Sévigné] 1734 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
144 Xreception Deshoulières, Antoinette Poésies [de Mme Deshoulières] 1688 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
145 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' Le Comte de Warwick 1703 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
146 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' Histoire d'Hypolite, Comte de Douglas 1690 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
147 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' La Relation du Voyage en Espagne 1691 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
148 Xreception Nemours, Marie d'Orléans, Duchesse de Mémoires (de la Duchesse de Nemours) 1709 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
149 Xreception Maintenon, Françoise de Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire de Madame de Maintenon et à celle du siècle passé 1755 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
150 Xreception Maintenon, Françoise de Lettres de Madame de Maintenon 1753 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
151 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' Histoire de Jean de Bourbon, Prince de Charency 1692 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
152 Xreception Lussan, Marguerite de Histoire de la révolution du royaume de Naples, dans les années 1647 et 1648 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
153 Xreception Foucquet, Marie de Maupeou, Dame Remèdes faciles et domestiques ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
154 Xreception Favart, Marie Justine Benoîte Le Caprice amoureux, ou Ninette à la cour 1755 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1762 Netherlands
155 Xreception Prémontval, Marie-Anne-Victoire Pigeon d'Osangis, *Vues philosophiques, ou protestations et déclarations sur les principaux objets des connaissances.. 1757 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
156 Xreception Lambert, Anne-Thérèse de Oeuvres [Madame de Lambert] 1748 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
157 Xreception Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Amélie 1762 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1762 Netherlands
158 Xreception Roumier, Marie-Anne La paysanne philosophe 1762 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1762 Netherlands
159 Xreception Arnauld, Marie Angélique de St. Jean d'Andilly Discours de la R.M. Angélique de S. Jean, abesse de P. R. des Champs, appellés Miséricordes, .. 1735 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
160 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des enfants 1756 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1762 Netherlands
161 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des adolescentes 1760 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1762 Netherlands
162 Xreception Bouillon-Mancini, Marie Duchesse de Heroide par mademoiselle de BLEREAU & autres piéces du même Auteur 1762 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1762 Netherlands
163 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' La Relation du Voyage en Espagne 1691 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1762 Netherlands
164 Xreception Villedieu, Madame de Mémoires de la vie d'Henriette-Sylvie de Molière 1672 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1762 Netherlands
165 Xreception La Force, Charlotte de Histoire de Marguerite de Valois, reine de Navarre, soeur de François Ier 1696 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1762 Netherlands
166 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' Mémoires de la Cour d'Espagne 1690 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1762 Netherlands
167 Xreception Scudéry, Madeleine de Ibrahim, ou l'illustre Bassa 1641 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1762 Netherlands
168 Xreception Lafayette, Marie-Madeleine de Zaïde, histoire Espagnole 1669 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1762 Netherlands
169 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' La Relation du Voyage en Espagne 1691 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1762 Netherlands
170 Xreception Châtelet, Gabrielle Emilie du Institutions physiques 1740 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1762 Netherlands
171 Xreception Châtelet, Gabrielle Emilie du Institutions physiques 1740 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1762 Netherlands
172 Xreception Bourignon, Antoinette *Over 't hart (About/Over the heart) 1699 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1762 Netherlands
173 Xreception Tencin, Claudine A.G. de Le Siège de Calais, nouvelle historique 1739 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
174 Xreception Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de La belle assemblée 1734 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
175 Xreception Staal-Delaunay, Marguerite-Jeanne de Mémoires de Mme de Staal écrits par elle-même 1755 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
176 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des adolescentes 1760 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
177 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des enfants 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1762 Netherlands
178 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des adolescentes 1760 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1763 Netherlands
179 Xreception Barbier, Marie-Anne Tomyris 1707 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1763 Netherlands
180 Xreception Beaumer, Madame de Journal des Dames 1761 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1763 Netherlands
181 Xreception Scudéry, Madeleine de Conversations sur divers sujets (Scudéry) 1680 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1763 Netherlands
182 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' Contes des fées 1698 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1763 Netherlands
183 Xreception Barbier, Marie-Anne La mort de César 1710 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1763 Netherlands
184 Xreception Villedieu, Madame de Le Favori 1665 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1763 Netherlands
185 Xreception Maintenon, Françoise de *Françoise de Maintenon, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1763 Netherlands
186 Xreception Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de Habis, tragédie 1714 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1763 Netherlands
187 Xreception Carrelet, Marie-Anne Clarice 1769 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
188 Xreception La Guesnerie, Charlotte Charbonnier de Mémoires de Milady B*** 1760 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
189 Xreception Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Lettres de Milady Juliette Catesby à Milady Henriette Campley, son amie 1759 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
190 Xreception Lussan, Marguerite de Anecdotes galantes de la cour de Henri second 1749 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
191 Xreception Deshoulières, Antoinette Oeuvres de Deshoulières ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
192 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
193 Xreception Aulnoy, Marie-Cathérine d' La Relation du Voyage en Espagne 1691 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
194 Xreception Graffigny, Françoise de Lettres d'une Péruvienne 1747 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
195 Xreception Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Lettres de Milady Juliette Catesby à Milady Henriette Campley, son amie 1759 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
196 Xreception Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique de Histoire du Comte d'Oxfort, de Milady d'Herby, d'Eustache St-Pierre et Béatrix de Guines au siège.. 1737 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
197 Xreception La Roche Guilhem, Anne de Histoire chronologique d' Espagne 1694 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
198 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Magasin des enfants 1756 Charrière, Isabelle de F Egodocument 1764 Netherlands
199 Xreception Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne Lettres de Mistress Fanni Butlerd à Milord Charles Alfred de Caitombridge 1757 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
200 Xreception Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Instructions pour les jeunes dames, qui entrent dans le monde et se marient 1764 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1764 Netherlands