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Found 1290 records
Author of work Work Publish year Receiver Gender Reception type Year Country
1 Xreception Buerstenbinder/Bürstenbinder, Elisabeth Hermann 1870 ~~journalist (name below) M Women's press: article 1877 Netherlands
2 Xreception Buerstenbinder/Bürstenbinder, Elisabeth *Onder betoovering (Under enchantment) 1882 Nijhoff, Hendrina Hermina F Translation 1883 Netherlands
3 Xreception Buerstenbinder/Bürstenbinder, Elisabeth Der Egoïst 1882 Nijhoff, Hendrina Hermina F Translation 1882 Netherlands
4 Xreception Buerstenbinder/Bürstenbinder, Elisabeth Hermann 1870 Nijhoff, Hendrina Hermina F Translation 1877 Netherlands
5 Xreception Buerstenbinder/Bürstenbinder, Elisabeth Flammenzeichen 1890 ~~editor (name unknown) U Publicity 1890 Netherlands
6 Xreception Buerstenbinder/Bürstenbinder, Elisabeth Am Altar 1873 ~~Nutsbibliotheken Nederland U Library catalogue (public) 1910 Netherlands
7 Xreception Buerstenbinder/Bürstenbinder, Elisabeth Vineta 1877 ~~journalist (name below) M Women's press: article 1877 Netherlands
8 Xreception Buerstenbinder/Bürstenbinder, Elisabeth Glück auf! 1873 Nijhoff, Hendrina Hermina F Translation 1885 Netherlands
9 Xreception Buerstenbinder/Bürstenbinder, Elisabeth Glück auf! 1873 ~~journalist (name below) M Women's press: article 1873 Netherlands
10 Xreception Bülow, Frieda von Wir von Heute 1898 ~reader(s) female (member of Damesleesmuseum, The Hague) F Library catalogue (association, club) Netherlands
11 Xreception Burger - Hahn, Elize Adelheit, Gräfinn von Teck 1799 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M Mention 1907 Netherlands
12 Xreception Burger - Hahn, Elize Adelheit, Gräfinn von Teck 1799 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1799 Netherlands
13 Xreception Burow, Julie Ein Lebenstraum 1855 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1859 Netherlands
14 Xreception Burow, Julie Des Kindes Wartung und Pflege und die Erziehung der Toechter in Haus und Schule 1855 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1857 Netherlands
15 Xreception Burow, Julie *Vrouwenroeping (Woman's vocation) 1865 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1872 Netherlands
16 Xreception Burow, Julie Erinnerungen einer Grossmutter 1856 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1858 Netherlands
17 Xreception Burow, Julie Ein Lebenstraum 1855 *Hermine F Translation 1858 Netherlands
18 Xreception Burow, Julie *Vrouwenroeping (Woman's vocation) 1865 Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina F Article in the press 1872 Netherlands
19 Xreception Burow, Julie Ein Lebenstraum 1855 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
20 Xreception Burow, Julie Erinnerungen einer Grossmutter 1856 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
21 Xreception Burow, Julie *De gelukster (The lucky woman) ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
22 Xreception Burow, Julie Erinnerungen einer Grossmutter 1856 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1858 Netherlands
23 Xreception Burow, Julie *De gelukster (The lucky woman) *Hermine F Translation 1858 Netherlands
24 Xreception Burow, Julie *Julie Burow, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Proof of influence 1856 Netherlands
25 Xreception Burow, Julie Des Kindes Wartung und Pflege und die Erziehung der Toechter in Haus und Schule 1855 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1858 Netherlands
26 Xreception Burow, Julie *Short stories published in: Van Duitschen bodem 1858 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1858 Netherlands
27 Xreception Calm, Marie Die Stellung der deutschen Lehrerinnen 1870 ~~author male (name below) M Women's press: article 1871 Netherlands
28 Xreception Clément, Bertha Prinzess Ilse 1895 Wijsman, Philippine F Translation 1898 Netherlands
29 Xreception Courts-Mahler, Hedwig *Hedwig Courts-Mahler, the author ~~Haarlem readers (studied by B. de Vries) U Book hist. doc. to be specified 1900 Netherlands
30 Xreception Cron, Clara Die Geschwister 1884 ~~editor (name unknown) U Publicity 1890 Netherlands
31 Xreception Cron, Clara *De macht der liefde (The power of love) ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1886 Netherlands
32 Xreception Cron, Clara Das Glückskind 1885 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1886 Netherlands
33 Xreception Cron, Clara *Hanna Jacoba F Translation 1886 Netherlands
34 Xreception Cron, Clara *Hanna ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1887 Netherlands
35 Xreception Cron, Clara Das Glückskind 1885 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1887 Netherlands
36 Xreception Cron, Clara Das Glückskind 1885 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1886 Netherlands
37 Xreception Cron, Clara *De twee vriendinnen, een verhaal (The two girl friends, a story) 1880 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1884 Netherlands
38 Xreception Cron, Clara *De twee vriendinnen, een verhaal (The two girl friends, a story) 1880 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1885 Netherlands
39 Xreception Cron, Clara *Hanna ~~journalist (name unknown) M Women's press: article 1886 Netherlands
40 Xreception Cron, Clara *Het gezin van den geheimraad (The family of the privy council) ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1889 Netherlands
41 Xreception Cron, Clara *Het gezin van den geheimraad (The family of the privy council) ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
42 Xreception Cron, Clara Zwei Töchter 1879 Jacoba F Translation 1884 Netherlands
43 Xreception Cron, Clara Die Geschwister 1884 Jacoba F Translation 1884 Netherlands
44 Xreception Cron, Clara *Het gezin van den geheimraad (The family of the privy council) ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1889 Netherlands
45 Xreception Cron, Clara Die Geschwister 1884 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1885 Netherlands
46 Xreception Cron, Clara *Regina, eene koningin in een nederigen werkkring (Regina, a queen in a humble job) ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1878 Netherlands
47 Xreception Cron, Clara *Regina, eene koningin in een nederigen werkkring (Regina, a queen in a humble job) ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1878 Netherlands
48 Xreception Cron, Clara *De macht der liefde (The power of love) ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1886 Netherlands
49 Xreception Cron, Clara Licht und Schatten aus dem Leben junger Mädchen 1871 Goeje, Reynoudina de F Translation 1878 Netherlands
50 Xreception Cron, Clara Zwei Töchter 1879 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1886 Netherlands
51 Xreception Davidis, Henriette Beruf der Jungfrau 1857 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1869 Netherlands
52 Xreception Davidis, Henriette Beruf der Jungfrau 1857 Perk, Betsy F Translation 1868 Netherlands
53 Xreception De la Motte - Fouqué, Caroline *Gedachten ener geloovige (piece in Het Morgenrood) 1820 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1821 Netherlands
54 Xreception De la Motte - Fouqué, Caroline *Uitgelezene verhalen (Read stories) 1816 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1818 Netherlands
55 Xreception Diez, Katharina *Theodorus Mintrop 1877 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1877 Netherlands
56 Xreception Diez, Katharina *Theodorus Mintrop 1877 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1877 Netherlands
57 Xreception Diez, Katharina *Oom Martijn (Uncle Martijn) ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1875 Netherlands
58 Xreception Diez, Katharina *Oom Martijn (Uncle Martijn) ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1875 Netherlands
59 Xreception Diez, Katharina *Heinrich Heine's eerste liefde (Heinrich Heine's first love) ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1872 Netherlands
60 Xreception Diez, Katharina *Heinrich Heine's eerste liefde (Heinrich Heine's first love) ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1872 Netherlands
61 Xreception Dincklage-Campe, Emmy von Die fünfte Frau 1873 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1875 Netherlands
62 Xreception Dincklage-Campe, Emmy von Die fünfte Frau 1873 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1875 Netherlands
63 Xreception Dincklage-Campe, Emmy von Die fünfte Frau 1873 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1874 Netherlands
64 Xreception Dohm, Hedwig Die Mütter : Beitrag zur Erziehungsfrage 1903 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1903 Netherlands
65 Xreception Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von Die Judenbuche 1841 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1923 Netherlands
66 Xreception Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von *Levensbeelden (Lebensbilder?) ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1915 Netherlands
67 Xreception Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von *Annette von Droste - Hülshoff, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1886 Netherlands
68 Xreception Düringsfeld, Ida von Von der Schelde bis zur Maas. Das geistige Leben der Vlamingen ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1876 Netherlands
69 Xreception Düringsfeld, Ida von Margarethe von Valois und ihre Zeit 1847 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1870 Netherlands
70 Xreception Düringsfeld, Ida von Schloss Goczyn 1841 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1841 Netherlands
71 Xreception Düringsfeld, Ida von Schloss Goczyn 1841 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1842 Netherlands
72 Xreception Düringsfeld, Ida von Eine Pension am Genfersee: zwei Romane in einem Hause (1851) 1851 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
73 Xreception Düringsfeld, Ida von *Ida von Duringsfeld, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Women's press: article 1876 Netherlands
74 Xreception Düringsfeld, Ida von *Ida von Duringsfeld, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1883 Netherlands
75 Xreception Düringsfeld, Ida von Von der Schelde bis zur Maas. Das geistige Leben der Vlamingen ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1888 Netherlands
76 Xreception Düringsfeld, Ida von Schloss Goczyn 1841 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1842 Netherlands
77 Xreception Düringsfeld, Ida von Schloss Goczyn 1841 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1843 Netherlands
78 Xreception Düringsfeld, Ida von Eine Pension am Genfersee: zwei Romane in einem Hause (1851) 1851 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1851 Netherlands
79 Xreception Egidy, Emmy von Mensch unter Menschen 1900 ~reader(s) female (member of Damesleesmuseum, The Hague) F Library catalogue (association, club) Netherlands
80 Xreception Else Hoffmann *Van knop tot bloem 1890 Junius, Sophia Margaretha Cornelia F Translation 1898 Netherlands
81 Xreception Fischer, Caroline Auguste *Het petekind (The godchild) ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1909 Netherlands
82 Xreception Fischer, Marthe Renate Das Patenkind; Thüringischer Roman 1907 Mercier, Hélène F Women's press: article 1909 Netherlands
83 Xreception François, Louise von Die letzte Reckenburgerin 1871 ~~author male (name below) M Article in the press 1873 Netherlands
84 Xreception François, Louise von Die letzte Reckenburgerin 1871 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1875 Netherlands
85 Xreception François, Louise von Die letzte Reckenburgerin 1871 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1874 Netherlands
86 Xreception François, Louise von Natur und Gnade 1876 Nijhoff, Hendrina Hermina F Translation 1876 Netherlands
87 Xreception François, Louise von *Louise von François, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1880 Netherlands
88 Xreception François, Louise von Natur und Gnade 1876 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Women's press: article 1876 Netherlands
89 Xreception François, Louise von Natur und Gnade 1876 ~~author male (name below) M Article in the press 1877 Netherlands
90 Xreception François, Louise von Natur und Gnade 1876 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1877 Netherlands
91 Xreception François, Louise von Die letzte Reckenburgerin 1871 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1874 Netherlands
92 Xreception François, Louise von Blanca ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1890 Netherlands
93 Xreception François, Louise von Die letzte Reckenburgerin 1871 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1882 Netherlands
94 Xreception François, Louise von Die letzte Reckenburgerin 1871 ~reader(s) female (member of Leesmuseum voor vrouwen Amsterdam) F Library catalogue (association, club) 1886 Netherlands
95 Xreception François, Louise von Natur und Gnade 1876 ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1879 Netherlands
96 Xreception François, Louise von Die letzte Reckenburgerin 1871 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Women's press: article 1874 Netherlands
97 Xreception Franul von Weissenthurn, Johanna Das Gut Sterrenberg 1830 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1834 Netherlands
98 Xreception Franul von Weissenthurn, Johanna Das Gut Sterrenberg 1830 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1833 Netherlands
99 Xreception Franz, Agnes Parabeln 1829 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1830 Netherlands
100 Xreception Franz, Agnes Parabeln 1829 Moens, Petronella F To be specified 1830 Netherlands
101 Xreception Franz, Agnes *Godsdienstige Harptokkelingen (Religious Harpplonks) ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1840 Netherlands
102 Xreception Franz, Agnes *Godsdienstige Harptokkelingen (Religious Harpplonks) ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1837 Netherlands
103 Xreception Franz, Agnes Parabeln 1829 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1830 Netherlands
104 Xreception Franz, Agnes Parabeln 1829 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1830 Netherlands
105 Xreception Franz, Agnes Parabeln 1829 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1832 Netherlands
106 Xreception Franz, Agnes *Godsdienstige Harptokkelingen (Religious Harpplonks) ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1838 Netherlands
107 Xreception Franz, Agnes Parabeln 1829 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1831 Netherlands
108 Xreception Frederich, Bertha *Dezelfde en toch eene andere (The same and yet a different one) ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1874 Netherlands
109 Xreception Frederich, Bertha *Dezelfde en toch eene andere (The same and yet a different one) ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1873 Netherlands
110 Xreception Freygang, Friederike von Lettres sur le Caucase et la Géorgie suivies d'une Rélation d'un voyage en Perse en 1812 1816 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1818 Netherlands
111 Xreception Freygang, Friederike von Lettres sur le Caucase et la Géorgie suivies d'une Rélation d'un voyage en Perse en 1812 1816 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1817 Netherlands
112 Xreception Friedrich-Friedrich, Emmy Friederieke Charlotte Der Trotzkopf 1885 Goeje, Maria Anna de F Translation 1893 Netherlands
113 Xreception Friedrich-Friedrich, Emmy Friederieke Charlotte Der Trotzkopf 1885 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Women's press: article 1886 Netherlands
114 Xreception Friedrich-Friedrich, Emmy Friederieke Charlotte Der Trotzkopf 1885 Jacoba F Translation 1885 Netherlands
115 Xreception Friedrich, Hermann Friedrich Der Heimgang eines Dichters 1874 Ackerlin-Gregoor, H.A. F Translation 1874 Netherlands
116 Xreception Fritsche, Christiane Sophie *Henriette, of de vrouw zo als zij zijn kan: een leesboek voor alle vrouwen (Henriette, or woman as she can be) 1800 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1802 Netherlands
117 Xreception Fritsche, Christiane Sophie *Huiselijke Toneelen, geschetst door Christiane Sophie Ludwig (Domestic stages, sketched by Christiane Sophie Ludwig) 1791 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1792 Netherlands
118 Xreception Frohberg, Regina Vergangenheit und Zukunft 1839 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1844 Netherlands
119 Xreception Frohberg, Regina Vergangenheit und Zukunft 1839 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1843 Netherlands
120 Xreception Frohberg, Regina Die Rückkehr 1824 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1826 Netherlands
121 Xreception Gaede, Hedwig *De zwaluwen (The swallows) ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1874 Netherlands
122 Xreception Gaede, Hedwig *De zwaluwen (The swallows) ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1873 Netherlands
123 Xreception Gersdorff, Wilhelmine von Ritter Robert Carre, Günstling des Königs Jacob von England 1828 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1832 Netherlands
124 Xreception Gersdorff, Wilhelmine von Ritter Robert Carre, Günstling des Königs Jacob von England 1828 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1830 Netherlands
125 Xreception Gersdorff, Wilhelmine von Belehrende Briefe einer Mutter an ihre Tochter 1820 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1821 Netherlands
126 Xreception Gersdorff, Wilhelmine von *Wilhelmine von Gersdorf, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1832 Netherlands
127 Xreception Gersdorff, Wilhelmine von *Wilhelmine von Gersdorf, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1833 Netherlands
128 Xreception Gersdorff, Wilhelmine von Belehrende Briefe einer Mutter an ihre Tochter 1820 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1821 Netherlands
129 Xreception Gersdorff, Wilhelmine von Belehrende Briefe einer Mutter an ihre Tochter 1820 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1821 Netherlands
130 Xreception Gersdorff, Wilhelmine von *De Belgische ridder ten tijde der beeldstormers: geschiedkundig romantisch tafereel (The Belgian Knight, during the iconoclasms: historic romantic scene) 1828 ~~illustrator (name below) U Article in the press 1840 Netherlands
131 Xreception Giese, Marie Feuerproben ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1883 Netherlands
132 Xreception Giese, Marie *Plicht en roeping; een verhaal (Duty and vocation; a story) 0 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1871 Netherlands
133 Xreception Giese, Marie *Plicht en roeping; een verhaal (Duty and vocation; a story) 0 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1870 Netherlands
134 Xreception Gleim, Betty Über die Bildung der Frauen und die Behauptung ihrer Würde in den wichtigsten Verhältnissen ihres Lebens 1814 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1815 Netherlands
135 Xreception Gleim, Betty Über die Bildung der Frauen und die Behauptung ihrer Würde in den wichtigsten Verhältnissen ihres Lebens 1814 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1815 Netherlands
136 Xreception Glümer, Charlotte von Die Waldenzer in Böhmem 1835 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1841 Netherlands
137 Xreception Glümer, Charlotte von Die Waldenzer in Böhmem 1835 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1840 Netherlands
138 Xreception Glümer, Charlotte von Die Waldenzer in Böhmem 1835 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1850 Netherlands
139 Xreception Glümer, Charlotte von Die Waldenzer in Böhmem 1835 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1839 Netherlands
140 Xreception Glümer, Claire von Alteneichen 1896 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1879 Netherlands
141 Xreception Glümer, Claire von Dönninghausen 1881 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1883 Netherlands
142 Xreception Glümer, Claire von Dönninghausen 1881 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1882 Netherlands
143 Xreception Glümer, Claire von Alteneichen 1896 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1879 Netherlands
144 Xreception Gumpert, Thekla von Vier Wochen Ferien 1847 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1852 Netherlands
145 Xreception Gumpert, Thekla von Das stumme Kind 1847 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1852 Netherlands
146 Xreception Gumpert, Thekla von Vier Wochen Ferien 1847 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1852 Netherlands
147 Xreception Gumpert, Thekla von Das stumme Kind 1847 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1856 Netherlands
148 Xreception Gumpert, Thekla von Das stumme Kind 1847 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1852 Netherlands
149 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Clelia Conti 1846 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1846 Netherlands
150 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Sibylle : eine Selbstbiographie 1846 Sophie, Queen of the Netherlands F Private collection 1860 Netherlands
151 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Venezianische Nächte 1836 Sophie, Queen of the Netherlands F Private collection 1860 Netherlands
152 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Cecil 1844 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1846 Netherlands
153 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von *Ida von Hahn-Hahn, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1845 Netherlands
154 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Clelia Conti 1846 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1847 Netherlands
155 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Doralice: ein Familiengemälde aus der Gegenwart 1861 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1865 Netherlands
156 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Die Erbin von Cronenstein 1868 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1874 Netherlands
157 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Clelia Conti 1846 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1848 Netherlands
158 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Sibylle : eine Selbstbiographie 1846 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1849 Netherlands
159 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Gräfin Faustine 1840 ~~author (name unknown) U Mention 1849 Netherlands
160 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Cecil 1844 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1845 Netherlands
161 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Von Babylon nach Jerusalem 1851 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1857 Netherlands
162 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Doralice: ein Familiengemälde aus der Gegenwart 1861 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1864 Netherlands
163 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Eine Schwester ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
164 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von *Der Verschwundene ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1867 Netherlands
165 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von *Das Document ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1868 Netherlands
166 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von *Ida von Hahn-Hahn, the author Rees, Catharina Felicia van F Women's press: article 1873 Netherlands
167 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Diogena 1847 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
168 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Sibylle : eine Selbstbiographie 1846 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
169 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Cecil 1844 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1845 Netherlands
170 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Cecil 1844 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
171 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Clelia Conti 1846 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
172 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Ein Büchlein vom guten Hirten. Eine Weihnachtsgabe 1853 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1856 Netherlands
173 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Diogena 1847 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1848 Netherlands
174 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Von Babylon nach Jerusalem 1851 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1852 Netherlands
175 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Aus Jerusalem 1851 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1851 Netherlands
176 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Ein Büchlein vom guten Hirten. Eine Weihnachtsgabe 1853 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1856 Netherlands
177 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Maria Regina. Eine Erzählung aus der Gegenwart 1860 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1861 Netherlands
178 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Zwei Schwestern 1863 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1864 Netherlands
179 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Doralice: ein Familiengemälde aus der Gegenwart 1861 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1864 Netherlands
180 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von *Ben-David ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1864 Netherlands
181 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Peregrin: ein Roman 1864 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1864 Netherlands
182 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Die Erbin von Cronenstein 1868 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1870 Netherlands
183 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von *De geschiedenis van een arm meisje (The history of a poor girl) 1860 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1869 Netherlands
184 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Von Babylon nach Jerusalem 1851 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1998 Netherlands
185 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Cecil 1844 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1846 Netherlands
186 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Von Babylon nach Jerusalem 1851 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1853 Netherlands
187 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von *Ida von Hahn-Hahn, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1870 Netherlands
188 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Legende der Heiligen 1853 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1857 Netherlands
189 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Cecil 1844 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1846 Netherlands
190 Xreception Hahn-Hahn, Ida von Von Babylon nach Jerusalem 1851 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1852 Netherlands
191 Xreception Hamm, Sophia van Emma Schönstedt, Gedenkschriften eener jonge vrouw ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1886 Netherlands
192 Xreception Hansson, Laura Mohr Das Buch der Frauen. Zeitpsychologische Porträts 1895 Savornin Lohman, Anna Maria de F Reaction to text or author 1898 Netherlands
193 Xreception Hansson, Laura Mohr Das Buch der Frauen. Zeitpsychologische Porträts 1895 ~reader(s) female (member of Damesleesmuseum, The Hague) F Library catalogue (association, club) 1900 Netherlands
194 Xreception Hansson, Laura Mohr Grillparzer 1875 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1877 Netherlands
195 Xreception Hansson, Laura Mohr Das Buch der Frauen. Zeitpsychologische Porträts 1895 Gerth van Wijk, Mej. Anna Maria F Adaptation 1896 Netherlands
196 Xreception Hartner, Eva Im Schloß zu Heidelberg. Historischer Roman aus der Zeit nach dem 30jährigen Krieg 1888 ~~editor male (name below) M Publicity 1889 Netherlands
197 Xreception Hartner, Eva Im Schloß zu Heidelberg. Historischer Roman aus der Zeit nach dem 30jährigen Krieg 1888 Huygens, Jeanne F Translation 1889 Netherlands
198 Xreception Hartner, Eva Im Schloß zu Heidelberg. Historischer Roman aus der Zeit nach dem 30jährigen Krieg 1888 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
199 Xreception Helm, Clementine Das vierblättrige Kleeblatt 1878 Jacoba F Adaptation 1880 Netherlands
200 Xreception Helm, Clementine Frieda's Mädchenjahre, und andere Erzählungen für junge Mädchen 1892 *Rosa U Adaptation 1893 Netherlands