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Found 17917 records
Author of work Work Publish year Receiver Gender Reception type Year Country
1 Xreception Blessington, Marguerite The governess 1839 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1842 Netherlands
2 Xreception Blessington, Marguerite The memoirs of a femme de chambre 1846 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1853 Slovenia
3 Xreception Blessington, Marguerite The two friends 1835 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1839 Netherlands
4 Xreception Blessington, Marguerite The two friends 1835 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1840 Netherlands
5 Xreception Blessington, Marguerite The lottery of life and other tales ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1844 Netherlands
6 Xreception Blessington, Marguerite The lottery of life and other tales ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1846 Netherlands
7 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Frater Giovanno: En historie fra Fièsole 1905 Nuormaa, Hilja Dagmar Ernestine F Translation 1908 Finland
8 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Frater Giovanno: En historie fra Fièsole 1905 ~~Nutsbibliotheken Nederland U Library catalogue (public) 1910 Netherlands
9 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke *Jenny Blicher-Clausen, the author Onerva, L. F Reaction to text or author 1910 Finland
10 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Violin, et nutidsdigt 1900 ~~Nutsbibliotheken Nederland U Library catalogue (public) 1910 Netherlands
11 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Farbror Frans 1902 Logeman-van der Willigen, Dina Samuela F Translation 1903 Netherlands
12 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Farbror Frans 1902 ~~Nutsbibliotheken Nederland U Library catalogue (public) 1910 Netherlands
13 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Gyldenregn 1901 ~reader(s) female (member of Damesleesmuseum, The Hague) F Library catalogue (association, club) 1900 Netherlands
14 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Inga Heine, en nutidsfortælling 1898 ~~Nutsbibliotheken Nederland U Library catalogue (public) 1910 Netherlands
15 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Frater Giovanno: En historie fra Fièsole 1905 Logeman-van der Willigen, Dina Samuela F Translation 1905 Netherlands
16 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke En bryllupsrejse: Nutidsdigt 1894 Logeman-van der Willigen, Dina Samuela F Translation 1907 Netherlands
17 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Inga Heine, en nutidsfortælling 1898 Logeman-van der Willigen, Dina Samuela F Translation 1902 Netherlands
18 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Violin, et nutidsdigt 1900 Logeman-van der Willigen, Dina Samuela F Translation 1905 Netherlands
19 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Violin, et nutidsdigt 1900 Clant van der Mijll-Piepers, Jeanne F Translation 1905 Netherlands
20 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Violin, et nutidsdigt 1900 ~~author male (name below) M Reaction to text or author 1904 Netherlands
21 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Kjeld: En Gademalers Historie 1903 Logeman-van der Willigen, Dina Samuela F Translation 1904 Netherlands
22 Xreception Blicher-Clausen, Jenny Frederikke Sonja: En nutidsfortælling 1905 Logeman-van der Willigen, Dina Samuela F Translation 1906 Netherlands
23 Xreception Blind, Mathilde George Eliot 1883 ~reader(s) female (member of Leesmuseum voor vrouwen Amsterdam) F Library catalogue (association, club) 1886 Netherlands
24 Xreception Blokhuizen, Katharina *Poésies ~~author male (name below) M Reaction to text or author 1722 Netherlands
25 Xreception Blower, Elizabeth *Adrian and Stephanie, or the Desert Island: A French History 1818 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1819 Spain
26 Xreception Blumenthal - von Platen, Luise Johanne Leopoldine von Lebensbeschreibung Hans Joachim von Zieten, königlich-Preussischen Generals der Kavallerie, Ritter des schwarzen Adlerordens .. 1797 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation published in periodical press 1806 Netherlands
27 Xreception Blum, Lodoiska von Aus dem Leben der Armen 1882 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
28 Xreception Blum, Lodoiska von Die Hexe von Wrostowa 1880 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
29 Xreception Blum, Lodoiska von Der Doppelgänger 1886 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
30 Xreception Blum, Lodoiska von Tristan und Isolde 1892 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
31 Xreception Bobertag, Bianca Mit allen Waffen 1894 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
32 Xreception Bocard de Sainte Thérèse La Vie de Sainte Thérèse 1880 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1769 Netherlands
33 Xreception Bocard de Sainte Thérèse La Vie de Sainte Thérèse 1880 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1774 Netherlands
34 Xreception Bocard de Sainte Thérèse La Vie de Sainte Thérèse 1880 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1778 Netherlands
35 Xreception Bocard de Sainte Thérèse Manuel de pratiques de dévotion aux saints patrons du mois 1874 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1875 Netherlands
36 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& *Marie-Anne du Boccage, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Obituary 1802 Netherlands
37 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& *Marie-Anne du Boccage, the author ~~author male (name below) M Intertextuality 1833 Netherlands
38 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Private collection 1780 Netherlands
39 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1800 Spain
40 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1764 Netherlands
41 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& *Marie-Anne du Boccage, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1765 Netherlands
42 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1791 Netherlands
43 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& Lettres sur l'Angleterre, la Hollande et l'Italie 1768 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1798 Netherlands
44 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1785 Netherlands
45 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1796 Netherlands
46 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1757 Netherlands
47 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1788 Netherlands
48 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1787 Netherlands
49 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
50 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& *Marie-Anne du Boccage, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Biography 1782 Netherlands
51 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1780 Netherlands
52 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1791 Netherlands
53 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& *Marie-Anne du Boccage, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Obituary 1803 Netherlands
54 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Library catalogue (public) 1792 Netherlands
55 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& Le paradis terrestre 1748 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1750 Netherlands
56 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& *Marie-Anne du Boccage, the author Wolff, Betje F Bio-bibliogr. compilation 1765 Netherlands
57 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1777 Netherlands
58 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& *Marie-Anne du Boccage, the author ~~author male (name below) M (Literary) history 1794 Netherlands
59 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1760 Netherlands
60 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& La Colombiade 1756 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1765 Netherlands
61 Xreception Boccage, Anne-Marie du &&& Recueil des oeuvres 1762 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1759 Netherlands
62 Xreception Bochoven, Lucretia Christina van *Lucretia Christina Bochoven, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1844 Netherlands
63 Xreception Bock, Annie Simson und Delila 1894 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
64 Xreception Bock, Annie *Verzoeking (Request) 1900 ~reader(s) female (member of Damesleesmuseum, The Hague) F Library catalogue (association, club) 1900 Netherlands
65 Xreception Bock, Annie *Verzoeking (Request) 1900 Pelt, Corry van F Translation 1900 Netherlands
66 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Buiten de wet 1890 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
67 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Serena, gedichten 1898 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1899 Netherlands
68 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Sturmfels 1889 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
69 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Sturmfels 1889 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1888 Netherlands
70 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Sturmfels 1889 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
71 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe *Marie Agathe Boddaert, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1887 Netherlands
72 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Aquarellen 1887 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1888 Netherlands
73 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Sturmfels 1889 ~reader(s) female (member of Damesleesmuseum, The Hague) F Library catalogue (association, club) 1896 Netherlands
74 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Aquarellen 1887 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1887 Netherlands
75 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe *Marie Agathe Boddaert, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
76 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Sturmfels 1889 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
77 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Sturmfels 1889 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
78 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe *Marie Agathe Boddaert, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M Mention 1907 Netherlands
79 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe *Marie Agathe Boddaert, the author ~~author male (name below) M Schoolbook 1912 Netherlands
80 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe *Marie Agathe Boddaert, the author ~~author male (name below) M Schoolbook 1867 Netherlands
81 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Roswitha: verhaal uit de dertiende eeuw 1909 Boddaert, Marie Agathe F Women's press: article 1909 Netherlands
82 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe *Marie Agathe Boddaert, the author ~~author male (name below) M Schoolbook 1898 Netherlands
83 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe *Marie Agathe Boddaert, the author ~~author male (name below) M Schoolbook 1890 Netherlands
84 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Floris V : groote opera in vier bedrijven (vijf tafereelen) 1902 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M Mention 1907 Netherlands
85 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Aquarellen 1887 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1902 Netherlands
86 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Sturmfels 1889 ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1902 Netherlands
87 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Serena, gedichten 1898 ~reader(s) female (member of Damesleesmuseum, The Hague) F Library catalogue (association, club) 1900 Netherlands
88 Xreception Bodin de Boismortier, Suzanne Histoires morales 1768 ~~reader(s) male (name below) M Private collection 1773 Netherlands
89 Xreception Boele van Hensbroek, Mej. *translation of Ant. Guilio Barrili, La Montanara 1888 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1888 Netherlands
90 Xreception Boer, Francijntje de *Francijntje de Boer, the author ~~author male (name below) M (Literary) history 1864 Netherlands
91 Xreception Boer, Francijntje de Nieuwe Dichtproeven 1821 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1821 Netherlands
92 Xreception Boer, Francijntje de Dichtproeven 1815 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1815 Netherlands
93 Xreception Boer, Francijntje de *Francijntje de Boer, the author Moens, Petronella F Intertextuality 1820 Netherlands
94 Xreception Boer, Francijntje de *Francijntje de Boer, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
95 Xreception Boer, Francijntje de Gedichtjens voor kinderen 1818 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1821 Netherlands
96 Xreception Boer, Francijntje de *Francijntje de Boer, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1882 Netherlands
97 Xreception Boer, Francijntje de Gedichtjens voor kinderen 1818 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1843 Netherlands
98 Xreception Boer, Francijntje de Gedichtjens voor kinderen 1818 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1844 Netherlands
99 Xreception Boer, Francijntje de Nieuwe Dichtproeven 1821 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1823 Netherlands
100 Xreception Boer, Francijntje de Nieuwe Dichtproeven 1821 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1823 Netherlands
101 Xreception Boer, Francijntje de *Francijntje de Boer, the author Schilperoort, Anna Barbara F Mention 1826 Netherlands
102 Xreception Boëseken, Jacoba Johanna Tweede geschenk voor lieve kinderen 1834 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1835 Netherlands
103 Xreception Boëseken, Jacoba Johanna Anna van Lint, of de brave Dienstbode 1846 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1847 Netherlands
104 Xreception Boëseken, Jacoba Johanna De familie De Marisy, of, Wie op den hoogen God vertrouwt, heeft zeker op geen zand gebouwd 1844 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1845 Netherlands
105 Xreception Boëseken, Jacoba Johanna Anna van Lint in hare huisselijke en burgerlijke betrekkingen geschetst 1849 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1850 Netherlands
106 Xreception Boëseken, Mijnolda Adriana Antoinette De pleegzuster 1854 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1855 Netherlands
107 Xreception Boëseken, Mijnolda Adriana Antoinette De pleegzuster 1854 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
108 Xreception Boëseken, Mijnolda Adriana Antoinette *Mijnolda Adriana Antoinette Boëseken, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
109 Xreception Boëseken, Mijnolda Adriana Antoinette Geeske van den Elzenpas. Een verhaal op waarheid gegrond 1862 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1863 Netherlands
110 Xreception Boëseken, Suzanna Maria *Suzanna Maria Boëseken, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
111 Xreception Boëseken, Suzanna Maria Alcmenon 1851 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
112 Xreception Boëseken, Suzanna Maria Hillegonde : oorspronkelijk Nederlandsch verhaal 1852 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1853 Netherlands
113 Xreception Boëseken, Suzanna Maria *Karakterschetsen (Character sketching) 1850 Sophie, Queen of the Netherlands F Private collection 1860 Netherlands
114 Xreception Boëseken, Suzanna Maria Hillegonde : oorspronkelijk Nederlandsch verhaal 1852 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
115 Xreception Boëseken, Suzanna Maria Uit Gelderland, familieschetsen 1857 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1859 Netherlands
116 Xreception Boetticher, Clarissa Auf Befehl des Königs 1894 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
117 Xreception Boetticher, Clarissa Herbstblüte 1897 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
118 Xreception Boetticher, Clarissa Schwester Ilse 1896 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
119 Xreception Boetticher, Clarissa Zwischen Vater und Sohn 1898 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
120 Xreception Bogašinović-Budmanička, Lukrecija * Lukrecija Bogašinović-Budmanička, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Bio-bibliogr. compilation 1874 Slovenia
121 Xreception Bogašinović-Budmanička, Lukrecija * Lukrecija Bogašinović-Budmanička, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Bio-bibliogr. compilation 1888 Slovenia
122 Xreception Bogler, Agnes Auf ungleicher Bahn 1892 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
123 Xreception Böhlau, Helene Halbtier 1899 ~reader(s) female (member of Damesleesmuseum, The Hague) F Library catalogue (association, club) Netherlands
124 Xreception Böhlau, Helene Die Kristallkugel 1904 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1905 Slovenia
125 Xreception Böhlau, Helene Ein Sommerbuch 1903 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1916 Slovenia
126 Xreception Böhlau, Helene In frischem Wasser 1891 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
127 Xreception Böhlau, Helene Ratsmädel- und Altweimarische Geschichten 1897 ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (public) 1898 Slovenia
128 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La gaviota [The seagull] 1849 ~reader(s) female (member of Leesmuseum voor vrouwen Amsterdam) F Library catalogue (association, club) 1886 Netherlands
129 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Spaansche novellen (Spanish novels) ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1863 Netherlands
130 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La familia de Alvareda 1856 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1864 Slovenia
131 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Fernan Caballero, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1867 Netherlands
132 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La familia de Alvareda 1856 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1870 Netherlands
133 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La familia de Alvareda 1856 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1868 Netherlands
134 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Spaansch klaverblad : vier verhalen (Spanish cloverleaf : four stories) ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1871 Netherlands
135 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Clemencia: novela de costumbres 1852 ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1867 Netherlands
136 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La familia de Alvareda 1856 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1861 Netherlands
137 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Clemencia: novela de costumbres 1852 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1862 Netherlands
138 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Clemencia: novela de costumbres 1852 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1863 Netherlands
139 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La gaviota [The seagull] 1849 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1863 Netherlands
140 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La gaviota [The seagull] 1849 ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1867 Netherlands
141 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La familia de Alvareda 1856 ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1867 Netherlands
142 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Fernan Caballero, the author ~~author male (name below) M Biography 1910 Spain
143 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Relaciones [Relations] 1857 Sáez de Melgar, Faustina F Publication of original text (untranslated) 1863 Spain
144 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Fernan Caballero, the author ~~author male (name below) M Biography 1893 Spain
145 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Spaansche novellen (Spanish novels) ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1867 Netherlands
146 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Lucas Garcia 1864 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1864 Netherlands
147 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Fernan Caballero, the author ~~author male (name below) M Mention 1901 Slovenia
148 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Lucas Garcia 1864 ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1867 Netherlands
149 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Lagrimas 1860 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1864 Netherlands
150 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Lagrimas 1860 ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1867 Netherlands
151 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Fernan Caballero, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1859 Spain
152 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Fernan Caballero, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1867 Netherlands
153 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Clemencia: novela de costumbres 1852 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1867 Netherlands
154 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Spaansche novellen (Spanish novels) ~reader(s) female (member of Leesmuseum voor vrouwen Amsterdam) F Library catalogue (association, club) 1886 Netherlands
155 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Fernan Caballero, the author ~~author male (name below) M Article in the press 1861 Netherlands
156 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La flor del Lililá 1850 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation published in periodical press Slovenia
157 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Poslednja tolažba (The Last Consolation) 1865 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation published in periodical press 1867 Slovenia
158 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La gaviota [The seagull] 1849 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1864 Netherlands
159 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Fernan Caballero, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1865 Spain
160 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La suegra del diablo 1859 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation published in periodical press 1864 Slovenia
161 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Fernan Caballero, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Publicity 1861 Spain
162 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Las ánimas 1859 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation published in periodical press 1869 Slovenia
163 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Fernan Caballero, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1859 Spain
164 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Juan Holgado y la muerte 1850 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation published in periodical press 1869 Slovenia
165 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia Juan Soldado 1859 ~~translator male (name below) M Translation published in periodical press 1869 Slovenia
166 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Fernan Caballero, the author ~~author (name unknown) U Mention 1899 Slovenia
167 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Fernan Caballero, the author ~~journalist female (name unknown) F Women's press: article 1877 Netherlands
168 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Ausgewählte Werke (Selected works) ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Library catalogue (association, club) 1861 Slovenia
169 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Spaansche novellen (Spanish novels) ~~reader(s) (gender unknown) U Private collection Slovenia
170 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia La gaviota [The seagull] 1849 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1864 Netherlands
171 Xreception Böhl de Faber, Caecilia *Spaansch klaverblad : vier verhalen (Spanish cloverleaf : four stories) ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1870 Netherlands
172 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie A Constantinople 1867 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1872 Netherlands
173 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie Les tristesses humaines 1863 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1864 Netherlands
174 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie *Un homme de coeur ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1888 Netherlands
175 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie *Avondstarre (Sunset) ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1862 Netherlands
176 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie Il y a des pauvres à Paris... et ailleurs 1846 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1850 Netherlands
177 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie Le mariage au point de vue chrétien : ouvrage spécialement adressé aux jeunes femmes du monde 1843 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1847 Netherlands
178 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie Il y a des pauvres à Paris... et ailleurs 1846 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1850 Netherlands
179 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie Journal d'un voyage au Levant 1848 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1880 Netherlands
180 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie Les tristesses humaines 1863 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1864 Netherlands
181 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie *Madame de Gasparin, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1886 Netherlands
182 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie *Madame de Gasparin, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1859 Netherlands
183 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie *Ce que le ciel promet ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1861 Netherlands
184 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie *Madame de Gasparin, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1857 Netherlands
185 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie Le mariage au point de vue chrétien : ouvrage spécialement adressé aux jeunes femmes du monde 1843 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Mention 1846 Netherlands
186 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie Le mariage au point de vue chrétien : ouvrage spécialement adressé aux jeunes femmes du monde 1843 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1847 Netherlands
187 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie *Madame de Gasparin, the author ~~journalist (name below) M Mention 1863 Netherlands
188 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie *Avondstarre (Sunset) ~~translator male (name below) M Translation 1862 Netherlands
189 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie A Constantinople 1867 ~~author male (name below) M Egodocument 1872 Netherlands
190 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie Le mariage au point de vue chrétien : ouvrage spécialement adressé aux jeunes femmes du monde 1843 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1847 Netherlands
191 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie *Ce que le ciel promet ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1862 Netherlands
192 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie *Madame de Gasparin, the author Chijs, Mienette van der F Women's press: article 1870 Netherlands
193 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie A Constantinople 1867 ~~author male (name below) M Mention 1872 Netherlands
194 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie *Madame de Gasparin, the author ~~author male (name below) M Egodocument 1872 Netherlands
195 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie Vesper 1861 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1863 Netherlands
196 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie Au bord de la mer, rêveries d'un voyageur 1866 ~~Hoek, van der (Circulating library Leiden) U Library catalogue (public) 1868 Netherlands
197 Xreception Boissier, Catherine Valérie Il y a des pauvres à Paris... et ailleurs 1846 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1850 Netherlands
198 Xreception Bolmer, Josephine Geertruida *Anna van Bolmer, the author ~~historian of literature (male, name below) M (Literary) history 1888 Netherlands
199 Xreception Bölte, Amely *Nieuw Vrouwenbrevier (New Woman breviary) Amstel, C. van U Women's press: article 1877 Netherlands
200 Xreception Bölte, Amely Die Welfenbraut 1867 ~~translator (name unknown) U Translation 1870 Netherlands