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Found 17917 records
Author of work Work Publish year Receiver Gender Reception type Year Country
1 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary Grisly Grisell, or, The Laidly lady of Whitburn, a Tale of the war of roses 1893 Doedes, Aleida M.Th. F Translation 1900 Netherlands
2 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary The pillars of the house 1873 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1874 Netherlands
3 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary *De Weezen van den Predikant (The orphans of the vicar) 1874 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1875 Netherlands
4 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary *Charlotte Mary Yonge, the author ~~author male (name below) M Mention 1863 Netherlands
5 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary Unknown to history: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland 1882 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1884 Netherlands
6 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary Unknown to history: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland 1882 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1884 Netherlands
7 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary The Little Duke 1854 Ebbell, Clara Thue F Translation 1917 Norway
8 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary My young Alcides: a faded photograph 1875 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1880 Norway
9 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary Lady Hester, or Ursula’s narrative 1874 Koorders-Boeke, Marie Henriëtte F Article in the press 1875 Netherlands
10 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary Love and life; an old story in eighteenth century costume 1880 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1881 Netherlands
11 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary Magnum Bonum, or mother Carey's brood 1879 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1882 Netherlands
12 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary *De spelbrekers (The mopers) 1875 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1880 Netherlands
13 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary The heir of Redclyffe 1853 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1855 Netherlands
14 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary The three brides 1876 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1879 Netherlands
15 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary The three brides 1876 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1879 Netherlands
16 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary My young Alcides: a faded photograph 1875 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1877 Netherlands
17 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary My young Alcides: a faded photograph 1875 Doedes, Aleida M.Th. F Translation 1876 Netherlands
18 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary Lady Hester, or Ursula’s narrative 1874 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1876 Netherlands
19 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary Lady Hester, or Ursula’s narrative 1874 *Davina F Translation 1875 Netherlands
20 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary Love and life; an old story in eighteenth century costume 1880 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1882 Netherlands
21 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary *Gedenkschriften eener edelvrouw, eene bladzijde uit de geschiedenis van Frankrijk (Memoirs of a noble woman, a page of the history of France) 1880 Doedes, Aleida M.Th. F Translation 1885 Netherlands
22 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary Magnum Bonum, or mother Carey's brood 1879 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1882 Netherlands
23 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary The dove in the eagle's nest 1866 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1868 Netherlands
24 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary *De vrienden van den dokter (The friends of the doctor) 1860 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1865 Netherlands
25 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary Love and life; an old story in eighteenth century costume 1880 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1882 Netherlands
26 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary *Gedenkschriften eener edelvrouw, eene bladzijde uit de geschiedenis van Frankrijk (Memoirs of a noble woman, a page of the history of France) 1880 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Women's press: article 1886 Netherlands
27 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary *Rachel Curtis Kapteijn, Mej. J.C. F Translation 1867 Netherlands
28 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary *Gedenkschriften eener edelvrouw, eene bladzijde uit de geschiedenis van Frankrijk (Memoirs of a noble woman, a page of the history of France) 1880 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1887 Netherlands
29 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary The chaplet of pearls, or the white and black Ribaumont 1868 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1871 Netherlands
30 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary *Rachel Curtis ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1867 Netherlands
31 Xreception Yonge, Charlotte Mary The young step-mother, or, a chronicle of mistakes 1861 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1863 Netherlands
32 Xreception Žadovskaja, Julija Valerianovna Biser, *He did not dissipate flattering Phrases to me 1885 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1901 Slovenia
33 Xreception Zagorka, Marija Juric *Marija Juric Zagorka, the author ~~author (name unknown) U Mention 1898 Slovenia
34 Xreception Zamoyska, Jadwiga Działyńska (Countess) O wychowaniu [On education] 1907 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1914 Spain
35 Xreception Zapata Cárdenas, María Josefa *M. Josefa Zapata, the author Sáez de Melgar, Faustina F To be specified 1863 Spain
36 Xreception Zappa, Anita *Anita Zappa, the author Prunk, Ljudmila F Bio-bibliogr. compilation 1912 Slovenia
37 Xreception Zauli Sajani, Ifigenia Beatrice Alighieri 1847 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1861 Slovenia
38 Xreception Zayas y Sotomayor, Maria de Novelas amorosas y exemplares 1635 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Private collection 1722 Netherlands
39 Xreception Zayas y Sotomayor, Maria de Novelas amorosas y exemplares 1635 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Private collection 1735 Netherlands
40 Xreception Zayas y Sotomayor, Maria de *María de Zayas, the author ~~author male (name below) M Article in the press 1866 Spain
41 Xreception Zayas y Sotomayor, Maria de Novelas amorosas y exemplares 1635 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1731 Netherlands
42 Xreception Zay, Maria von Neue erzählungen 1830 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1861 Slovenia
43 Xreception Zichy Oršička, Josefa *Josefa Zichy Oršička, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Bio-bibliogr. compilation 1874 Slovenia
44 Xreception Zierikhoven, Catharina van Volkomen Neerlansch kookkundig woordenboek 1772 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1773 Netherlands
45 Xreception Zimmern, Helen *Eene geschiedenis van handschoenen (A history of gloves) 1880 ~~translator (name unknown) U Women's press: article 1883 Netherlands
46 Xreception Zimmern, Helen *Eene wandeling door Italie (A walk through Italy) 1880 ~~translator (name unknown) U Women's press: translation 1883 Netherlands
47 Xreception Zimmern, Helen *Biographie. Chinese Gordon ~~translator (name unknown) U Women's press: translation 1884 Netherlands
48 Xreception Zimmern, Helen *Biographie. Vambéry ~~translator (name unknown) U Women's press: translation 1883 Netherlands
49 Xreception Zimmern, Helen Maria Edgeworth 1883 ~reader(s) female (member of Leesmuseum voor vrouwen Amsterdam) F Library catalogue (association, club) 1886 Netherlands
50 Xreception Zimmern, Helen *De inrichting van den heer Jamrach (The furnishing of Mr. Jamrach) 1880 ~~translator (name unknown) U Women's press: translation 1884 Netherlands
51 Xreception Zitelmann, Katharine Wo liegt die Schuld? 1892 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
52 Xreception Zöller (Zoeller) Lionheart, Charlotte Belladonna 1890 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
53 Xreception Zöller (Zoeller) Lionheart, Charlotte Auf der Menschheit Höhen 1900 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1916 Slovenia
54 Xreception Zon, Sara Maria van Verzameling van stichtelyke gedichten 1756 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1756 Netherlands
55 Xreception Zon, Sara Maria van *Sara Maria van Zon, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1827 Netherlands
56 Xreception Zon, Sara Maria van *Sara Maria van Zon, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1852 Netherlands
57 Xreception Zon, Sara Maria van *Sara Maria van Zon, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1851 Netherlands
58 Xreception Zon, Sara Maria van *Sara Maria van Zon, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
59 Xreception Zrinska Frankopanova, Katarina *Katarina Zrinska Frankopanova, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Bio-bibliogr. compilation 1874 Slovenia
60 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Iride, nuove novelle 1881 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
61 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Addio 1877 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
62 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Anima Sola 1894 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1905 Slovenia
63 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Lydia 1887 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
64 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Iride, nuove novelle 1881 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1888 Netherlands
65 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Addio 1877 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
66 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Addio 1877 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation published in periodical press 1888 Netherlands
67 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Teresa 1886 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
68 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Teresa 1886 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
69 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Teresa 1886 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1889 Netherlands
70 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Lydia 1887 Boele van Hensbroek, Mej. F Translation published in periodical press 1889 Netherlands
71 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Lydia 1887 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1888 Netherlands
72 Xreception Zuccari, Anna *Anna Zuccari (Neera), the author ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1888 Netherlands
73 Xreception Zuccari, Anna *Nora 1887 *Marie F Translation published in periodical press 1888 Netherlands
74 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Un nido 1880 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1898 Netherlands
75 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Un nido 1880 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1898 Netherlands
76 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Un nido 1880 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1898 Netherlands
77 Xreception Zuccari, Anna *Levensmoede (Tired of life)) 1892 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1893 Netherlands
78 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Addio 1877 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
79 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Addio 1877 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
80 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Addio 1877 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
81 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Teresa 1886 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1888 Netherlands
82 Xreception Zuccari, Anna *Anna Zuccari (Neera), the author Prunk, Ljudmila F Bio-bibliogr. compilation 1912 Slovenia
83 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Anima Sola 1894 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1908 Netherlands
84 Xreception Zuccari, Anna *Anna Zuccari (Neera), the author ~~author (name unknown) U Mention 1897 Slovenia
85 Xreception Zuccari, Anna Anima Sola 1894 ~reader(s) female (member of Damesleesmuseum, The Hague) F Library catalogue (association, club) Netherlands
86 Xreception Zuylekom, Maria van *Maria van Zuylekom, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1792 Netherlands
87 Xreception Zuylekom, Maria van Osman en Ophelia : Treurspel 1790 Moens, Petronella F Article in the press 1856 Netherlands
88 Xreception Zuylekom, Maria van *Maria van Zuylekom, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
89 Xreception Zuylekom, Maria van Mengelingen in proza en poezij 1798 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1798 Netherlands
90 Xreception Zuylekom, Maria van Ismene en Celinde. In Brieven. 1792 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1792 Netherlands
91 Xreception Zuylekom, Maria van Osman en Ophelia : Treurspel 1790 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M Mention 1907 Netherlands
92 Xreception Zuylekom, Maria van *Maria van Zuylekom, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1846 Netherlands
93 Xreception Zuylen de Nyevelt, Hélène Betty Louise Caroline *Hélène de Zuylen de Nyevelt, the author ~~author female (name unknown) F Bio-bibliogr. compilation 1912 Slovenia
94 Xreception Zuzerić, Flora (Cvijeta) *Flora Zuzerić, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Bio-bibliogr. compilation 1888 Slovenia
95 Xreception Zuzerić, Flora (Cvijeta) *Flora Zuzerić, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Bio-bibliogr. compilation 1874 Slovenia
96 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina *Jacoba Berendina Zwaardemaker - Visscher, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
97 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina Ada Bermuda 1881 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1882 Netherlands
98 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina Het Toilet. Grootste en goedkoopste Modejournaal van Nederland ~~journalist (name unknown) M Women's press: article 1876 Netherlands
99 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina *Translation of: *Die vrouw van mij! Een Amerikaansch verhaal 1878 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Women's press: article 1878 Netherlands
100 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina *Translation of: *Dat is mijn man! Opgedragen aan allen die een gelukkig tehuis beminnen 1877 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Women's press: article 1878 Netherlands
101 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina *Translation of: Das Brautgeschenk von Emilie 1872 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1872 Netherlands
102 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina *Translation of: Das Brautgeschenk von Emilie 1872 Naber, Johanna W.A. F Adaptation 1917 Netherlands
103 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina Ada Bermuda 1881 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1882 Netherlands
104 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina *Translation of: *Vrouwenkarakters : novellen voor vrouwen en meisjes 1871 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1871 Netherlands
105 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina *Jacoba Berendina Zwaardemaker - Visscher, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1902 Netherlands
106 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina Bijeengegaard, schetsen en novellen 1880 ~reader(s) female (member of Damesleesmuseum, The Hague) F Library catalogue (association, club) 1900 Netherlands
107 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina Bijeengegaard, schetsen en novellen 1880 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1881 Netherlands
108 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina Ada Bermuda 1881 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1882 Netherlands
109 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina De ruïne van den Oldenborgh 1885 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1886 Netherlands
110 Xreception Zwaardemaker-Visscher, Jacoba Berendina Ada Bermuda 1881 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1882 Netherlands
111 Xreception Zwartte, Aurelia *Aurelia Zwartte, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M Mention 1910 Netherlands
112 Xreception Zwartte, Aurelia *Aurelia Zwartte, the author ~~author male (name below) M Mention 1730 Netherlands
113 Xreception Zwilgmeyer, Hendrikke (Dikken) Barbara Wind Daae Anniken Præstgaren 1900 Nissen, Fernanda F Article in the press 1900 Norway
114 Xreception Zwilgmeyer, Hendrikke (Dikken) Barbara Wind Daae Emerentze 1906 ~~editor male (name below) M Article in the press 1906 Norway
115 Xreception Zwilgmeyer, Hendrikke (Dikken) Barbara Wind Daae Anniken Præstgaren 1900 Voionmaa, Emmi F Translation 1904 Finland
116 Xreception Zwilgmeyer, Hendrikke (Dikken) Barbara Wind Daae Sommerferier : fortællinger for børn / af Inger Johanne [Summer holidays : stories for children / by Inger Johanne] 1894 ~~author male (name below) M Article in the press 1894 Norway
117 Xreception Zwilgmeyer, Hendrikke (Dikken) Barbara Wind Daae Mægler Porsvold og andre historier (MP and other stories) 1902 ~~editor male (name below) M Article in the press 1902 Norway